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Everything posted by Letho

  1. @Javfly33 My intuition is that you're attempting to create a world that makes sense logically from a personal safety standpoint in relation to women or a single woman even rather than only relying on understanding that helps you understand the dynamics of where there's connection versus staying away from the patterns that altogether don't facilitate what is good for the both of you in this regard. By intellectualising to the point of generality, you're overcomplicating it and forgetting that 'relationship' is just steering the ship on what helps you relate to another human being. Just because both sexes have now been a part of societies thought experiment on what would happen if we warped the ego development of many demographics, it doesn't mean that the statements that can be said about the patterns of those outcomes are now reflective of sexes in general, rather symptomatic of an environmental sickness that is continuing to spread, across new viral cultural mutations. In other words, you need to become seriously clinically self-honest about all the potential false ideas you have about both sexes, but not to berate yourself, rather to then be totally clinical about those potential relationship partners that are going to be aligned for something that is not only long term but genuinely reflective of what a truly good relationship can be come like. View your own perception of the opposite sex or even just someone you may like from the viewpoint of a scientist researching todays modern sociological patterns for greater objectivity to disentangle yourself from any potential ego backlashes you may have from this process. 90% of your work here is not going to be in analysing the opposite sex but in just examining yourself with a greater level of depth and self-honesty. Apply responsibility always to the inside, don't give your power away by blaming an entire sex when 99.99% of both men and women had no idea they were going to be born into society with a bunsen burner underneath a flask to see how different cultural mutations infect one another.
  2. @Leo Gura Understood. But let it be fully behind us now. It only holds us both back from ourselves otherwise. You have my full positive regard for your work and progress.
  3. @Leo Gura My brain is associational. Others brains are as well. It's other peoples choice if they want to prompt me for more or not. You can choose to do as you wish, I won't mind. I act based on integrity. And you can choose to act on yours, which in this case, includes threats that I thought we were past. I've answered honestly. If I have any request, it is to move forward based on mutual respect. If you choose not to, that is your choice but I thought we were past that.
  4. Strategic-distance-socialise-more.
  5. Directionality-over-positionality.
  6. Origins-does-not=causality-it=circumstance.
  7. Pseudo-educational-futurism.
  8. Self-referentiality.
  9. Chad Parody (intellectual cultural analysis will follow after I'm back from the gym.) Yo, what’s good? It’s Chad. You checkout my video, right? Good, then we're both on the same page. Sorry, didn’t meant to startle you there. Take a moment to collect yourself after all this radiance, it’s a rainbow wolf breeze. And yeah, I drive em. And my bod. Yeah, its me. I must have shocked you with this god-like glow. I know, it’s a lot to take in — I’ll give you a sec. Anyhow, you probably know me. So, I get it — you’re probably thinking, ‘Wow, Chad, is this your worst photo?’ And yeah, it totally is. But even at my worst, I somehow turn it into a movement. #ChadVibes. You're welcome. Every one of my looks as a unique name like stars in the sky. All orbiting me continuously, go figure. Listen, if you haven’t hit up my Insta yet… well, consider this your wake-up call. Go ahead, smash that follow - it’s not gonna break your thumb. I’ve got more body shots there than a Spring Break in Cancun with Kanye. No big deal. Yeah, we know each other. Oh, wait a sec, getting a notification… yup, another snap. Gotta take this. “Hey Jane, yeah, last night was epic. But you know, duty calls. Gotta inspire the masses. Friday? Rachel’s in too? Sweet, I’ll pencil you in between my morning workout and my midday flex. Catch babe.” Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, back to me. So, back to you — and by you, I mean me. See, I'm basically the prototype for what you could achieve if you just believe in yourself…and also have an absurdly high credit limit. You want my life. Don't fight it. Twitter? Exploding. YouTube? Algorithm loves me, trending harder than a cat video in 2012. Women? Let’s just say, I’m not here to disappoint. You want to be this. Admit it. We’ll both feel better. Plastic surgery? Yeah, I've dabbled. But don’t hate the player, hate the game. These are the times we live in, man. My hair? Fresh from the lab. My eyes? Special order, limited edition color contacts.. My lips? Pfft, these lips got their own agent. But trust me, all of this is a tax write-off. After-all, it’s an investment… in global admiration. You think I got here by accident? Nah. It’s all about strategic selfies, knowing which lighting brings out my 'mysterious-but-approachable' side, and never, ever skipping leg day… because, you know, balance. I’ve mastered the art of being. The universe? It’s basically on speed dial with me. I’ve cracked the code on this whole existence thing. It’s all about knowing the right people and playing your cards right. People say, ‘Chad, you can’t just coast through life on good looks and a smirk.’ But guess what? Here I am, coasting. And it’s glorious. Those people who say, “Oh, you can’t make it, it’s too tough”— they don’t get it. They don’t have the Chad mindset. Stick with me, and you might just learn something. If not, at least you’ll get a great selfie out of it. I can show you the way... if you can handle it. And just remember what Jeff Bezos said who’s my good friend now, 'I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying’. So hit the link below like Babe Ruth, and for only $1000 I can be your personal mentor. (intellectual cultural analysis will follow after I'm back from the gym.) Some Critical Thinking Questions... Just before you hit the 'Buy Now' button. Obviously. 1. How does this parody reflect society’s obsession with social media and validation? Think about the way "Chad" talks about followers, likes, and his constant need for online attention. What does this reveal about how social media shapes identity and self-worth today? 2. What role does consumerism play in "Chad's" identity? Analyze Chad's references to plastic surgery, high credit limits, and cosmetic enhancements. How does this reflect a consumer culture that equates self-worth with purchasing power and appearance? 3. How does the parody use humor to critique the concept of self-improvement culture? Consider Chad's offer to be a "personal mentor" for $1000 and his use of buzzwords and self-help jargon. How does this mock the commodification of self-help and personal development industries? 4. What is the significance of Chad's references to famous personalities like Kanye West and Jeff Bezos? Reflect on why the parody includes these figures and what they symbolize in a cultural context. How does associating with these individuals reinforce or undermine Chad's credibility and persona? 5. How does the parody expose contradictions in the ideals of masculinity and success? Think about how Chad embodies both a stereotypical alpha male and a deeply insecure individual reliant on external validation. How does this duality challenge traditional notions of masculinity and what it means to be "successful"? 6. In what ways does this parody critique the idea of "authenticity" in the digital age? Examine how Chad's persona is constructed through artificial enhancements, curated content, and self-promotion. What does this say about the concept of authenticity in an era dominated by social media influencers?
