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Everything posted by Misty

  1. Hi, I've been watching Leo's videos for about a year now, getting all the "Aha" moments but actually doing nothing to improve my life. Finally, I signed up in the forum after watching the How To Be A Strategic Mother****** video. I'm 26, female, repeatedly postponing my medical school exams for two years now. I have been in med school for 8 years (it should've only been only 6; I should've been graduated two years ago). I also gained a significant amount of weight (BMI: 33), lost my social life, sitting home all day to basically "catch up" studying in order not to postpone my graduation further. Where I live, doctors spend 3 more years after graduation until they finally get a specialty. So in a nutshell, my academic, personal, and social life are a mess. And they've been a mess for over 2 years. I think big of myself everyday. I want to graduate, look good, pursue further medical education in the US, UK or Australia, be in a relationship, reconnect socially with people. On the other hand, what I actually do is pitying myself, postponing, eating, not exercising, making excuses. It's like I'm expecting to magically do better one day. I've been seeing or dealing with no more than 6 people and they are all family. I go out once a week on average. I feel undersocialized, and maybe this is why I signed up to this community. My question is: Which one of the messes I'm in, must be fixed first? Which one should I "strategically" act upon, so that a chain reaction occurs and things start getting better for me? I will really appreciate it if you give me advice based on your knowledge / experience. Thanks.
  2. Thank you so much @OceanJjb, I really appreciate it. I hope you well in your problem. You stated that right. I will take your word. Starting from next week, I am committing to take my nutrition seriously once and for all. Maybe because I'm afraid that most probably I won't clear my exams on time; at least I will have an evident change in my weight and physique to "shut everyone up" (my academic situation is causing me a lot pressure from family and relatives...) And could you please connect me to this doctor's journal? That is a great idea ... Thank you.
  3. Thank you! I will definitely start with my nutrition .. Appreciated (:
  4. Sorry if that's the wrong forum! I just realized the "Self-Actualization" one would've been more suitable to post this.