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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Relax brother, it isnt that deep. People online always have opinions, you dont have to bite. As for the 150iq and awakening topic, i will give another answer. When your machinery is strong, it could be harder to not get controlled by it. To take a step back and be consciousness. If your mindd is very powerful, the task gets harder, altho with the right pointers and willingness, it should be easy.
  2. Read the guidelines of this forum, it extensively talks about the dangers of psychedellics. Have to be taken with great care and not for everyone. Read it
  3. I just think you can do the most important thing, being aware of awareness, while not taking psychedellics as well? We all store our own private DMT, Some activate it through meditation, I think meditation needs to be the most promited thing. Its free, legal, your own space. Some just cant take psychedellics, its illegal in many places.
  4. Consciousness should be banned for multiple accounts on the forum 😆
  5. Immediately rename to TheEgo, thank you brother for playing 🙏 Thread shows the dangers of people using psychedelics and not being ready for it. Who said you are mature enough for the truth? Your ego is running away with the truth, like it has just robbed the bank. This is painfully obvious by all your comments. Take psychedellics? I dont ride on a tricicle aand tell others they are bad riders for falling.
  6. I am not enlightened, I am both light and darkness Listen to the lyrics, notice they are true. The darkness of this world doesn't go away if you are not aware of it 💔 Darkness is unconscious
  7. Recently in another thread, I got prompted to watch a video about spacetime,and I was astounded how the video creator was speaking about Spacetime in the same way Spiritual individuals might speak of Consciousness - The canvas, as in, the most fundamental thing, that which allows us to be, that which allows the painting, life, etc. (1) It is logical to believe spacetime can exist without conscious agent (?), as in, the conscious agent may arise after certain unconscious spacetime events. (That's pretty much the normal "atheistic" view of the world, and I myself held it as true for a long time so its nothing insane to me, and probably to you too, if you forget about nonduality conditioning). (2) On the other side are those who believe/know that consciousness is fundamental, and is outside of spacetime and therefore primary and spacetime is just a result of it, basically the idea flipped, and making a Conscious "God entity" / non-entity which "created" spacetime itself, for further more complex paintings, life, but also "exist" independently of Spacetime and is completely untouchable and eternal. Why does one have to be wrong and the other right? Can there be a way we can say both of these are true? Paradox? Your thoughts on any of this? I find both these fascinating. I never watch something to agree with it or deny it, I simply love exploring and taking in new ideas from all directions. Fire your own at me.
  8. If you look upon other people as not IT, your realisation is not complete. How can you judge them? Consciousness works in mysterious ways. Please don't tell me you know how it beings all animals, insects, people! You talk about 150IQ individuals? They are exquisite works of Consciousness. Don't try to change anyone, reality is as it is, accept it!
  9. The guy talks about spacetime like we talk about consciousness. Absolutely beautiful. Don't be quick to disregard things as imaginary. The water you drink is imaginary? It quenches your thirst for real.
  10. In my home language (Bulgarian), the word for Being is closely linked with Life. In english, you wouldn't think its linked, just being. битие - being Funny thing, in Slovak битие appearantly means beating! In Russian, which I know is your original root, its бытие. I dont know if you ever examined the russian word, its probably also linked in meaning to simple life, like in Bulgarian. The word "битуване" meaning Living
  11. I think you're asking why this waking dream has rules and laws, unlike a dream at night (pure imagination) This is reality, natural spirals are formed, golden ratio stuff. The same ratio that makes up your body is the ratio in pinecones and in spiral galaxies. It's the real frequency, 1.618 Simple way to get the golden ratio, split stick in 2, one smaller one bigger stick. You want the small to big stick proportion to be the same as the big to the whole. Then you have it a/b = b/(a+b) a^2 + ab = b^2 Suppose a=1 1+b = b^2 b^2-b -1 =0 b= (1+-(Sqrt(1+4))/2 b= 1.618033... Or b= -0.618033... But since b is a length of a stick, it cant be negative, so its 1.618
  12. Some need to take life less seriously and others need to take it more seriously. It's about a balance between work and play. If everyone turns to comedian, who will sell you groceries
  13. Stop with this winner loser mentality. You just like my ego when I backlash My grandma always said, Don't spit upwards direction, because it's you the spit will fall to. Thats about the CEO of the company. You need to chill, take a step back and love everything. ❤️
  14. Ai doesnt feel emotionns, no pain and pleasure. Most important of all, it doesn't have light of awareness, knowing of being. Ai is an unconscious mind, it doesn't know of its own existence.
  15. We are living GTA 10
  16. You can, there was aa guy from this forum who recently asked Rupert Spira about solipsism. But its not about relationship guru and disciple, if you watched the Mooji meditation he specifically talks about how in That space there is no guru and no disciple. These are games of time. We talk about the timeless root.
  17. Im sorry man, its not intentional. These things are a mindfuck I am trying to get the conversation outside of mind and suggested practices. What more do you want? I am not here to feed you dogma or my beliefs.
  18. My bad Im not seeking anything, I was trying to help by getting my point across. I have no problem currently. If you are also not seeking anything from this conversation, everyone is happy! But you have a problem?
  19. Alligators are conscious breathers so they dont accidentally breathe in water 😆
  20. Wtf? 😆 alligators are conscious breathers, make sure you dont piss them off like that.
  21. Use this thorn to remove the other thorn, but don't forget to discard both thorns. You are not 2 things right? If I ask you how many Yous are there, a normal person would respond 1. That means you are either only the True self or only the Ego. What is the Ego? The Ego is what you THINK you are. So you are empty consciousness, but think you are the ego. So a pointing is needed to start dissolving your belief of who you are by being clearly that which you actually are. For this one needs to remove the objects of experience and rest in Himself. You do it every night in deep sleep and you come back from the source refreshed. Why not do it while awake? Meditation
  22. Correct way to let go, I already posted two Masters telling you how to connect to the deeper Self. Mooji and Rupert Spira.
  23. That's overthinking it. Try this Drop all labels, its never about the labels, but about what they point to.
  24. Ok lets not talk about God. Whether reality is a dream or not, real or hallucinated, the space in which it appears is absolutely real. That space is you. Dont take my word for it, during a dream You are inside your fantasy world. The same You that is conscious now is conscious in your dream. Everything there is illusory, except the You in which the dream appears. The same for waking. The space which holds your mind is undeniably real, and it cannot be perceived as an object. You already mentioned, the only way to know it is to be it.