  10. No jokes in this one, just a very quick journal after a bit of clubbing tonight following from the parody above ------ like I said, I did it to promote creativity and it did heh: Experiencing the multiplicity of worlds as I move between the shadows of dancers in the entropic field of night clubs I become entranced by the extra-dimensionality of empathy of consciousness and how it dissolves my own sense of self. Parodic work like the above has now painted the importance of generating stark realities so that one's subconscious becomes hypnotised enough that this preoccupation brings about a hypervigilance that highlights their own related inclinations, in this case as it pertains to their potential alter-ego. It's made me realise how under highlighted the negative formations of ego actually are in society and how overweight we consequently are at large, we've allowed corresponding negative-ego-formations to become so normalised that its actu uspicion or socially accepted mask that their audience is tacitly trained to reinforce. It's become as normal as being overweight is in some parts of the United States or as normal as being underweight and malnourished in parts of South Africa. In The case of our consciousness, we are both simultaneously malnourished, underweight and overweight, experiencing all the variants of the physical undesirable as it can be applied to the path of the degenerative development of consciousness. With enough intelligence and awareness, this reality becomes all too obvious, and thus when we have not only cultural norms formed from primitive tribal in-group biases at the bottom up level but also at the top down level from government and organisation to the actual laws and policies that are put into place, how can this at all be confused as anything other than the purposeful dumbing down of society when our susceptibility to not even negative ego, as perhaps on some level we shouldn't even call it that, but rather when our susceptibilities towards degenerative consciousness are leveraged to that end as we read the fine prints of the labels of those laws and policies by observing their effects? There are hundreds of people surrounding me, I do this nearly every night and still I haven't fully uncovered the deeper knowledge behind this reality. Even though with every person's life I enter by transmitting my consciousness into their primary observation I see the life that makes their consciousness that adds to helping me solving this puzzle, how is my own experience of this ability totally destroyed by me not even being aware of how someone else is doing the exact same thing about me to a far deeper and more sophisticated end? My own experience, intractably separate from literally every single surrounding persons inner life of what we are mutually interpreting and this becomes a frustrating unsolvable computational problem that reveals my own limitations in experiencing the life around me, hyper-aware of my own lack of hyper-awareness, that it becomes strange that we would then even be possible that we'd be able to come together and create a dancing space together, or another way of looking at it of course being that the space of interaction we mutually create is generated due to our limitations and that for every scale of consciousness that we grew, if you imagine someones scale of consciousness as being represented analogous to the size of someone's aura, I wonder that the loud music would become quieter and quieter and we would all become internally louder and louder in our connection together where the music perhaps grew into our telepathic connection. That then, in this moment I am making the connection that because we cannot make this overlapping internal interconnection loud, for every decibel we miss there, we require loud music to compensate to create the harmonic artificial sensation of a telepathic connection even if its not created in reality, perhaps its what's artificially induced as being satisfied and thus why said environments are those where hook-up culture originated from. If we compare standard nightclubs to other demographics that create similar outcomes, the underlying qualities are rhythmic harmonic environments that establish mutual harmonised oscillations of consciousness. These environments create an 'alter-ego' by which people can simultaneously let go of their ego and or have the permission to highlight a pre-existing one, it is the stage by which normalised day to day behaviours can be momentarily put on hold to partake in the ritualistic dance of connection. We're a sea of dancing ego's, all pretending that ours is the face of who we're being asked to show, bringing our ignorance to the forefront of what we must use to trade our sense of selves with so that our happiness is that which is achieved via our joint social mirroring. We want collectivism with a flare of individuality, that is our implicit social alter-ego we've created, we're all allowed to have our own individual alter-ego however if it goes against this collective alter-ego, it is the hidden enemy. Everyone is the same on the dance floor while everyone is uniquely experiencing the individuality of their self-expression, whoever can align with their synchronisation of greatest energetic phenomenological depth... wins. Exploring the qualities of dimensionality that create this social truth helps me realise the illusion of the negative forms of ego that hold me back. These qualities are: Scope: The scope of ego in the context of awareness, as ego by definition has no scope in the context of awareness otherwise it wouldn't be ego it would be awareness. Moreover, scope by itself is sufficient enough, as negative ego is just negative ego because it misinterprets itself as the self therefore has no scope to itself because its just itself to itself. So, I simply add genuine scope to break through to the other side of the illusion of negative ego. Negative ego is just that ego that is anti-reality, because positive ego is purely that which attempts to align one with reality. Therefore positive ego here is actually making the conscious choice to add in qualities to one's agency like focusing on scope as an example. Multiplicity of Perspective: Similar to scope, however to make it distinct refer to scope as representing more on individuality and multiplicity of