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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. I still remember our math teacher was using his middle finger to point to the chalkboard as we were snickering like schoolboys. He was using it not to flip us off, but because its the longest and I guess it felt better for him to point with it. Middle finger is our convention, because it looks like a dick, the dick is between 2 balls, in the middle, so its normal that the thumb is not representing that. Nah bro, you might not realise it, without opposable thumbs, we wouldn't be able to do anything. You might think you're not using it and still use it without noticing. You simply cant. Thats the difference between us and other animals. You win class clown award 😆 perfection, lold hard. Truth cannot be spoken in words 😆
  2. Thats exactly how gambler rationalizes gambling. You want to be helpful to society in some way. I can make profit playing actual texas holdem, but i know its a game of sharp diamonds, not a game of hearts. If I am winning from it, some poor soul is losing. I'd rather get a salary from a job that does something meaningful. Not to be rich because I had right timing on an investment. What is your end goal after investing? Is it not to convert it back into dollars? Say your investment goes 10x. Do you take profit? What happens to the new silly buyers once old buyers start taking their profits? You go to the bahamas and they go begging on the street, thats what happens.
  3. Stocks massive bubbles too, everything is a bubble, nothing is safe. The only thing safe is having a job and not gambling
  4. you are overthinking a lot. I jumped from the 6th floor of a large building and started flying. How could I have experienced flying if I never experienced it in real life, i cant know what flying feels like without actually flying. And no, flying with a plane or watching someone fly doesn't give you the actual sensation of flying like superman. I am not talking about the visuals, flying is much much more than the visuals! My advice, dont overthink, you can have real creative fresh new idea. Who thought of a chair, had they seen a chair before? Car? Lets relax a bit! Stay grounded
  5. Blahahaha , im not arguing about obvious. You trying to think about the now and trying to get an image of the now. The now is not a point in time, it is eternal. Verifiable , you have never experienced anything outside the Now. Just look man, I am tired responding to you from past debates, because you are here to argue and dont really follow pointers. Presence and the now are synonymous. Present moment, the now! Im not here for word games, takes away from the thread and dillutes it.
  6. True creativity is possible and its happening now. The here and now is the only place and time where creativity exists. The only thing "solid" is the Now. Some say reality itself is a hallucination or dream. Whether real or unreal, the Now is the Now, Period. Its absolutely the Now, beyond any doubt, whether you are awake or asleep and dreaming. The now is the now, and if reality itself is a hallucination, then there you have it. Look around the room or your city, and you will know what creativity the Now possesses.
  7. What are atoms made of, atoms? 😱 What was that? atoms are 99.9999999999999% empty space ? Whats that empty space made of.. 🤔 Taking the materialistic stance on spiritual section of the forum, you are asking for trouble 😆 I mean its so easy to prove there are things not made of atoms, EVEN IF you ignore that atoms are almost completely empty. Every one of your thoughts, feelings, sensations, they are not made of atoms. Its beyond obvious, so obvious I didn't think it needs pointing out, but hey, you seem to be pretty sure everything is matter. Ever heard of consciousness? Not all dreams are from memory, and its first time I hear that memories are stored as atoms lulmao. Anyway, i had a lucid dream where I am flying, I experienced real flying without ever doing it in real life. I've also experienced being actual spiderman and was swinging on buildings and running from the cops and baddies trying to get me. Real experiences, 0 atoms. But even if they were experiences made of atoms somehow, atoms themselves are almost completely empty, so it takes a much bigger leap of faith to believe in solid matter than in emptiness itself as the building block of reality.
  8. You're telling me that girl I made out with in my dream and felt her wet tongue was made out of atoms? Great googly moogly!
  9. Awakened person cannot spot his own self #jokes #I'llseemyselfout
  10. -But it's already the case! +Yes! -Then I'm already Awake! +Yes! -Then why u tellin me I must practice more? +Cuz you don't know what you are Top lols
  11. @BlessedLion we need the bottleneck hehe
  12. I've read before, that with meditation quality is more important than quantity. A very focused meditation done once intensely or in the right way, with the right pointers can be more effective than a daily practice.
  13. But in your signature, Osho talks about a mystery.. is it a mystery, you seem to have solved it?
  14. @Someone here saying reality is a dream is to say that awareness is dreamed. Nuh-uh! Awareness may be dreaming or it may be "waking "dreaming"", but it itself is not dreamed nor waking "dreamed". Therefore, awareness is reality, to say then that reality is a dream is precisely to say that awareness is a dream, which it ISNT! Any dream or non dream is within the REAL awareness.
