Aether Phoenix

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Everything posted by Aether Phoenix

  1. @Da77en, thank you so much for sharing your detailed insights and practical examples. They resonate deeply with me and clarify how to approach my fears. I love the suggestion of using movies or other stimuli to activate specific fears. I have been doing this more without stopping and have noticed some differences. The problem is that one of my fears was that "Movies can negatively control me, my emotions and my states." I learned to zoom out the movie in intensity, lowering the effect to the minimum. I hope I didn't break this method. I understood the movie's capacity to change you is just a belief. My current fears are more related to animals, but I’m sure I can apply the same process by watching videos that trigger those specific fears. It’s helpful to know that starting small, like watching just 30 seconds of a video to activate the fear and then processing it, can be applied across different types of worries. Lastly, the subreddit recommendations are beneficial! I’ll explore these as a resource for safely exposing myself to various triggers. Thank you again for your wisdom and encouragement. I’m excited to continue experimenting with this approach and see how it transforms my relationship with fear. It would be incredibly helpful if you could guide me a bit in the future, whenever you feel it’s appropriate. I truly appreciate the insights you’ve shared so far.
  2. @Da77en thank you so much for the information and perspective you provided. It really helps me at this moment in my journey. Your insights resonate deeply with my desire to let go of fear and expand consciousness. Your approach has inspired me to explore and implement this in my journey. I’ve noted how to integrate your process and love the idea of using fear as a gateway to understanding. It makes confronting fear actionable, and I’m excited to experiment with it. Could you share a practical example of how you apply this? For instance, do you prioritize your fears upon waking? For example, I have a fear of going crazy; from what I understand, I might watch a movie on madness and ask, “What would I have to believe is true to feel this fear?” Can you share other practical examples of things you do to trigger the fears? I was experiencing your method: Do you recommend doing that with contractions on the body since fear should create them? Thank you again for sharing this wisdom. I’m eager to put it into practice and see how it shapes my journey.
  3. Hi everyone, I’ve been following Leo’s content for over 10 years, and I recently had a self-inquiry experience that shook me to the core. I was deep in conversation with a friend, fully engaged, trying to convince him that he doesn’t really know who he is. After about three hours, something shifted, and things started to feel surreal. Suddenly, my heart began to race, and my awareness changed. I had this strange urge to scratch my eyes, almost like my body was reacting to some internal shift. I felt an intense fear, as if I was fighting to hold on to myself. My friend even said that I was looking a bit insane. He thought I was having a panic attack. What made the situation even more overwhelming is that my wife, who is going through a tough time, was incredibly upset with me for not being there for her. She has never been this upset before, and it felt like my world was collapsing both internally and externally. It all seemed to happen at once. To add a bit of irony to the situation, these symptoms started just as an Uber arrived to pick me and my friend up. As I got into the car, I was trying to hold on to my sanity (looking back, it was such a bizarre moment, almost laughable in its absurdity). Afterward, I had a really sad discussion with my wife, where she expressed her pain, and I felt immense guilt. At the same time, I was terrified to even think about who I am, fearing that I could slip back into those symptoms and lose myself all over again. The fear was overwhelming. I’ve also been contemplating deeper ideas about time. Just yesterday, I watched a beautiful video by Rupert Spira where, for the first time, I truly grasped that time doesn’t exist. It was a profound and liberating realization. Here’s the video if anyone’s interested: Rupert Spira - Time Doesn’t Exist. While the insight was powerful, everything happening in my life made it hard to fully integrate. There’s an extra layer of fear for me, though. Both of my parents are schizophrenic, and I have a deep fear of becoming insane. So now I find myself wondering if I should even continue this self-inquiry process. I know I’m seeking external validation by asking this, but maybe I need to take extra care given my family history. Should I keep going, or are there risks I should be aware of? Any advice, especially from those who have been through similar experiences, would be deeply appreciated. How can I proceed without feeling like I’m losing my mind, or worse, risking the relationships I care about? Thanks for reading. I could really use some guidance here.