perspective more related to collectivism, where "Scope of Individuality" continually redefines "Perspectivism of Collectivism" and vice versa, this creates evolving integrative awareness. Here, multiplicity of perspective is that of imagining those many varied perspectives of all simultaneously, and using the deep phenomenological experience of those alternative interpretations of others to deeply redefine one's own. Empathy as Extra-Dimensional: Purely deepen and widen empathy from the perspective of scope and multiplicity when it comes to harbouring the different dimensions of another, and in their unique recombinations. Experiencing how the world around me is both say to return to my earlier coined terms along the "axis of integration" vs "axis of disintegration" allows me continuous feedback for redirecting my own path in this regard. Parodic and Stark Realities of the dance floor creates awareness of the greater spectrum of others experience: I'm hardly aware of the extreme realities being experienced by others more than I am the general feel of the place and being preoccupied with my own experience and my connection with those immediately around me and this lack of greater imagination, it limits me in unique ways I'm no aware of, I don't stop to think about the extreme reality of another whatever extreme reality they may be inhabiting that I could learn from whether on any variant of positive/negative. And even if I know it, I don't truly know it, it's usually always under-theorised. There's a deepening I'm missing and by over-representing extreme contrasts like I did with the parody, it teaches the subconscious to translate more seamlessly between environmental plasticity and integrative consciousness. The Fluidity and Limitation of Social Masks revealing the lack of Awareness that is truly present in most people, usually, surprisingly at all times: This is a massive realisation that echoes with my earlier sentiments on free will versus determinism purely just being a debate between awareness and lack of awareness. From one to point five now here, this is a conversation that super-imposes one's responsibility towards making their own path towards greater awareness and too, leveraging one's understanding of the simplistic judgements people make about their environment, including one's own inclinations here, as an energetic buffering point to stimulate awareness to push itself to go to the next level. 'Alter ego' is simultaneously that which most people want to be but will struggle to admit even to themselves and therefore it will act on them in hidden ways, and even if they're aware of it, only some are able to make it transmutational whereby they're aware enough that they can dissolve its essence to reform it into a new one. Hold a mirror up to someone their alter ego and either they will shroud away in jealousy or some other insecurity, admire with a sense of pride or perhaps be totally ignorant enough that they will deny that its even (partly) theirs. By differentiating between how it gets created socially and is represented socially on an x and y axis of individuality and collectivism while optimising insight across qualities that tap into deeper dimensionality that enhances awareness across their manifestations, consciousness can use the language it creates around identity on the intersection between the social self and the personal self as a leverage point for its, going back to the way I used the term in a refurbished way a few posts ago now today, self-revolution. "Self-revolution" now though, having a totally different feel to it following that video I created, now having me question the automatic feelings that may or may not follow from the thought of self-revolution, helping me approach personal growth with a greater sense of immortality rather than say through an unbreakable accomplishment of power over the universe but rather instead, just a calm sense of humble levity where you're just chill no matter what. Where "scope", "multiplicity of perspective", "empathy as extra-dimensional", etc, etc expand so much at such an automatic and now natural level, that negational ego can only choose to fully dissolve, and you're deterministically wired for free-will actualisation as and for god along the positive spectrum of "self-evolution" rather than falling for the illusions society wants to program you with into getting totally over-hyped about the smallest increase in "self-evolution", something that's never realised if you never get the right contrast bias to self-question the automatic feelings that can sometimes come with personal growth, like the false pride that can go undetectable in our experience because of how much its socially reinforced in the subtlest ways without us even realising. On those 4 points above by the way, I've just totally taken for granted that someone's going to be energetically aligned in order to make best use of leveraging the cognitive as opposed to the intellectual there being a compensatory mechanism where instead you'd be better off learning some techniques to instead become more connected to a certain aspect of your nervous system, as per the site I previously mentioned: heartmath.com
  11. Ultimate Form (Transcendence) I've decided to go for it and get the first draft done by the end of this weekend. On that note, I thought I'd do a bit of a parody as above. I'm actually going to turn it into a good song and that's the sneak peak, I've already got the vision for it now with so far decent lyrics let's see by the end of the weekend whether it lives up to the hopes which I'm sure it will. The rest of the parody that'll actually be turned into a pretty damn good rap, will be released along with the first draft this Sunday, Vietnam time on "Ontological Mapping of the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness." Firstly, its a backing track not my music so it'll just stay as 'Unlisted' of course, after-all it's all just for entertainment to deepen the creative connections. To get thinking in new ways for greater theoretical depths. I have for example, a lot of differentiated thoughts on negative vs positive ego that are going to be compressed within the mapping. First Draft: Ontological Mapping of the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness. Rise for the challenge. Released this Sunday, Vietnam time.
