Gonzo Durden

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About Gonzo Durden

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    London, United kingdom
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  1. Thanks man, i dont have access to anything other than mushrooms and maybe a bit of LSD. I also dont think i actually have a naturally high tolerance i might just get distracted whenever im tripping and end up experiencing the effects in a fun recreational way instead of to develop myself spiritually like i intended.
  2. I have been perusing what some might call an "ego death" for a while now, i understand that some of you might think it probably isn't advisable to be chasing this powerful psychedelic state but i am quite curious as to how exactly it feels to experience it and how i can implement the lessons i learn there into my personal development. I have tripped around 5 or 6 times in the past to year and while some of these experiences were valuable in their own way i was always quite underwhelmed with the intensity of them, i even resorted to doing lemon teking 7.5 grams once only to be met with the same experience i had felt every other time, mild euphoria coupled with some interesting visuals and thats literally it. I ended up feeling quite frustrated reading trip reports of people "seeing the true nature of reality" or "meeting god" whereas for me all mushrooms could ever do was make me see some colourful distortions and feel funny. I realised recently that i might be because the visual stimulation i get while tripping from walking around a park for example is actually distracting me from the true wisdom that the mushrooms were unlocking in my subconscious mind. Therefore i think for my next times experiencing mushrooms i am going to use a blindfold in a dark and silent room to force myself to introspect without any outside stimulation to distract me. Im curious from anyone who has tripped in similar states of sensory deprivation what i can expect and if 3.5 grams is enough for me to get them most out of this experience. Any information or anecdotes would be appreciated.