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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Really I don't understand. All im saying with my posts is that there is something absolute - a common ground between all forms of experience - including seeking infinity, not seeking it, being infinity and not being it. What I'm looking for is more like an anchor that I can become directly aware of in ANY situation, so that im not completely lost in the changing content
  2. I'm not talking about "No perspective" either. You have a belief that the infinite means No perspective, because Leo or someone else told you. You're thinking about it and making conclusions. So, I'm not talking about "No perspective" im talking about what is NOT a perspective. I'm talking about what is here ABSOLUTELY without a doubt. Good test for such a thing would be that even the doubt of it would arise in it. No death required to grasp it.
  3. Did not say that im after infinity or that im not after it. Your perspective can only be true if everyone is lying about absolute infinity. Contemplate. For there to be any knowledge about paths to the absolute, there needs to be someone who remained in their bodymind after being aware of it. In order for you to know that what you're saying is true, you must have experienced it? To know foor a fact? Please don't lie like that, not every bunch of text can be considered a valid perspective. It's clearly just your imagination. I'm contemplating the absolute which is also here now, so no death is required. If it's absolute it is here now.
  4. This is just meshing up a bunch of theories though. What I'm interested in is what is the common between all theories which will be absolutely true no matter what. One, whatever it is it has to be known, otherwise it's not relevant. Two, it has to be your present moment reality, because if it isn't it's again not relevant to talk about it. For example, let's take heaven and eternal nothingness. There needs to be a witness to know that heaven and there needs to be a witness to know that eternal nothingness, otherwise it will be just a "skip" action until the knowing appears. The point of Knowing is empty, it doesnt create duality. Even if it's only nothingness, then that nothingness knows itself, in order for this to be a possible afterlife. Or the heaven knows itself, although the concept of heaven allows for a wiggle room for there to be an actual ego self experiencing something external to itself which is amazing.
  5. But, there is still the knowing of it, or that Enlightenment knows itself by itself, but this means knowing is there. Otherwise how could anyone know of it or having experienced it? Also it's not like the absolute will happen in a space outside of "the now", even if it is a radically different experience / non-experience. So at least these two points hold even in the radicalness of infinity
  6. @Driven62 The root of all fear is identification with content. Try to see you're the empty point of knowing of your experience and not exclusively the bodymind you take yourself to be. This will give you more space within and you will stop caring so much about outer things. This can fix your problem in 2 ways : 1) You might find out that the simplicity of your life is a feature rather than a bug. 2) You will have more of a third eye view on things and they won't look so scary anymore. I speak from experience, because before I was suffering from constantly running through my mind that people are judging me for my skin problem. Now, that thought doesn't even appear in my mind.
  7. My Ego / My Mind / Me as an entity in the world is of the world, so it will act and be "wrapped up in" whatever genes and conditioning it is given. Then my Ego was given a "secret key". To be interested in the experience of being aware, rather than the stuff that are present within awareness. By using this key continuously, the true self is allowed to burst forward and one gets more and more the sense that one is not OF this world while being in it. So now there is no real separation between me and Ego. We are one. Actually I am even unsure why call it Ego. It's being. Only now it is less personal with Awareness at the top of the throne. You can say my Ego has evolved to a Wego. ?
  8. My favourite is... The only one that trully exists... Now ??✌???? But anyway, I'd say my favourite would be when I was staring at the Sun with closed eyes and was able to change the colours I was seeing simply by naming word commands. After which I was able to play around, create light and see things appear on the space I was seeing. Like they were appearing from my subconscious to fill in the gaps. I also trapped some light by quickly blinking while looking at the Sun and that light started to blink quicker and quicker as I concentrated on it, after which I clearly saw how it was an angel and it just flew away from my vision all casually ??.
  9. Can't follow step 1, because I am a frog. What can I say, I love my water more than my digesting.
  10. Here's an idea for game design. Yes, make it mindful. Perhaps make a game where a player gets penalised if they are not mindful. I personally was in programming, but got out of it because of the information overload at work that I was just supposed to know. You can imagine a guy who was trying to achieve a state of no thought and every day being bombarded by new things to think about. I dreamed of being homeless..
  11. It doesn't matter that it teaches about greater good and greater bad. For all I know this COULD be true or untrue. We can't know just because the ULTIMATE is not the greater good or the greater bad that those forces do not exist too. Those dualities of greater good and greater bad are already inside nonduality. The story about the apple that teaches that all our suffering began with eating the apple that started the duality of good and evil itself. Perhaps the apple represents identification with the body. It's sweet, but it's temporary.
  12. Enlightenment is the recognition of the smooth continuous being background behind all phenomena
  13. I am just now watching Leo's video on Deconstruction and am at 31st minute. This conversation came to mind. I tried to describe to you in words my present moment experience / contemplation. I was pointing at something, what I was pointing to was what I meant, which was something that was in your experience too. Like a tree, we can both point to it and say 'tree' without knowing all the other elements of it. We can point to what we mean and we can understand each other completely/100% without the need to understand every word completely/100% but only if it's something concrete. Well, on to the rest of the video. It's a fun one to play with for sure.
  14. Selfie before the word was invented #SelfieInquiry (This was animated year 1974)
  15. The bible is filled with Trojan horses of Truth
  16. I believe that paradoxes are used in order to make the mind quiet by surrender. Because mind will get overloaded at some point by the mindfuck nature of a paradox.
  17. Alternative healing is now one of my main passions in life. Anyone else have experiences with earthing? Perhaps it is right in our alley to help with energy work. The video is great!
  18. See? Someone might come to this thread just to correct him. Absolutely genius technique by an inspired young topic starter.
  19. I was ignorant about the fact that dogs suffer from the explosions. Ofcourse, they have hyper sensitive hearing.. But I never thought about it. I was ignorant about it, even though it is obvious once you know... Perhaps like other *fundamental* things we are ignorant of
  20. I'm "dwelling" here, "marinating" here, being here. The movie will unfold as it is supposed to. The seeds of grace are already planted firmly. Here is a video I just popped into ^^
  21. Who said I'm seeking infinity? That was perhaps your goal, it was never mine... I seeked emptiness and found it. It's exactly what you described in your prev post. The rest I take as it comes.
  22. YEAH, but I don't agree 'forget other stuff', once that freedom is noticed, all other stuff are just there to play with. It's not harming us in any way to learn for example about parallel realities or any other thing. As long as we don't seek ourselves or our happiness in those stuff, it's all good
  23. That's super strange, in my experience, running is a sure way to stop thinking. Also runner's high, ahhhh <3 I thought one of the main reason people like sports is because while you are physically active, the mind is too preoccupied/immersed in the activity to be thinking. Perhaps because you've been doing it so long it has become too routine for your mind and thats why it is blabbing about.
  24. Lol at Bentinho - "Eckhart Tolle unicorn spirituality" Bentinho hasn't grasped the teachings. Eckhart's not teaching the words he speaks, he's teaching the spaces between them ?