  12. The Law of Warren Buffett Dividends And if you're wondering why the change in 5%, its because now there's a +/- 5% on whether I'll be able to release the first draft this weekend rather than waiting till the weekend next. ~ Man this is going to be a badass ontological map ~ And its not that I've beat anyone to the punch with anything I'm working on here, its not like that, we're all working together in learning and evolving from one another. As I stipulated above even though I've been working with meta-language structures from a number of domains of thought around consciousness for a while now it was Leo that got me to pull out a pen and paper here to give me the insight to start remapping on a blank sheet of neural paper. As I talk about regarding the thinning of consciousness, more and more the ego reaches a level of flexibility that as I refer back to what I coined earlier pertaining to the "Axis of Integration", more and more the Axis that make up that larger intersectional axis become more and more positive and consequently that's when we start to see the desirable incalculable exponential positive spiralling within that grand axis of consciousness that maps on top of reflecting what I am ideally going to mirror as much as possible in my first draft of this "Ontological Map on the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness." Perhaps than an even better title than before? Too long? This Berkshire Hathaway meeting is now over, be sure to make sure you tweet the picture of me in my Lambo to share with everyone to help my social media following on how to get rich by making me money through said virality. Tweet it. Rock it. ~ Drive it ~ See you on insta flashin my abs of charcoal steel.
  13. EDIT TO ABOVE LINK that goes to bouncer telling us not to step on his gold chain given by the aliens------- www......youtube.com/watch?v=hNUHIhz2y6Q Was meant to instead be (as I already mentioned the bouncer earlier) Michio Kaku respectfully giving his endorsement to Luis Elizondo: We'll let the two have the spotlight here anyway so its better I made the mistake in the above quoted text. UPCOMING: Previous post explains the reconceptualisation of trajectory for this journal as beginning with two or so wks from now: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness (a first draft on its ontological theory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. Only losers delete posts by the way, its good for the future readers efficiency but not good for the preservation of my own awareness on actual prior states of being as an evolutionary point. As I noted earlier about the importance of preserving truth over falsity in our recordings, interpretations and understandings of past events in the digital world we live in now so that the most accurate, honest and truthful forms of learning for consciousness and its trajectory towards its highest transcendence are given the highest probability of being achieved. But... Only idiots reveal too much. And that's me, so I gotta slap my own wrist there haha. Moving Forward. Ode to Joy. From this point moving forward this journal will be dedicated to two core assignments, the mapping of ideas important to me because I enjoy sharing and helping others in this indirect sense in however small of a way, and two, the free styling of consciousness as I just get such a laugh out of that haha we’ll just see how that changes over time, temporal self-analysis, etc right on how my reticular-activation-system attentional markers evolve with every new learning on life spanning over several months to years.. This week, I am going to be sharing my first map of actualisation from my perspective for where I am in my development, make of it what you will as per previous sentiments in this regard, you are your own doorway for your own enlightenment, something that will be an indirect learning point from my journals as I charter theoretical maps that facilitate this realisation. Two points before I begin, even though I was already highly interested in meta-actualisation and, taking in Leo’s recent videos and his future prospecting there on meta-rationality has certainly obviously had an impact on me concerning my now prioritisation of this direction, and therefore on that note, Leo has my genuine positive regard here. My second point is that I’ve realised in my core there’s very little I can do to actually self-actualise outside of moving up the Developmental Hierarchy of Awareness (DHA). This both includes and excludes ego development where the latter here is really all that exists in personal development outside of the awareness development track relative to our present cultural positioning. If things go well and I'll be devoting as much of my resources that I can towards the future of humanity to help our growth here, words like "meta-consciousness" will become so obsolete that people will wonder why someone is even using the spoken language to even say "meta-consciousness" as it would reflect a level therein achieved that perhaps just becomes a sentimental pastime on respecting the sacredness of our past. Kind of like my journal right reflecting the sacredness of my past, so many glamorous points I've made poignant points that others quote me on for the ages to win arguments in The Supreme Court of your respective country, like "Don't tell your mom her milk is bad", is that what I said, really? I can't remember, now I have to get that out of my reticular activation system so I'm a more respectable man for the ladies in the future haha. Regardless, its a polite point to make and maybe there's a context for that I'm sure there is, we should listen to our egoic reactions and recontextualise them in the context of the map that I'm about to reintroduce as reflective of my first assignment point for this journal. Just remember, one reliable measure of an aspect of maturity is not to have a stick up one's ass so tightly that their social perception becomes so skewed that they suddenly for that moment until their insecurities return to their ego become the arbiter of truth on what's acceptable to say and what's unacceptable to say irrespective of one's cultural background and time in history. Maybe in the next few weeks to months I might be able to also do a map of maturity from an energetic