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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. I am the screen of being and the movie is about a "real human" living "real life".
  2. I heard that what the Ego hates is a form of moving attention around the body in a circle ⭕. Does anyone remember this post? I think it was a very old post that has stuck with me, but Im sure I've forgotten the actual content and reconstructed the memory slightly differently. Does anyone remember? Can you remember? I think the method was called "Around the World" or something.
  3. What I mean you can see easily too: Just become aware of your direct experience. We're talking only about the visual experience right now. So in your experience, without referring to thought (past), what do you see? Do you not see an image just being? Only if thought gets involved there is the impression that there is a seer and a seeing. In actual experience, there is just the being of that image alone, without an entity that is being aware of it even. More like the image is aware of itself or more simply put, the image is simply being (in a mindfucky kind of way) .
  4. But I don't see seeing as part of 'what is', I see it as an addition by the working mind in order to have this conversation. Just like the use of the word 'I', that doesn't mean that the I is there.
  5. "My eyes open" is just a concept in my mind. In direct experience I see an image when "my eyes are open". The "I" is just a concept "see" is just a concept, all there is is the image in awareness, which is not a seer, it is a space for this image. The image is of 3d reality and perhaps of hands in the periphery hinting at a body perceiving this. But since there is only the image present in awareness and no seer, then where is the seeing? How can there be seeing without a seer?
  6. @Ether no, I will be mystical and say meditation does me so that my comment is more flashy
  7. And he makes some so deluded that he would never be alone again #EgoRocks
  8. I read it to my mother, because she keeps on judging me for my 'alternative' choices, while she drinks, eats meat etc, and because it is part of the culture it's somehow OK. But I like Indian culture more sue me Her response: Some people like poetry -.-
  9. I have a memory of 'death' or not being Human and entering into my current 'reality'. It's basically like seeing the whole movie you're about to enter, but from another dimensional point of view. It's pretty grand experience, I think it may be what people call this indescribable shebang. What I remember about it is that I saw many images and was amazed at how beautiful everything is. So beautiful, that I had to go 'down' there again... To the 3d
  10. Well there seems to be no looking either, there seems to be just the isness of it But I guess it can be seen/expressed in different ways
  11. When I see an image and add no thought to the perception, the image is self aware/there is absolutely nothing on the other side perceiving it, there is nothing except the present image. There is no enlightened mind, there is no anything, if thought doesn't swoosh in, just the image, being itself - nothing about existing on its own or connected to something else. This is your present moment experience too, do you deny it?
  12. forgot to add blank to the page. I kinda like the word blank, it gets me to some nice experiences. Also the word honey
  13. Obviously there needs to be the knowing there in order to know this emptiness. But the knowing IS the emptiness itself I think you are talking about the same no-thing/nothing and are just fussing over how it is described.
  14. Emptiness is such a clear concept. Yet people keep trying to add subtle somethingness on top.. I know im not qualified to speak with authority on this yet, but here's a cool related pic!
  15. @Joseph Maynor Yes, I also suffered from the same thing! The antidote was placing faith in the practice of No-mind! Thanks to Leo who gave me some sound self inquiry tips for my specific situation which made me fully accept and surrender to the practice <3 In other words, all I need to know is that which is in my direct experience, because the rest can always be belief, so I cant personally attach to something that I know could be just a story in my head, while previously I would have thought it's truth and defend it all day.
  16. @Joseph Maynor Yeah, there's an ocean of peace to be found in being ok with not knowing ?
  17. Follow truth,not mental masturbation
  18. Ok so you're just trolling, that explains a lot.
  19. Actually Santa is one of the best examples that the power of belief to create reality doesn't work. It can create delusions, but truth creates reality, not belief/thought - yes, thought is not truth. Why is it one of the best examples? There are so many children who trully believe. Children are of pure heart, if anyone's beliefs should create reality it's their beliefs. So where is Santa? My gifts always came from my parents
  20. For someone to curse me, they have to find me first... Im having trouble with that, what about someone else..... Thoughts are conditioned stories. They are not important. They need to be transcended. That's what we're here to do.
  21. Ok, so if my thoughts are that its not real, and your thoughts are that it is real, then what is it? Both? Or is it like voting, whatever the majority of the collective thinks, thats it? So then why would you think bad stuff are true if thats how it works??
  22. That's interesting that this thread pops up again exactly today. Last night I had a dream that I was conversing with some evil characters in my dream. Well I didn't really judge them as evil, but we all appreciated our joint interest in consciousness and spirituality. One of the guys said something along the lines of, "do you want to hear this cool evil mantra I know" and then spoke something rather satanic ? to which I replied something like: "Well I don't really believe in black magic yet, but I do believe in a version of Karma: If you do deeds with good/bad intention, your consciousness field gets "coloured" accordingly and at the end of your life this colour determines whether your next starting point will be a more favourable or a less favourable one". I think I might have talked some shady characters within me to slow down ?
  23. I also beat my own argument later by noticing that time is also within the absolute ? so God's experience is not one in a point in time ?