  15. Thatd just it, the investigation of actual dreams at night leads to the discovery that there is something REAL there, which has no form. It is NOT experienced, but is real. The dragon in the dream was not real, but the awareness that knows the experience IS real. You dont imagine the awareness and it is the same 0awareness in dream state and in waking state. To know 0awareness in its purest form, ignore waking and dream, go straight to deep sleep. Deep sleep is the zip file I mentioned. Notice deep sleep not an experience, or in other words, an experience where there is no you and no other. You can also not ignore waking and sleep and think about what is the common denominator between them. You will find out it is You that is common, but not the form obviously. That which is always there is real, and the only thing always there in all 3 states is the 0. So 0 is definitely real, and everything within it may or may not be imaginary, its not my job to label it, I am only interested in That which is definitely real.
  16. By your own definition of the world, solipsism, your direct experience IS concepts and fantasy. How do we reconcile that? Do you get that in your worldview your direct experience is fantasy? And you appear to treat it as real, and judge me for talking about concepts and fantasy, how come? A solipsist should be the first to not trust his direct experience, but you use it as your proof?
  17. @Someone here Just like conscious and unconscious, the number 5 implies the other side of the coin, negative 5. Add them together you get 0, the coin is 0 and now this coin can represent any number. Same 0 for 5 and -5 as is with 100 and -100. reminds me of reality, we have one coin (being) and a multitude of different numbers, incredible diversity! That doesn't make sense to you or what?
  18. Again this is hearsay. As said by Leo in one of his profound videos, not in his exact words, but along the lines of 0 is like a zip file that contains everything, its not nothing / thin air, it is everything condensed With a math map this is true, so I trust it. Think of all numbers from negative to positive infinity, now if we add them all up, we get 0. Ofcourse its tricky adding infinite series, but you can see that every negative number has a positive counterpart, and cancel out.
  19. @Someone here simple exercise to prove my point Think of a pink parrot. Where was the image of a pink parrot before it surfaced to the conscious mind? Now pink parrot is consciously imagined, but while that is conscious, where is the red, white and green parrot? Now you thought of those red, white and green parrot and forget about the pink parrot. The pink parrot image has returned to the vast dark unconscious and you focus the light of consciousness only on the parrots you decide to be conscious of. The other images are readily available in the deep dark unconscious for the powerful light of consciousness to access.
  20. Thats your hearsay. I have no proof that I am creating the unconscious/subconscious. Conscious and unconscious should be seen like the 2 sides of the same coin and the coin can never have only one side. One side of the coin doesn't create the other. They are both created simultaneously, or always exist simultaneously without the need of creation. Ofcourse when you experience parts of the unconscious, they become conscious, but now other things continue to be unconscious outside of your reach. By definition. And you ignore it only because you can never experience it.
  21. @Someone here Does the conductor (conscious mind) control the orchestra (unconscious mind) or the orchestra control the conductor? Is there only an orchestra, or only a conductor? If you want good music, you need both. Only orchestra will be disorganised, only conductor will be silent. One needs the other to get the music! The conductor is one and small, but very important, the orchestra is large and powerful, but in need of guidance. Ying and Yang should not be stirred into a homogenous mess. You need the contrast between conscious and unconscious.
  22. Its beyond obvious, you need to be small and limited in order to hone in and execute small tasks, seeing everything in great detail and being able to interact with things. For a bee to polinate a flower, to a man shmoozing a girl, there are myriads of completely different things that can be done in reality, and you are not conscious of all of them. What you are given is one alive being, you have no conscious control over the bees for example. You don't even have full conscious control of your own body.
  23. Do you deny the isness of the subconscious under the surface of consciousness? If you were conscious of everything right now you wouldn't be able to operate in this world.
  24. Yes, fractals and stuff. All things in the universe rhyme and all life exhibits similarities, from spiral galaxies to the human body, to the flowers, we share the same golden ratio. I know your isness and the bee's isness and my isness are the same, but all 3 of those experiences are completely different. Yet we share this one Isness Being, but being is not an experience. Most Solipsist are confused, as they confuse what they are in essense with their experience and we will have arguments.