perspective, something that'll be underpinned by this map on Transcendence I'm creating. The reason for my sole ethos now bound by DHA is because as one moves up beyond mainstream views on ego from the decreasingly negative forms of ego to the increasingly more healthy forms, there’s a natural thinning of consciousness which results that you’re all familiar with and that many of you are seeking along your own personal psychedelic tracks, some of which has been successful for you and for others, its been merely a 5 minute illusion, along with every other experience underneath the sun. Conversely to aid understanding, if we imagine the thickening of consciousness we can also much more fluidly pair that with its increasing inflexibility, to quote myself beyond the boobs moving back to my earlier point which the reader can search "Rigid Linear Conventional Consciousness Stanzas versus Flexible Dynamic Creative Consciousness Stanzas". I will leave it there to spare the redundancy in light of earlier mappings that have already primed the readers consciousness in the right direction anyway. For myself very briefly concerning psychedelics, I have chosen the long term route where I’ve decided to dedicate myself fully to consciousness actualisation via my mastery of the nervous system, and very simply, once I surpass this it is my truth that not only will I then be truly ready to explore psychedelics, I would have of course, plenty of experience then concerning the mapping, theorising and further development of my consciousness experiences using psychedelics as an instrument of scientific consciousness self-experimentation. Concerning Leo's track on psychedelics, I have absolutely no point to make there other than to respect the man's privacy and simply state that I'm personally simply not ready and its not of anyone's business really when any one of us is or isn't ready and we should respect one another's boundaries in this and every other chosen path so there's the greatest facilitation in mutual learning of one another's wisdom in the best way we're capable of relative to where we are in our unique development. What is actualisation at its core to me now ? One simple word. Transcendence. (regarding the film by the way, its a plus or minus 25% on the must see list of films Am I drunk or not? Do I have a stick up my ass or not? Am I smoking a cigar or not? Am I having psychedelics for the first time or not? All four of these questions and more are relevant in deciding whether its going to be a plus or minus 25% on the must see list of films) By the end of the week, at the very least my goal is to have built the first draft of the first phase of an ontological map of actualisation on Transcendence relative to where I am in my personal development. For the record, my previous note on "dream to love, love to dream" as an appendage to this journal will be now encompassed by this endeavour towards "phases of transcendence" from low to increasingly higher, understanding that said sentiment ("dream to love, love to dream") is only reflective of a certain level within a comparably infinite consciousness transcendence hierarchy. Transcendence is the perfect steorm (storm + term -- haha) for me to describe the transition between awareness of actual state A towards the awareness of potential positive state B and the movements involved between awareness and agency in the cycles of consciousness needed to move to its next transitionary state that can be labelled as self-revolutionary. Very briefly, I want the reader to entertain the thought of redesigning their perception of the word self-revolutionary to include a mutual pairing of both negational and positivistic states, and therefore, something is only self-revolutionary if it is reflective of the true self otherwise the self cannot be used in this sense and two, revolutionary, where there is a reaching deeper towards the self and therefore also positivistic towards the higher light and negational towards the revolution against forces that negate that positive actualisation. I'm sensing so many overlaps with other words here that I don't want to get into yet however my lack of conceptualisation is revealing to me the more sophisticated design I have to achieve by the end of the week for a fuller review. The definition of transcendence in the context of awareness is meta-consciousness. Meta-consciousness is the meta’s of all functional meta’s, meta-language is the meta’s of all structural meta’s and meta-rationality, is the meta’s of all intersectional meta’s that plays the role of being the bridge between these two meta’s. Meta-rationality is the cross-section between action and positionality, the combined effort of meta-awareness and meta-knowledge or rather, knowledge of what was uncovered within meta-awareness. So when we speak of meta-consciousness, we’re saying something that is descriptive of both our highest knowledge point in the context of meta-rationality and our highest universal-awareness point in the context of meta-awareness, starting with self-awareness, at a certain position in time, however many dimensions there that exists in one's definition of time, don't believe the bullshitters that say that time is an illusion, they're just referring to 3D notions, but let's avoid that tangent. What we’re doing here is working with different levels and structures of encompassment of "meta's" in the context of consciousness as our sentience is best able to understand them relative to the present power thresholds of ability its able to surpass. If we for example, make a slight detour to Michio Kaku's book "Future of the Mind" that's coming to me as I type this comment [==========hey by the way ((((——BROKEN LINK —— https://w....w....w.....youtube.com/watch?v=hNUHIhz2y6Q )))) Kaku here endorsing Luis Elizondo whom wrote "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs" saying that he did a public service by writing his book and coming out of the closet being gay/God with aliens, "I wonder how's their milk right? Am I right or am I still writing? I'm still writing!"