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Everything posted by Genius100x

  1. Low IQ doesn't mean anything. I just posted related to this.
  2. Hey Rafael, I just found out a technique of posting images without consuming server space. Go to and upload your image, then paste your URL here, it will be automatically embedded here.
  3. which doesn't redirect to fishy sites. is fast, smooth and simple. has many download quality options, MP3 as well. can download very long videos too. yt1s is good but it redirects to other sites.
  4. What's the difference between PTSD and complex PTSD in symptoms? It may or may not be PTSD but there are indeed some effects due to abuse. Like neurotic behaviours. low mood 24x7. etc.
  5. By finding a job or an out-of-the-box business...etc. By moving out OR running away (leaving my family forever). That depends on the situation. One thing I know for sure is that there are 1000 ways of escape for me. Becz the world is so so enormous. (It has 8 billion people and too many things...). I just haven't figured out an escape route yet. Someone must be there in the world who needs me. 〰️〰️〰️ When a really tough situation arises, and we crumble and die, we are dead. But when we somehow go through it, it makes us stronger (more resilient) , Sometimes I think God has designed my life in such a way that I will have hard times (and I'll have strong suicidal thoughts) but I won't be able to kill myself, so that I can grow and be more conscious. It's a plan of God maybe. Edit : And "tough" is a relative term.
  6. I rejected them. But I could have died if I had a gun or a lethal neurotoxic poison which kills instantly.
  7. @Sugarcoat I believe you will survive. I will survive too. I will prepare well before it becomes unbearable.
  8. Yes I get it. But some of them are mild suicidal thoughts, you can reject them because you know you won't do it just because of small problems. You'll do it only when problems get big enough. Maybe it's easier said than done. 〰️〰️ Sometimes, even due to small issues I get suicidal thoughts but I quickly reject them because I know I won't commit suicide just because of such small issues. When I have strong suicidal thoughts, it's very hard to reject them.
  9. Haven't you completed the movie yet? Now tell me in PM what you wanna tell. @Buck Edwards
  10. Also, realize that there's no point in being in the middle. Either choose full life or full death. Because if you know that you will contemplate suicide, and then when you are just about to kill yourself, you retreat back, what's the point of contemplating? Only when you are 100% sure about suicide, you should contemplate it. If you know you WILL live, don't contemplate it. 〰️〰️ I forget this again and again but sometimes I realise this basic common sense.
  11. Laptops are less convinient than smartphones and much more vulnerable to attacks. I watch yt on phone. I have a laptop but don't wanna use it for YouTube.
  12. Bro don't you understand this simple truth that there exists no selflessness/altruism in this world. Everything a person does is because of selfishness. Even when we show empathy, we are being selfish. Becz there is a certain type of pleasure in showing empathy/compassion. We seek pleasure. Everyone does. What if your altruism starts giving you ACTUAL pain instead of pleasure, would you still do it? NO. 〰️〰️〰️ There's a subtle pleasure in everything we do, even if we can't see it. There is some sort of pleasure in anger too. In grieving too. We love others not because "we love them" but because "we love ourselves". Even we are selfish in love too. (Talking about romantic love, not metaphysical Love). 〰️〰️〰️ Don't fight your reality. Reality is that you are selfish. You can't be selfless. But when someone says you have to be selfless, it means you have to treat others as you want to be treated.
  13. My intuition says y2mate is fishy. Yt... , y2.... Are fishy. They belong to the same group maybe.
  14. I knew. But it's also fishy. First It's not opening. And then there are so many "savefrom" sites that makes it suspicious.
  15. This is fishy. There are many named similar to yt1s , y2meta, etc. All of them have nearly the same interface. They redirect to fishy sites. All are controlled by the same group maybe.
  16. Same thing I wanted to say to the mod. So which one do u @Leo Gura use for yt downloader? 〰️〰️〰️ Btw, I use Brave browser for extra security and ad blocker. Not Chrome. 〰️〰️〰️ When I download your 3-hour long videos, some sites show error.
  17. Bro. Why PM? If you can't write it in public then it must be fishy. Btw my PM is not opening.
  18. @Loveeee 7000 females and 26000 males are on this forum (numbers might be misleading, still...). Why? If population of both genders is almost the same? I think females are NOT more conscious than males because they are more focused on relationships/family/society. And they probably confine themselves or they have different biology. But females are better in humanity/goodness score. Also females are physically softer so they are less likely to be hooligans or thugs. They don't develop because they are not challenged intellectually, because our society has fixed roles for them (baby care, homemaking, cooking, beauty/makeup 💄/sex). NOT talking about the EXCEPTIONS. In general this happens.
  19. I said I am flowing with life in the sense that I am not deciding currently about life or death. I am just living my life whether it's good or bad. 〰️〰️〰️ I am trying to stick to habits for many years, but my habits (changes I make) are very short-lived. Hopefully I will create strong habits in near future with strong determination. I do have some coping mechanisms. I vividly imagine a daughter whom I am parenting maturely and with love and sweetness. This is one of the biggest reasons I wanna live. I journal and vent out my thoughts (like I did on this forum.) I see those who are suffering much more than me. @Jayson G 〰️〰️〰️ I think this won't change them or the situation. @El Rio
  20. There's no God outside my reality. I don't pray to any God. If God exists, that's me and my reality. Sometimes it's my coping mechanism to convert pain into self love. I love myself and smile at myself in tough times. But other times the pain becomes unbearable and I want to sleep forever....Because I love myself. So I can't see myself in pain. God is in me and I talk to him. 〰️〰️〰️〰️ @Jayson G thanks a lot for this post...
  21. Disclaimer: No one was harmed making this. Read the top comment. 〰️〰️〰️ Enjoy.
  22. I want to do bro. And I'll do stuff if I am alive. One thing is very clear to me. Either I will die. Or if I survived, I will do strive to be on my full potential. I will never give up trying untill I am in this life. Even if I am the weakest human on Earth. 〰️〰️〰️ I have a habit of explaining things in detail becoz I doubt people got my points or not.