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About diegogomez42

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  1. These companies dont need an investment such as this, as it stands its well known that the limit for llm size coherency has already been met with current technological development, they dont need such money until they figure out llm coherency at larger scales. Right now Xai seems to be leading the race with the largest achieved llm supercomputer with full coherency, yet Xai arent in the proposed contract by trump.
  2. i think it comes down to 100 percent confidence in 100 percent verifiable reality, a genius is confident, a madman will lie about their arrogance to themselves, warped perspective.
  3. Science does not exist until we realize it in direct awareness. And then the resolution changes depending on a whole range of factors. Or is this post not specific enough? Because you can substitute science for any other object and the same is true in relation to what i wrote?