==========], let's briefly focus on his personal postulation of levels of consciousness from "Level 0 - Basic Consciousness (Reactivity) to Level 4 - Advanced Consciousness (Potential Future AI or Transcendence)" in being able to generate an analogous hierarchy that we would build if we were to accurately contextualise precisely what I mean by "Power Thresholds", in this case to join the three, "Levels of Power Thresholds across the Meta-Consciousness Hierarchy". By the end of this week I'll have created my first theoretical ontology on Transcendence in this regard achieving my stated micro-cultural reconceptualisation from both the described structural, aka comparably meta-rationality, and functional, aka comparably meta-awareness or meta-cognitive. Concerning the latter at the very least, by the time I finish my first draft I will indeed create further distinctions i.e. between meta-awareness and meta-cognitive, two distinctions coming immediately to mind for example being that the meta-cognitive is generally more temporal and control orientated whereas meta-awareness is generally more present and observationally orientated, both however, have unique ties to our experience of them in the phenomenological sense. Finally, as an echo of previous sentiments relating to Alignment, now its going to be reconceptualised via the meta-perspective of understanding levels of Transcendence towards higher and higher levels of absolute truth within being, which makes perfect "Michio Elizondo" sense right, hey maybe Michio was also working with (or is) the aliens and that's why he's so smart when it comes to strategically providing his endorsement on aliens as he has over the years from being the subtlest Luis Spy to the increasingly more abrasively drunk sailor like myself, oh man imagine Michio acting like me in an interview with Ross Coulhart I think both of them would simultaneously lose all credibility because I think the ability for the general public to contextualise the reality of humans working with aliens in the 1900's is likely equally as difficult as people maintaining their respect for Michio if he acted as loosely as I did here haha. And I literally just realised the simultaneous link between "Alignment, Absolute Truth and Transcendence" just now by the way, I had to come up with an ending to this entry to appear more orderly, as in, when I've shot a child out of my first (and only?) wife (honey if you're reading this in the future yes this was my past self before you kissed the more transcended version of me with a self-created variant of the neuralink that's a biological evolution rather than just a tech app for the alien government to keep track of me), I'll have a Hierarchy of Transcendence for him to align with for HIS UNIQUE stage of biological development in all ways as we've literally ALREADY attempted to do in our theorisation of parenting tutelage trajectories thus far in humanities development so the relationships I've tied together here are ALREADY FUTURE PROOFED I'm just giving it a more compressed language that spans many more interdisciplinary hierarchies on actualisation that makes it easier for my mind to create deeper, stronger and more aligned developments on as it concerns our relationship to ensuring the highest possible pairing between "SENTIENCE", sentiences experience of "ABSOLUTE TRUTH" and therefore, its NATURALISED PATH towards Transcendence, which explains exactly the purpose for building this meta-ontology on what all in all becomes theory on the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness. Hey maybe that's what I should call it? I feel this goes back to what I said about the plus or minus 20% haha but this time on a must-name rather than a must-watch, unless we're returning back to what I said about adding a few extra dimensions than merely just three to our perception on time as opposed to crudely restricting it to a 3D psyop in the same way we can speak of the now undeniable psyop that's occurred with respect to potential extraterrestrials, or just to be scientific, the UFO/UAP subject given their isn't future proof yet on them causative to extraterrestrials, unless we're talking about the possibility that its us in the 'flying saucers' from the future which simultaneously ties in with Jack Sarfatti experiences; a cool physicist who's created some awesome stuff I gotta study. We'll go the plus 20%. Moving extra forward. Introducing... The Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness (a first draft on its ontological theory. 1st share: two wk's from now, as I got too much shit to do) [ Create your own luck! Maintain your appreciation and strengthen your life gratitude with it! ]
  15. And yep. Russian now too has just now been confirmed with them. True Challenge = Rise. I'll figure out a way to make it a walk in the park, that's just my style. Enjoy your week! Don't sweat the small stuff. Peace.
  16. Exciting update on International Legion of Ukraine... So for contemplative purposes I've delayed it for a few weeks, anyhow I decided to get back to them yesterday and they got back to me just 15 minutes ago. Long story short... Yep, they've got me now officially in the formula one drivers seat concerning the necessity of me learning Ukrainian. At this stage, they've decided they want me a part of a regimen that's mainly consisting of other Ukrainians as opposed to foreign volunteers for reasons they haven't fully disclosed to me, and I'm sure you'll understand if I don't personally share my own predictions as to why. This is perfect for me anyway as it overlaps with my goals to reverse engineer the nervous system while inventing my own unique speaking language for the sole purpose of creating a language structure that's meta-mechanised in the obvious right areas there, not to mention also overlapping with everything that I'm sharing in these last few posts concerning ego-social-reality theorisation which will brew big over the next week. By freshly studying another unique language it'll just of course only feed my creativity and deeper understanding on language and its relationship to how the nervous system grows and regulates itself via social and self-communication. I'll stay journaling here once I'm in Ukraine yal I promise. May just post once every two weeks haha. Deleting this fourth post next weekend now as well. I've gotta stop doing this though it's a bad habit. I'm just a little chicken still on this forum, I've gotta learn how to tweet again within a healthy temporal framework hehe!
