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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Wowo, that's an old thread. I have another response to it. We signed up for a rare human experience. Why not live through it as the exotic human being avatar we are given. You'll be non-eating awareness for eternity, but an eating human for a tiny fraction, so enjoy it lol. The ruleset is tight on this bitch, perhaps go out of body to discover secrets and cheatcodes, but I know not!!
  2. @MiracleMan You are the present moment knowingness of experience (aka awareness, awakeness) Any doer in the field of your knowing is not who you are, you are the knowing. Look it up! Not on Google, look it up in the now, in your experience. Awareness is formless, but it's you. It's described also as no-self, because it has no form. It is the 0, the ground 0 of experience, but it's not nothing. Pure Nothing would be the lack of awareness. But no-one has ever experienced that. #FairyTales
  3. Your shower also doesn't exist when we talk philosophy, but you can still take a bath.
  4. If you're talking about the Rupert Spira vid here are two more which can be of use And
  5. @1liamo78 btw in that space, was there the possibility for self inquiry? Perhaps that is the ticket out? Becoming aware that you are the awareness?
  6. They say you cannot really imagine God, so at least we got that going for us. But now that you say about electronic reality.. I do have a distant memory of an experience when I was a kid where I get sucked into these pipes, like indescribable and it was like hell... It feels like I've repressed this memory, its only a small impression I have... Maybe was a dream.
  7. What spiritual teacher... Find God! Sounds like only God can help there.
  8. Perhaps pray to God for help? I guess when shit hits the fan, that's when we find our faith in a saviour. Perhaps you've been in that place and perhaps it was God that took you out and will again and again.
  9. Interesting. I understand now. I know nothing is really other than us (like other people in a dream are just manifestations of our own mind/subconscious) so what do you think, is this some grand game God is playing with himself? Seems pretty elaborate.
  10. @Samra So there was an alien who went inside of you and sort of like possessed you? If I understood correctly. Was that alien only part of your imagination do you think or was it as real as I would say my grandmother is? That sounds creepy as hell. Do you think, if it is a real entity, that it has left your system? Sorry im a newbie in this area.
  11. @Ferdi Le The great Alan Watts once said (and I'm paraphrasing): We do not do meditation and the likes in order to achieve something, we do them because it is a groovy thing to do. Like dancing
  12. Thank you, I'll make sure to make a date with the park on those days.
  13. If you believe there is no self, that is a wrong belief that is used to untie consciousness from egoic identity. But is ultimately false. Consciousness IS and that is what the seeker seeks.
  14. I love star gazing, cloud gazing, moon gazing and Sun gazing. Those can trigger deeper experiences. ... One time after star gazing, I went home, closed my eyes, looked up with closed eyes and saw little light dots as if I am seeing a perfect night sky. I was like woah!
  15. Well, there is no seeker, once it is found. The self in fact IS found. It just doesn't have any objective qualities.
  16. I mean what I said. It is a story of accomplishing impossible feats. Like finding the seeker.
  17. Humans are famous for trying impossible things and succeeding! #BestEgosInUniverse
  18. Except awareness , that's why its so special and talked about in this spirituality thing
  19. For us it shouldn't make a difference. Are your dreams at night predetermined? Your actions in them? Isn't it more fun to just enjoy them and not analyse to oblivion ?
  20. It's not virtual or it would lag ? That's the number one reason I hate technology sometimes. I believe it's more likely to be the dreaming of God - pure eternal awareness.
  21. I have done self inquiry from the list you mention, but what supercharges my practice is listening to the psychedelic 5-Rupert-Spira-DMT on the nature of consciousness.
  22. Viking is confused, he needs a doing. It is a doing until the find part. You seek the changeless, you realise it is you experientially, the search is over. You cannot find the changeless on the object side, but it is there with every object. The knowing element without which no object of perception would be knowable. Being it is the only way to know it, it cannot be seen as an object, it cannot be smelled, it cannot be anything objective. It is quite magical to be that.