June June

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Everything posted by June June

  1. Just finished it I liked it, but have some thoughts that differ from Leo's. Thrasymachus in the fifth century BC in Greece is quoted saying: "I say justice is nothing other than what is advantageous for the stronger" from here (a better loose translation would be: moral is what the rulers deem so) How more post modern can you get? So my take is that postmodernism is not new. Rather it is something that enlightened people feel and sense and maybe advocate for in close circles. By enlightened I mean some philosophers, members of the elite and other people who do not have to labour for their daily bread. As for the others, the rest, the masses, sticking with traditional values is the best they can do to have a tolerable life. That is why Peterson likes tradition. He has seen too many depressed patients searching for meaning because the old values are dead. For me Peterson is speaking to the average person saying things like "you will feel better marrying a human than your pet", while Leo is speaking to the ultra few that can feel that marrying your pet is not that different from marrying a human. Of course I may have misjudged Leos' views… Great forum!