  17. So you’ve gotta really learn to understand how you unconsciously mentalise the life of other people, one of the biggest pitfalls across the population in this regard is that people neither recognise nor accept that it operates on a sliding scale. Which is of course, precisely we have social norms to mediate weaknesses in our ability to do this, they are the safety net for our inability to accurately objectify the social world around us. The digital world, obviously, has been the biggest culprit in unhealthily feeding people with positive reinforcement for their inaccurate projections on the social world around them and its really come out on the world stage for us all to see where on the one stage, we have the cultural wars around presidential elections where the algorithms of artificial intelligence are now becoming the publics worst enemy, making the lowest common denominator and the most attention grabbing news feed the collective consciousnesses ego on what to get riled up over and on the other side we have Russia and Ukraine both doing their utmost to regulate public opinion rather than on reporting honest news and this is now seeping into our individual behaviors for how we regulate our social worlds. People are no longer reporting accurately about who they are and what they do instead they’re regulating the social ecosystem they’re a part of via digital networks and as a consequence, this has an incalculable effect on how their sense of self regulates itself against the social world which it’s desperately relied upon since the dawn of time tribally speaking and why you must move away from the digital world unless you’re going to broach it with absolute honesty otherwise those unconscious patterns are going to negatively impact the trajectory of your development of a being on this planet. We live in an age now where maturity no longer stops at 18 but continues well past the age of 60 and yet because our inner social networks have not caught up, people once they reach the age of 18 now sometimes much earlier even, are reporting on their world like they’re reporting on a fake world they have to keep up the reality to. It’s precisely why our music is shit and our films are shit as well as now, why our politicians are even more shit and so are the wars. This is an extremely dangerous situation we’re in now concerning the lack of regulation on the relationship between developmental maturity and the social feedback loops that are either in support of that or deleterious. Your social network is going to help you the least with respect to the enormous effort you will need to put in on a personal level with respect to your own personal self learning on how to engineer feedback loops that re-teach how your consciousness learns to feed itself. The digital world by definition positively self-reinforces peoples own projective delusions about others when they haven’t learned a self-correcting ego mechanism that regulates its social adaptation in the context of personal growth as opposed to what I’ll elude to below regarding how it has unhealthily learned to feed itself as a way of self-sustaining the meta-mechanisms that fuel its own creative life force. What I just expressed to a friend who’s going through a tough time: “If I have any advice, just remember consciousness needs to feed its own loop. Consciousness remember, within our nervous systems it has all of its centres that work together and what each of their ideal goal works on is on the finding of its own true loop. So the heart is nourished by love which is involved by many things with one of those being of course our beliefs. Then we have the various centres of our brain, when our social centres can align with our intellectual centres while also the centres within our whole system including our heart that are responsible for the functioning of self, this is when an internal collective truism is reached, aka a sense of unity. Make sure you remind yourself of your truest goals and stimulate your life force through their creation. The biggest thing I’m working on is just understanding how my own consciousness feeds it’s own sense of creation, meaning “it’s life force of creation”, what creates it? I.e. like underlying motivations, then intelligently engineering a metamorphosis on how those work. We’re always our own biggest help, that’s where the most of our development comes from. And it’s my biggest lesson since dads passing.” And actually that last word regarding my father is a good tie in, we’re all so unknowingly still incredibly naive just on the projections we’re generating socially between one another with care whatsoever on a self-correcting mechanism that adjusts the projects based on a healthy ego that favors reality compared to one that is just looking out for own insecure short term survival. Of course my father and our parents never grew up to teach and prepare us for just how divisive these technologies were going to be for enhancing our developmental trajectory. We are all the little kids running into what we believe to be a pretend haunted house that’s built around scaring and entertaining people through the use of projecting phantoms into peoples minds both individually and in various tribal combinations believing it to be all fun and games not knowing that when we leave the game room and smell the fresh air that our appreciation of life and all it has to offer has been… secretly stolen from us, and we take it as a collective truth because that’s the collective heartbeat that’s synchronised and we’ve giggled over while we were running around in the game room. [ just another thought I gotta spend more time contemplating ] these last 3 posts will be deleted and rehashed in a deeper contemplation / creative theoretical framework . But like I said about Ghandi in the first of these three posts to be deleted next weekend when I post again
  18. There’s this world I need to write about on how “The world of the living is constantly having to adjust to the world of the living dead if you catch my drift, or at the very least, dead symptoms.” There’s a judgemental humor filled mockery in my breath as I express that while simultaneously being possessed by the stark cold dark reality about understanding that as a fundamental truth that millions of people, are simply not going to be able to recover from. They can’t see their own ego and how it eats away at them, even in multi-relationships I.e. literally and analogically like how two druggies feed their bad habits , and for most of them, it’s their biggest Achilles heel to personal fulfillment. Luckily for you guys, you’ll be getting my deepest theoretical thoughts on just HOW to do that and GO BEYOND it, but remember just as how you are to me, I’m just a stepping stone to your own enlightenment. All in all on that quoted text, there’s a breath of so much to learn from it on the self as well, like how behind it’s puffs of smoke is a seething raging inferno of both hell and deeply nestled within it, the brightest goddamn Diamond of truth you’ve ever seen which is why slow contemplation, even over years in a million different ways accompanied with a million different techniques, is so important. By the way not that it’s relevant but 25% of the above questions were created by GPT after teaching it to learn the ones I created. It’s the first time I’ve really explored this realm as I was saying though, I’ve gotta make it to the big leagues with Babe Ruth there still. I’ll be swinging confidently on heavier questions by the end of the week after I go through a lot of internal simulations on them.
