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Everything posted by PhilBen

  1. Both sides are not construct-aware, and they justify killing each other. Very simple. Zionism is an illusionary project. Ok... but why does this guy seem to think that Zionists are more responsible than the Palestinians for the craziness that is happening? Is it because they currently have more power? Is the victim free from its responsibility of being attached to a presumed, limited, and mortal identity? Anyway, I do agree that it only takes one to do their part for the relationship to change. The classic: It takes two to tango. So maybe the westernized Jews are closer to that and should therefore be pressured (?) What do you guys think?
  2. I've been watching the videos shared here, and it has been quite transformative. I grew up in a Jewish community here in Brazil, and basically, the only narrative I heard throughout my childhood and adolescence was the traditional Zionist one. The exercise of investigating self-bias and self-deception has been special. Especially on the topic of whether or not it is an ethnic cleansing project, I found those two texts, and I’m curious about what you all think of these counterpoints. The first is from an Israeli soldier, and the second is from a left-wing Zionist (so I'm aware of bias risk): It seems to me that Zionists are very insistent on making these theoretical distinctions between apartheid, colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. And that makes sense to me, but I know that, in general, these distinctions have been used to hide atrocities, ignore Palestinian suffering, and deny its direct connection to terrorism against Israel. What has been revealed to me so far is that it is much more of an unconscious ethnic cleansing project carried out by Jews who were desperate for security than a consciously designed plan to expel Arabs. What do you guys think after reading both texts?