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Everything posted by TruthFreedom

  1. OK So Leo claims that everyone you see in so-called "real life", is a dream character. He claims that the reason they tell you they are real is because the "dream would come to an end" if they didn't do this. My question is, from my perspective, why is "Leo" the only dream character who contradicts this rule. What makes the dream character "Leo Gura" so special? 🤔🤣
  2. People who try to hurt me end up seriously ill or they die. 😃 🤣
  3. I've realised I am God. Therefore I have ultimate power. I have decided to end all problems, and bring Heaven to Earth. There is now no poverty, war or illness of any kind. I guess the world was just waiting for me to announce this, as I am God after all. You're all welcome. 🙂
  4. I did a shit and I threw it out the window. It hit an old lady. Oh no, she's calling the police. Thanks for the advice, mate
  5. I believe we are two sad individuals arguing over nothing on an inconsequential forum, on an inconsequential planet.
  6. Yeah, thanks for your concern "bro", I don't drink any more.
  7. Oh, so now you're saying that God is a separate entity. I've won this argument, get a life.
  8. Watch your leg before you break a step.
  9. maybe true, but I have a bigger dick than you.
  10. I believe in nussink Lebowski, I cut off your johnson!
  11. That;s just like...uh...your OPINION, man.
  12. And TruthFreedom is also a projection of your mind, Sir God.
  13. That's what one ego would say to another ego. I thought God was talking here?
  14. But everyone can see that ExploringReality is the most intelligent, and above everyone, that's obvious.
  15. You saying that TruthFreedom is not conscious, is creating duality. Wake up.
  16. If solipsism is true, then it's all me. But I wouldn't argue with myself. So all these people on this forum cannot be me, because some of them disagree with me. If I say now "OK solipsism is true", then I would be the only thing in existence and I would have control. If this is the case, then, yes, I am God - and I am deciding that all wars should end. Peace will come to the planet permanently. Heaven is now on Earth, because I am God, and it is my will. Game over.
  17. He contradicts the rule because he made the solipsism video in which he is my dream character, yet he is trying to end the dream, which no other dream character would do, up until the point I watched the video.
  18. When I first got into spirituality after having an out-of-body experience, I read about him. I was mostly wanting to explore astral projection, and for a few years I was in communication with a group of people who were involved in Gnosticism. I tried for a while to leave my body at will every night, but my only out-of-body experiences happened when I wasn't trying. I was younger, and I suppose my physical form was less dense, which made entering the astral plane easier. I don't take it seriously any more, haha.
  19. It's all well and good to forgive people who have wronged you. I've learned that lesson. But it's also good to know that if you open yourself to the possibility that as a man/woman of God, acting as righteously as possible, then you are protected by a supreme entity, who will not let the evil one's fuck with you. I have a Pulp Fiction poster on my living room wall (you know, the Ezekiel quote?) which always reminds me that as a man on the righteous path, I am always protected.
  20. "We believe in nothing Lebowski! We cut off your johnson!"
  21. Something to do with manifesting and law of attraction.
  22. OK, here's my situation. I was diagnosed schizophrenic aged 21 and basically my life was put on hold because I was in hospital for the whole of my twenties. I was given money from the government as I am technically disabled, which was enough for me to be comfortable. I accepted that I would just live off these benefits for the rest of my life, as my condition is considered incurable, and I am always going to get this money for doing nothing. It means basically I get enough money to survive and do some fun things, but I'm by no means rich. Problem is I have just now set a goal for myself to own a house by 2030, and I need a way of earning enough money to do this. I have basically never worked because I didn't need to, and I have only qualifications from high school, and next to no money saved up. Yes, this sounds ridiculous. A broke, mentally-ill guy with no qualifications or work experience, expecting to own his own house in five years. But one thing I do have is the right mindset. I have this inner confidence and drive that I have mustered somewhere from within myself, and I am prepared to do what it takes to achieve this goal. Although I don't have anything to show for myself externally, I am highly skilled in some domains and very intelligent as well. Some people have even described me as a "super-genius". However, I still don't know how to go about making this money, so I decided to ask on this forum if anyone has any ideas of what I could do to earn enough for my dream to come true. I will need to make at least €200,000 in next 5 years. I am 37 by the way.
  23. Yes, I can see that. Selfish endeavours do not lead to lasting fulfillment anyway. And I listened to you when you said in one of your videos (remind me which one?) "Money and sex will not bring you happiness. You can see that right? I hope you can see that" (something like that). I am talented in the music domain, so maybe you would suggest my goal should be to provide as much enjoyment to people through my guitar playing/singing as possible, and forget completely about how much money I earn or what I'm going to gain from it. But the thing is Leo, I want to have a concrete (there's a pun there) goal to aim towards. This keeps me focused and on track. It's not wrong to want a house for myself. And "providing enjoyment for people" is not a specific goal, and goes on indefinitely. The goal to own a house by 2030 will give me something definite and solid to aim towards.
  24. I have a vision. I'm not going to share the specifics of it, but I can picture it in my mind's eye. I am in the process of manifesting a new life. I can picture the location, the people I am going to be with, and the job and house I am going to have. I was so caught up in Spirituality and meditating that I neglected the practical realities of what it takes to live a fulfilling life. Now I am filled with renewed ambition, and I am prepared to work every day towards achieving this dream. The process will be challenging, but I am prepared to do what it takes to overcome the obstacles. I have an idea regarding something that will help in manifesting this reality. If I can create an actual image (or number of images) on my computer that I can look at every day, which represent the life I am aiming at, I believe this will motivate and inspire me to move confidently towards it. Does anyone know of any "image creating" software that could help in creating a realistic (possibly AI) digital image that would depict me in the scenarios which I can visualize in my head? Thankyou.