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Everything posted by TruthFreedom

  1. If awakening makes you laugh your socks off, then it's definitely awakening 🤣🤣🤣
  2. God didn't experience being God? Hahahahaha
  3. Who? Me, or God? "I" didn't experience it or God didn't?
  4. As God, I can confirm that I have attempted to un-see Oneness. Does that help?
  5. My reply to both of you is: It is obvious that you are stuck in the mental game of questioning endlessly and needing answers. What nobody wants to admit is that we are distracting ourselves from real Truth. Truth is lived, not questioned or pondered. "Those who speak do not know. Those who know do not speak" -someone
  6. It's a honour to speak to you, Mr President.
  7. I think that many people have many different ideologies and beliefs surrounding many different topics. People like to believe that they are "aware", for example, they see someone with a swastika tattoo and assume they are a Nazi, however the same symbol is often used by Buddhists. What I'm saying is that no matter how knowledgeable you become or believe yourself to be, there is always the possibility that you could be completely wrong. Knowledge is not intelligence, it is just the gathering of information. As human beings we are born absolutely clueless, and it takes YEARS just for us to be able to form a coherent sentence. We take so much stuff for granted, mainly because of the ideas we were programmed with by our parents. Once you become fixed in your beliefs, you rescind the possibility of having new insights. Speaking personally, I have practised looking at everything in the world without labelling anything and also seeing the world as ONE, which probably makes me appear quite unusual, as I don't have much of an opinion or reaction to any specific thing. This is because I have become aware that all beliefs are relative. And then I reflect for a second, and realise that that is also just a belief. All the education you have received in your lifetime has come from other people who were also born clueless and have tried to figure things out, the same as you. I have done a lot of deep thinking, so some people think I am a genius, but then I might be completely unaware of some very basic things about society or whatever. What I'm saying is that it is probably a good idea to start by accepting this lack of awareness. Fuck, what do I know?
  8. your mother is probably awake
  9. I once saw Barack Obama giving a speech and he said something along the lines of: "We must believe in an outside world. This podium is NOT a rhinoceros" He got a laugh from the audience.
  10. Solipsism is not true. It is only true in a relativistic sense. I.e. your mind is the only thing it is possible for you to experience, but this does not mean that other minds do not exist. You only need to use basic logic to realise that other people DO EXIST and they have their own separate minds and experiences. So Leo is wrong in his solipsism video.
  11. I have had full-on awakenings where I was laughing my ass off. I was not under the influence of psychedelics. This was about 6 years ago, and it was an amazing time in my life. But enlightenment does not create permanent happiness. If anything it makes you more isolated, and unable to relate to "normal" people and situations. I never made a big deal about my enlightenment. I told a few people and they probably thought it was the rambling of a madman. Since then I have had two suicide attempts, experienced psychosis, and struggled with alcohol. Currently, I don't enjoy what the world has to offer. I live an ascetic, contemplative life. I don't have many friends. It's not depression, it's more like anhedonia. That's why I drink sometimes, because I can enjoy things more. I always imagined that enlightenment would lead to permanent happiness, but as you can see, this is not the case. I wonder where I have gone wrong. If what Leo says is true, then I am one of only about 10,000 people on the planet who have awakened to this degree. I wonder what I am supposed to do next.
  12. Do you enjoy being a meaningless lump? I do. It's so simple, because no one cares about you or even pays attention. It's like being less than a speck of dust. So blissful.
  13. Edited, because I have no need or desire to preach or tell anyone about myself 😆 Feel free to delete, moderators.
  14. You are like a frivolous pancake, dissolving in the void.
  15. do I amuse you? Like some performing monkey?
  16. What makes me happy is interacting with other human beings, But it also has a tendency to make me miserable. Recently I have just been completely avoiding people for that reason. I don't like the fact that my happiness can be so affected by others. Hence, wanting to achieve a state where I am happy regardless of outside circumstances.
  17. Also, cetus was talking about Steve-O in his last message, not me.
  18. Yes, but instead of jumping into giving advice, he had faith.
  19. Maybe I am spending too much time looking at the finger that is pointing, rather than looking at what the finger is pointing to. Haha
  20. The Buddha found something that transcended death. That is what I thought I had found. But of course, what I found was beyond thought, or the intellect. That's why intellectual discussions about consciousness completely miss the point.
  21. He had an alcohol problem too. Seems RV's make him a lot happier 😊