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About Ode

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  1. One of my favorite Leo's videos is the Making sense of Jordan Peterson, I loved the analysis of Jordan's work because it gave me an objective view of his views and teachings but also the shadow and biases. Osho is also very interesting character to many people (including me) and I've watched a lot of the videos and listened his talks. However I haven't really seen any objective analysis of any of it. Osho is very controversial character and people either hate him or love him. Analysing Osho with the big picture in mind could just be impossible, but if somebody could do it, it's Leo.
  2. Life Is Beautiful it's funny, it's clever, it's tragic and it will make a grown man cry. There is something very special about this movie I love it.
  3. Less social media is a good start. Also I think you should learn to see the inauthenticity in those posts because most of them really are inauthentic, especially those where something seems to be 'perfect'. It's always a facade because nothing is perfect in that traditional sense of perfect.
  4. I've always struggled with the nature of information. Internet and AI makes information super accessible but also there is so much of it and most of it is conflicting. For example I just recently tried to find how much d-vitamin do I really need to take and it's really hard to find something that is agreed upon. So who to trust? What sources to use? Why those sources over others? The d-vitamin example is a simple one but there are so many. Titles: The Nature of Information, What is Information?, Who comes up with information?
  5. They event have it as json: https://github.com/busterbenson/public/blob/master/cognitive-bias-cheat-sheet.json I have an idea to make this into a small web project so that you could quickly check the meaning of each bias with some examples. It's probably done already but it would be great way to learn these myself.
  6. There are not many frameworks of thinking that has helped me to understand the world more than spiral dynamics has. It's amazing tool, but I think it can also become a trap and I feel like that's a trap that I will walk into at some point if I have not already.
  7. This finnish guy has some amazing chill vibes grounded outdoor / trekking content. He speaks finnish but has subtitles in his videos.