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About TruthFreedom

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  1. I did a shit and I threw it out the window. It hit an old lady. Oh no, she's calling the police. Thanks for the advice, mate
  2. I believe we are two sad individuals arguing over nothing on an inconsequential forum, on an inconsequential planet.
  3. Yeah, thanks for your concern "bro", I don't drink any more.
  4. Oh, so now you're saying that God is a separate entity. I've won this argument, get a life.
  5. Watch your leg before you break a step.
  6. maybe true, but I have a bigger dick than you.
  7. I believe in nussink Lebowski, I cut off your johnson!
  8. That;s just like...uh...your OPINION, man.
  9. And TruthFreedom is also a projection of your mind, Sir God.
  10. That's what one ego would say to another ego. I thought God was talking here?
  11. But everyone can see that ExploringReality is the most intelligent, and above everyone, that's obvious.
  12. You saying that TruthFreedom is not conscious, is creating duality. Wake up.
  13. I've realised I am God. Therefore I have ultimate power. I have decided to end all problems, and bring Heaven to Earth. There is now no poverty, war or illness of any kind. I guess the world was just waiting for me to announce this, as I am God after all. You're all welcome. 🙂
  14. If solipsism is true, then it's all me. But I wouldn't argue with myself. So all these people on this forum cannot be me, because some of them disagree with me. If I say now "OK solipsism is true", then I would be the only thing in existence and I would have control. If this is the case, then, yes, I am God - and I am deciding that all wars should end. Peace will come to the planet permanently. Heaven is now on Earth, because I am God, and it is my will. Game over.
  15. He contradicts the rule because he made the solipsism video in which he is my dream character, yet he is trying to end the dream, which no other dream character would do, up until the point I watched the video.