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About Mirra

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  1. I think an 800-page book from Leo would do people better.
  2. Not really. It's like a philosophic version of tiktok, like little bites of something to tantalize. It's like philosophical consciousness porn. I'd like some longer-form content like a book from you or something though, with whatever format or creativity or structure you want.
  3. @Schizophonia Canada produced Skinny Puppy. And they have universal healthcare. Surely those two things distinguish them enough. And I'm not opposed to Canada joining the US or even a one-world-government, just opposed to a trumpian one-world-government.
  4. Canada's history is defined by not being the United States. Also they fought a war against the US in the 1800s. And they are a member of the Commonwealth, which means they have Charles as their king.
  5. A cop here kills an innocent dog. It's pretty hard to watch.
  6. Falsehood, Death, Suffering, and Darkness also have to be infinitely intelligent because infinite intelligence is required to separate from the infinity of Truth, Life, Bliss, and Light. It's unconscious to him, but on its own in some emanations it's conscious, right? From the nonhuman world? The same force working through Hitler is going to try to make another crack at it.
  7. Could you elaborate on the Devil? In your video on the Devil you talk about the intelligence and cunning of how Brother Justin from Carnivale plans on taking over. But then Trump is just really dumb.
  8. Feeling the body harbor the powerful electricity and force. Will do so for six hours everynight. It affects all objects within the visual system too, regardless of distance or propioception, even people on a screen or through a window.
  9. Imagine if the rat takes a psychedelic they come into contact with the mind of a human observing it. The rat can get a "taste" of something above it or a flash. And the people here use trataka in darkness, scooping up energy, and alteration of perception to explore other realms and shapeshift. https://www.reddit.com/r/castaneda/