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Everything posted by Genius100x

  1. Honey, how is it relevant? Past or future. Nothing in past tense. Either you are not getting me or I am not getting you.
  2. You mean that I should be more trusting. What if they cheat? Both are important, love/trust and awareness. I don't care about my future relationships or my own personal life. I just wanted an answer to this problem, (which I have got already). It's not my personal dilemma.
  3. @Keryo Koffa I was in existential crisis when I first gained consciousness. I couldn't remember what happened before that. I said, "what the fuck", I didn't know such thing as before? Who am I? "Whyi am not like others?" "Why I am trapped in this body?" Can something exist? EXISTENCE was very surprising. I was also doubting, "maybe all other people are fooling me, maybe this is a conspiracy of others against me". But as life moves forward, you have to forget these things, otherwise you won't be able to do your work and survive. So I have put philosophy for future. Not leaving it. Just postponing. @Leo Gura says in solipsism video, "your parents didn't give birth to you". How come I came into existence? Is this all a constructed story?
  4. You are addicted to sobriety now. Sobriety is a good and a higher pleasure. You might be feeling liberated and peaceful. Self love feels good.
  5. I have realised these lines very well : People who pray are full of shit. National anthems are full of shit. Reason is full of shit. Logic is full of shit. Debates are full of shit. Debunkers are full of shit. IQ tests are full of shit. Judges are full of shit. Lawyers are full of shit. Terms of service are full of shit. Disclaimers are full of shit. First world countries are full of shit. Third world countries are full of shit. Apologies are full of shit. Awards and medals are full of shit. Marriage is full of shit. Weddings are full of shit. Funerals are full of shit. Bad people are full of shit. Good people are full of shit. Criminals are full of shit. Honest people are full of shit. Law-abiding people are full of shit. People who say they love you are full of shit. Victims are full of shit. Among many obvious ones. Yet to realise many others that belong to this list.
  6. Why Rapes Happen? Toxic masculinity. Patriarchal mindset. Male ego. Lack of heart. Lack of life. Lack of feelings. Lack of understanding of females. Apathy towards females and no interest in understanding females. Many animals are produced in the society who don't have anything other than body and savageness. So they don't have even 0.001% empathy. They are stone hearted wild animals. That's why they do extreme brutality while raping. Violent porn. Sexual urges plus objectification of women. It's in the cultural DNA of many humans that a woman is an object of consumption. Everyone in society is programming us to : consume, consume, consume. Toxic males like Andrew Tate, misogynistic songs, misogynistic movies. More in-depth contemplation and research is required on this issue.
  7. Some insightful posts :
  8. Leo has always something insightful or juicy to write in a topic. I wanna read his 50k posts. It's because he has enormous experience. He has read over 500 books and countless other materials. Quote by Leo Gura.
  9. Yes this is the answer. There is always a tiny risk in everything. We shouldn't be overly cautious, due to some edge cases. Things can go horribly wrong with ANYTHING, not just in relationships. With some wisdom, we can know in most cases whether it's true love or not. True love feels different. We know when we experience it. Easier said than done. We do become dependent. Bcz of our emotions.
  10. But here is the catch. Badass artists will never let you know their reality. If they do everything what a genuine lover does, then what? I won't debate. I know this is so ridiculous. Do not derail this thread. I am not talking about gender at all. This is a problem of both males and females. Ur statement simplifies the dynamics of trust by suggesting rigid roles for men and women. It implies that women must inherently trust men while men should only trust themselves. Healthy relationships thrive on reciprocal trust and understanding, not on one-sided expectations. I don't even understand what do u mean by "free will".
  11. Ridiculous concept. What if a female betrays a male? Gender is irrelevant here. How on earth trust is a feminine quality?
  12. There's a difference between loving children and being a pedophile. See its definition. People are saying that it's only fantasy and there's nothing wrong in fantasy. So is it okay to fantasize raping someone and say it's just a fantasy? Is it okay to fantasize the same about mothers whatever you are doing with small children? It should be okay , according to your logic, "it's just a fantasy". Yes fantasy isn't harming anyone. But it still shows who YOU are. Don't talk about exceptions where a person is watching a lot of violent movies and is very peaceful and sweet in real life. Talk about the probability. If someone watches too many violent movies, follows Tate, and plays violent games, what is the probability they will exhibit similar behaviors in real life ? β€’β€’β€’β€’β€’ And whether sex with a doll is moral or immoral, is a construct. Maybe you can have sex with dolls (there are many types of dolls, why are u interested in child dolls only? ) . I can agree that it's normal. But don't imagine children in ur sex. (just like u don't imagine ur parents...) And don't be a pedophile. It's not normal. It's gross.
  13. That's a different matter. Don't change the meaning behind my message.
  14. Again it's NOT about a child doll. It's about YOU as a human. How much greatness you have. The point is this : When you have sex with a child doll, you don't think it's imaginary, for you it's REAL. And this shows that IF IT WERE ACTUALLY REAL, you would do the same (with real children).
  15. Bro it's not about having sex with a child doll. It's about your humanity. What are you being as a human? When you do this thing, it shows YOUR level of consciousness. Non living objects don't matter. A conscious human would never feel good in such acts.
  16. I am sorry I didn't know your background. I can somewhat understand now. Sometimes even I get stuck in such things.
  17. It has become too repetitive and boring. Still people get stuck in the same again and again. It's common sense.
  18. Lol Upvotes πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Simple things shouldn't be made complicated.
  19. I get it. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
  20. @Schizophonia @LoneWonderer @Princess Arabia @El Zapato @hyruga If someone can't articulate themselves well, how can one write a useful answer? I couldn't even understand yet what she even wants to become. She has been writing very short answers. At least we should know the context or background. Or if it's too subtle or complex to put into words, then this thread is pointless. I m seeing only mental masturbation here. Not real solutions.
  21. Its pinned comment is worth reading.
  22. I enjoy reading spicy articles filled with figures of speech and wit. I also like reading texts (on yt comments, this forum, etc.) with ridiculous grammar (and no sense at all), as they make me laugh for a long time. I wonder how can someone be so weird ? It amuses me. Some people literally write ANY RANDOM THING. As if they are drunk. (remembering some yt comments). An example on this forum (signature of a banned user) : I like poorly written texts. They amuse me.