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Everything posted by TruthFreedom

  1. I am attempting to achieve unconditional happiness which does not depend on anything external. I achieved it for a few weeks 6 years ago. I can't understand why it left me. I thought it would be permanent. But for those few weeks I was in pure ecstasy and bliss.
  2. It was experiencing consciousness in it's purest form, separate from matter, It was becoming God, Hence the repetition of the phrase "Oh My God!!" Best experience of my life It was multiple spiritual orgasms.
  3. It's easy to assume that some random guy who has an alcohol problem cannot be enlightened, But that is a very unenlightened assumption.
  4. I know it's easy to fool oneself. But I genuinely achieved enlightenment, I was laughing hysterically, saying "oh my god" over and over again. I had been meditating non-stop for weeks.
  5. They still do sometimes. Testicles, as well as toys.
  6. My life prior to this thread was a tragedy. Now I know it is a comedy!
  7. Well, yeah, because you need to use drugs. I did it completely sober. But your videos definitely helped.
  8. That's what UnbornTao isn't realising, hahaha I've admitted that my "experience" has not been wholly positive since achieving enlightenment, Which he/she assumes means that I never reached that state. Hahaha!
  9. Of course it was an experience! Hahaha Everything is an experience. Keep digging
  10. You must still have only a conception of enlightenment. I have seen the other side, believe me.
  11. Possibly. Maybe I should have used my enlightenment in a more constructive way, rather than sitting around ordering pizza.
  12. Seeing as a "location" depends on "something else" being located "somewhere else" Can we say that anything actually has a location? A location refers to something always in reference to where it is, relative to something else. 🤔
  13. Yeah TruthFreedom, I'm in your mom's bedroom Lol
  14. That croco-spider has TEN legs. Aren't croco-spiders only supposed to have EIGHT?
  15. How can I actually believe that anything exists beyond my direct experience, right here, right now? There is literally no evidence to suggest that there is anything beyond what I am experiencing right now.
  16. If a waffle was a binnacle, then syrmising fate would not be biblical If truth is a pancake...... Then why are bicycles?
  17. Solipsists claim that all that exists is "the mind". Now, I know "I" have a mind. And if what soilipsists claim is true, then MY mind is THE mind. Now, I can understand that MY mind is the only thing "I" can experience. But it is clearly not the ONLY mind in existence. All that is required is a little logic to realise this. Simply by listening to other people speak, one can deduce that OTHER PEOPLE have different thoughts to one's OWN. Look in the mirror. You have a HEAD, right? Inside YOUR head are contained YOUR THOUGHTS. Inside OTHER PEOPLE'S heads are contained the thoughts of OTHERS. Logic can be useful sometimes. 🤣
  18. Hahaha, when I am fully sober, I can see clearly that WAKING REALITY is not a dream. My waking reality does not come to an end if I ask people in it if they are real. It does if I am dreaming, but not if I am awake. The very fact that you are arguing with me and I am arguing with you shows that we both exist separately and have different minds. I can test if this is a dream, I only have to believe it is a dream for a few moments, and if it IS a dream then it would come to an end because I am aware that it is a dream. Alas, I just did that now, and guess what, I am still here, so there you go.
  19. To the people who still believe in solipsism, I ask, Why do people use the phrase "putting your head in the sand"? This refers to a survival technique used by ostriches, And might I add, not a very helpful one. The ostrich believes only his perception is reality, and if HE can't see the predator, then the predator can't see HIM. If you still believe in solipsism, I suggest you sit in the middle of a pride of hungry lions with bag over your head, and see how long you survive 🤣