Some dude on the net

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About Some dude on the net

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  1. This is why China can be considered more democratic than the US. The US conducted over 50 coups in South America. In Vietnam, they killed 3,200,000 people, 2,000,000 of whom were civilians. They dropped 80,000 tons of "Agent Orange" onto the jungle. The Vietnamese used booby traps with vipers tied to wooden stakes and buckets of scorpions that would fall on American troops. Agent Orange is a deadly substance that causes cancer. Even today, babies are born with deformities because of the 80,000 tons of toxic poison the US dropped over Vietnam. This has poisoned water supplies and crops. The media played a significant role in twisting the damage. "Who controls the media Controls the Mind" - Noam Chomsky. They reported how the US was wiping out entire Vietnamese cities, but from a framework of nationalism, which went like this: "Unfortunately, we need to wipe out entire towns to save them from the terrorists." There were no terrorists, no Russians, no Chinese just the US. The US were the Terrorists. But the media would never say that. This is the exact same strategy being used today in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. "We need to bomb them to save them from the terrorists." "UN peacekeepers are Hezbollah shields, so we need to attack them." "We need to bomb their hospitals and kill their children to save them from the terrorists." This is the same playbook they used in Vietnam. People don't understand that democracy is also what's happening around your country not just in it. If your country is a heaven to live in but hell for others, then your country is pretty fucked. This is why many people here have a bias on the US and Mearsheimer. Because they live in the US. My country has always been a ping pong ball between 2 superpowers. I have no bias, I just look at the world from a birds eye view and compare what I see. And I also didn't like how Leo dismissed the 4.700.000 millions of people killed by the US after 9/11 as "Those were definitely wrong wars". No they were wars for oil, exactly like now. I'm not judging anyone, it's just the truth. You don't give a fuck about truth. You just want to defend you ideologies. Shame on you Leo. You are a green hippie. If you were yellow you would listen. Turquoise is out of the question. This the reason why the dudes over spiral dinamics took the Turquoise episode down. You don't know what your talking about.
  2. @Karmadhi@Karmadhi @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura it's really buggy on the phone. I've tried with the X. Man you don't understand that Israel is not Israel. Israel is a US state in the Middle East. Biden literally said "Israel is more important to the security of the United States than Nato". Because the US economy is directly tied to oil. This is why China will be the first net 0 emission country, to overthrow the US as number 1. Check the imperialism thread. The game plan is really simple. US is just Green Washing everything while they do more of the same. By 2027 the oil stocks prices will triple. (nebula is paid but it's the best place in the Net for high quality videos) here is the truth about US. US want to kill the planet with fossils capital until we all die from extreme weather. For the US to remain the number one economy they need the Middle East. In the Middle East is 60% of the world oil reserves. China is really the climate leader. China by 2027 will have soo much green energy that it can sustain the whole grid of India. US wants the Middle East for the oil to remain nr. 1. China is going balls to the wall green to get rid of the US OIL schemes. China needs Taiwan to kill it in computer. So the US wants the Middle East to remain number 1 while it's killing the planet. China wants Taiwan to be number one in tech and go green. Here is a breakdown I did on tiktok about the 🌍👔 "Look at what you're left. Man who are nothing but afraid of you" Leo banned me, he's green not yellow. Check the imperialism threads that the truth, not this bullshit with Israel deceiving itself.
  3. @Inliytened1 Israel is nothing without US support man. Iran wants peace, Syrian wants peace. Lebanon is a graveyard from the pandemic and the Mini Nuke from 2020. The plan of the US is to exterminate the Middle East because there lies 60% of the world oil reserves. The US dollar is directly tied to oil. Check the imperialism thread for more info. Cheers.
  4. @Inliytened1 @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura I can't delete the tags guys I'm sorry. this dude was the right hand of Bernie Sanders his a high green to yellow. Listen to him. You don't buy your kid and AK, then he kills 10 people and then you give him another $20B of bullets and they you cry some more than he's not listening.
  5. @Inliytened1 For real man? They sends hundreds of tones of Bombs and weapons every single day. The US wants to wipe out the Middle Eastern for the oil. That's there plan. Check my others post in the imperialism talk. Sry for 30 tags I'm banned on my pc from using a vnp a few years ago. And on the phone I can't delete tags. @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura
  6. @What Am I I appreciate your nuance, I consider myself quite "woke" . At the moment, I no longer want psychedelics, what you're saying seems more connected to the turquoise level. For now, I'm focusing on the values of the yellow level. I want to take the yellow to the last level of obsessive refinement, haha. I was dead for 5 days in a coma (grade 4). I know what peace is. True confidence in the self comes when you know you're okay with dying at any moment. Right now, I'm focused on patterns because they tickle me the most. Cheers.
  7. @What Am I I'm not trolling bro. I've been depersonalized 6 years ago from a car accident. I've seen what that feels like, also I did a lot of shamanic breathing. I know people who are Solipsist who never touched psychedelics. I've said just that people who use psychedelics more are inclined to Solipsism. Much love.
  8. @What Am I Anyone can belive whatever they want bro. I don't tie them just to psychedelics, but from my own experience the more trips the more inclined you are to Solipsism. No judging here. Every perspective is that, another perspective. I like psychedelics,but I do them rare and with caution. Anyone can do whatever he or she wants with there mind and body.
