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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Yes, but what you are describing is not me. I am formless and indescribable. The conditioned me is not me. I am pure consciousness always, I can't help be what I am. I am riding on the top of existence. Aware, here, now.
  2. Even hell is heaven when you know yourself as the highest, formless.
  3. A: It doesn't look like anything you can imagine.
  4. I know it as Jnani. Knowing thyself
  5. That's an amazing quote, thanks Cetus
  6. The variations are infinite. You are riding on top of the infinite wave of life and you are that little helper, making small changes on the micro level, creating a unique experience never experienced before. Always fresh, no matter what happens. <3
  7. Jesus = Je suis (french) = I am Code broken
  8. Also don't underestimate meditation. It is always available and free. For those who want to be reborn and let the old self die.
  9. In this analogy the moon is the Ego / identification with mind and body, the Sun is the true self / awareness. It may appear that the moon is shining on one side and dark on the other, but it simply borrows the Sun's light, it has no light of it's own. This creates an illusion that the moon/body-mind is shining / aware, when in fact it is the Sun/awareness that is always what is shining/aware and not the moon/bodymind. Drop the moon and what remains is the Sun.
  10. If they aint discovered how do you know they are there :-D
  11. This sounds like wishful thinking unfortunately... Who do you think will have an easier time leaving behind their life form - a person who hated everything or a person who loved everything (just example)? If you loved everything you will have harder time no? To be honest, I can't imagine life without hands and feet, I will miss those the most. The thing is we can only taste life, unfortunately, there's no escape. Even for a freakin dodo
  12. Everything is made out of the Sun, but when the Moon starts claiming it's making its own light, it's obviously a mistake
  13. To the untrained eye it looks like a buncha people kicking a ball around into nets. If you have a better look, you will discover that it involves intricate tactics, strategies, long hours of hard work on the training ground, fun, excitement, leadership and teamwork. Due to goals being relatively hard to score, unlike in tennis etc, it gives a big boost of excitement when one is scored and a goal can be also very valuable depending on the situation. Football is a beautiful game. It's fun to watch, it's fun to play, it's simple to learn and hard to beat. There is a reason it is the best sport of the planet. (i know it's subjective, but overall)
  14. Default is acceptance yes, that's what awareness does.
  15. What is required is a continuous and constant awareness of acceptance of the present moment. Many different things may be happening in the field of the now, but don't comment on that. Look beyond what is happening and see the eternal you beyond form. Accept That and relax Now.
  16. Exactly. All details! Simply fine, simply fine as Eckhart says
  17. That's great progress, you have touched the beauty of the silent you. But in all situations you can simply be aware that you are aware, not only when you are alone and with closed eyes. From being aware that you are aware, you are experiencing the highest truth, one which only awareness itself can experience. From which follows you are awareness itself. Always aware field, always including everything in this present moment field, in a state of Love towards everything, even that which the Ego finds threatening / upsetting .
  18. Awareness accepts what is. In the present moment, you as awareness accept absolutely everything that is in awareness. The present moment is too slim for a negative life story. A story is told in time. A story cannot be truth. But it is only slim to the mind which thinks in past and future. In truth, past and future are slim and the present moment is Vast. Remain as awareness Heaven!
  19. +1 this awareness is all accepting, it is not an involved self, it is not bound by the matrix. Help me awareness kenobi, you're my only hope.
  20. I think we all know this, but science has discovered that matter is at least 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% empty space. This means that the human forms that we take ourselves to be are mainly emptiness. If we were to ask, what is the true nature of this form, even from the scientific perspective, we would have to concede that it is emptiness. Let's party
  21. What I would say to Charles is that by the same logic it's also not wrong to prosecute. Also it's not wrong to call things wrong.
  22. I once experienced my bed sheets moving while with closed eyes and then my soul or something started coming out of the top of my head. I was doing hardcore self inquiry to induce that. Got too freaked and opened my eyes. I was never paralysed really, but I was willingly not moving and exploring.
  23. I can clearly remember a dream in which i went after a thief who stole my gf's bags, i jumped in the car with him and manhandled both him and the driver. I would never do such a thing in real life. I did it in the dream, but I didnt know I was dreaming, so the dream Ego had characteristics different than my awake ego. Perhaps it's due to the shutting down of the logical side of the brain while asleep. Ps Releasing anger/aggression, I've read, is good for the heart chakkra.