  9. @zazen "The poor country's don't need charity, the poor country's need Justice." US is doing now what they din in Nicaragua. The United States of Israel (Biden literally said that Israel it's more important "for the security of America" than Nato, Israel is a US state in the Middle East.) They are trying to overthrow the weak government of Lebanon, Palestine :(, Syria and Iraq. You can find a lot of info about the +50 couple's the CIA did since it's creation in 1947 in the book "The CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception" To understand who US is behind the scenes look no further that the into of the book. "With its establishment in July 1947, the CIA received two primary missions-prevent surprise foreign attacks against the United States and counter the advance of Soviet communism into Europe and third-world nations. The Soviet Union's successful testing of a nuclear weapon in 1949 caught the United States by surprise and created two nuclear powers competing in an internationala atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. President Eisenhower received a startling top secret report in 1954 from a commission headed by retired general James H. Doolittle that concluded,"If the US is to survive, long-standing American concepts of "fair play must be reconsidered. We must learn to subvert, sabotage, and destrov our enemies by cleverer,more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. (like exploding pagers). It may become necessary that the American people become acquainted with, understand, and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy." The report affirmed a threat to the Western democracies from Soviet-sponsored aggression and called for an American offensive and defensive intelligence posture unlike anything previously authorized in peacetime. As a result, the CIA's covert-action role expanded from Europe into the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and the Far East." This is US behind the scenes 80 years later. The CIA is just a terrorist organization that can break any law anyware without any consequences. FBI is only good secret service in America.
  10. @Ishanga @zazen I'm going to say these two videos are a must-watch for anyone on this thread. In the first one, he talks about how people wanted government but couldn't foresee the traps of it. He bases his arguments on the works of philosophers of the time, which a lot of people here dismiss as work not even worth watching, because they deceive themselves with psychedelics and solipsism. The real world exists, it's not a projection of your mind. This is why, in my point of view, psychedelics are a trap (and a tool, of course). It's really nice because you can clearly see the stages in Spiral Dynamics. He doesn't know about Spiral Dynamics, and this is what I want to do in my country start my own series on Spiral Dynamics to teach people about it. The second video is really heartbreaking. The 1,000,000,000 death toll starts from around the 1400s-1500s until today, again because of my ADHD, I have a "spidey sense" for sensing energy and people, even over text. Leo places anyone who criticizes imperialism in the green stage, which is a mistake, imperialism literally killed the most people in history. I guess he has a bias about it. I've sensed his nationalism over the thread on UFO. "Why would UFO come to Germany". The subtext of this line implies "America is the shit, Germany sucks, UFO will never come to Germany". UFO are as real as Santa Claus. They are real in America because they been used as propaganda to scare people for the last 80 years coming close to area 51 which in fact was close to project Manhattan. UFO's are just a subset of the culture of America."I belive in UFO's but I'm Turquoise". Anyone who claim is turquoise but belives in UFO is fooling himself. This is why you need to be careful with psychedelics, too much of anything is bad. And I'm trying to not to break the rule. "Never outshine the master". This is exactly why everyone from outside thinks is a cult. Cause nobody has the balls to stand to Leo's frame. Because impenetrable frame comes at yellow. Leo content, book list and life purpose courses are responsible for 90% of my development, I love him more than my dad he's awesome. For real man I love you, you saved my ass(after 8 years I've found my problems we're not psychological they were physical).But we needs healthy disagreement in order to grow. I'm not smart, I'm not above anybody. I'm not jack shit. I'm actually almost homeless with 2 chronic illnesses, but the pain I've been though made me realize a lot of things. I feel like I can die anytime and I'll be alright. I'm searching to understand the world around me better, it feels more urgent to me than to trascending the self. You have subtitles, it's really top tier info.
  11. @zazen I thought he stared one before. I hate my phone :)) xd. See you there, Chomsky is not green, Chomsky is yellow. @zazen@Leo Gura @Leo Gura
  12. @Ishanga This is why bro. Nixon is the biggest criminal in history. He rewrote history. In 1971 they dropped the gold standard to tie the dollar directly to oil so that they can print money non stop. Nixon literally forced the whole world to trade oil just in dollars. This is why they killed 6.000.000 people after Hussain and why they are doing now genocide. Because dollars = oil. Oil is the most used good in society. This is my America is the number 1 economy. Because they tied the dollar directly to the value of oil. This is also the reason why China will be the first country to have net 0 carbon emissions. Half of the world green energy is installed in China. This is my they have the bullet train sistem. Because they know the faster they can drop oil and be full green US is done. This is why China is above US. China is adapting, US is just doing more of the same.
  13. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura @Leo Gura Nobody is over the thread of imperialism. Because nobody likes to talk shit about America xd. My intuition strongly tells me that this thread is green. We have a way to miopic view the subject. Because it's just one perspective and the problem is really sistemic. The US is interconnected with Israel in unforseen ways. Just the fact that this thread is the most active is in itself a self deception. Because it makes us talk about a smallest self deception instead of the real self deception, which is imperialism. We should have a global thread on self deception with members from every country to understand the interconnectedness. One from US, one from Russia, China and so on. Just the fact that this threat is more active than the imperialism one tells me that this is self deception. Because Green loves to point fingers and not look at the bigger view. (my bad for the 3 pings my phone acts weird on the forum)
  14. @Leo Gura What US is the doing in Gaza and Lebanon is the Equivalent of China giving $20B dollars to Vietnam to invade Taiwan and nothing more. And then saying Vietnam doesn't listen. Except in the Middle East it's not an invasion. It's a holocaust in times of "peace".