  19. [Deletable Post Following Future Update ] Question Time I wouldn't post these questions as a preliminary post before the big cahuna if they weren't rockin it in the internal Bahamas up in the tallest tree with a monkey shaking a coconut Otherwise, MAN I talk some shit hey! Well, at least it's out of my system. Anyhow, here's superman's questions below. Yeah, in this journal, we're going super, super deep. So deep, that I haven't even completed all of the theorisation yet. I've uncovered some pretty cool things, but I'm not going to lie. This journal is going to be one of the most difficult things I've done, and therefore that the reader could embark on. I shouldn't dumb anything down. That's an unhealthy behaviour of me that's manifested in the past. I've spent so much of my life, many of us have, writing figuratively and literally for an audience that isn't myself and subsequently, not even be able to listen to my own inner rap. It's got funk. I've got a lot of regrets for my past altruisms. It wasn't the altruism that was truly me. And that's when shit messes up. Look at the music and film industry today as a good example, where's the true originality? There's a lot to learn about ourselves and the way we socialise with one another regarding how that's happened. Our social feedback loops have to change. And that change as Ghandi said and he's right, has to start with us. Simple formula is: Workout the patterns within our own consciousness. Map the ego. Envision its healthiest state. Re-pattern it. Create new absolute boundaries. Find your social equilibrium for those that serve that balance while not giving 2 f's about those that don't meet it. Change the world by being your own true expression. Done. VETTED Use these questions strategically to your benefit. These questions are just the first stage, I've only spent about 3 hours on them. Each has many layers to it and therefore useful however the questions themselves are going to graduate a lot more over the coming weeks. I'll release a final first set next weekend along with the rest of the theorisations I've come up with by then. Between now and then, just literally partying here in Vietnam every night heheheh! And yes, I've solved these questions below as well in the theoretical sense, meaning able to provide solutions for the ego but its only going to be useful to people who have the awareness to pull it off, like I can't teach every puppy or any puppy other than sharing the straight sauce in this journal. That's just how I gotta role from now on as I've been saying above about tendencies I need to decondition myself out of. 1. Self-Awareness and Identity: - Do you ever feel like you need someone else or a group to define you in some way? - Do you ever find yourself doing something purely just to get the validation, approval, attention or even just the perception or a certain perception of another whether or not it has any impact on your reality? - Does the past define your identity and what your ego feeds off to stay alive, or is it defining your learning and what you can enjoy appreciating in the moment for the objective purity that it is when viewed through the lens of its intrinsic essence? - What is more important to you, having your ego gratified and feeling absolute contentment through this means or ultimate spiritual alignment with your deepest true self? - Do you struggle to feel totally at peace with yourself by yourself? - Do you find that your self-esteem is sometimes somehow regulated by this over-compartmentalization when you’re not even aware that it’s happening? - Can you look at past actions you’ve done and find contentment with those actions, whereby, even if they are actions you would not do today? - Do you ever question whether your sense of self is an authentic expression of your inner truth, or merely a construct shaped by the expectations and perceptions of others? - Can you identify moments when your identity feels fragmented or divided, and what do these divisions reveal about the underlying conflicts or contradictions within your sense of self? - Are there aspects of your personality or behavior that you consciously or unconsciously suppress or deny, and what fears or beliefs prevent you from fully embracing these parts of yourself? 2. Interpersonal Dynamics and Social Behavior: - Do you ever feel like your disagreements with someone define your relationship with them? - Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in gossip, fearing social ridicule or judgment? - Do you ever feel like arguments control the way you view another being, and you’re no longer able to be objective and see them for who they are? - Do you find yourself maintaining the status quo of relationships rather than truly feeling their truth as they exist in the moment because you have some other goal that is important to you other than the truth? - Do you fear rejection, abandonment, judgment (including inaccurate judgment), disownment, or loneliness? - Do you ever find yourself bending to someone else’s or any sum of persons' will when it goes against your own self-discernment of reality? - Do you ever find yourself getting into arguments when it’s a betrayal to reality to do so? - Do you ever feel like yourself making decisions or your perception of yourself or others that are a reflection of your ego’s over-compartmentalization of its perception of status, others' opinions, and anything else along these lines? - Do you find yourself mirroring or adapting to the emotions and behaviors of others to fit in, and what does this reveal about your boundaries and your true self in social contexts? - Are there relationships in your life where you feel a sense of obligation or expectation that overrides your genuine feelings, and how do these dynamics impact your authenticity and well-being? 3. Emotional Regulation and Psychological Resilience: - If I asked you to drop down and give me 5 push-ups, and let’s say instead of that command coming from me you instead gave it yourself, could you do it or would you not be able to motivate yourself? What emotions came up when you experienced this? - If I asked you to sing any random song or lullaby, like “Happy Birthday to you…”, can you do it without effort? What emotions came to the surface upon doing so? - When you utilize your empathy or other parts of your social networks in your being, do you find yourself being biased in a similar way, unable to find objectivity and connection to deeper intuitive truth while at the same time your love? - Do you struggle to motivate yourself without other people? - Do you find that the body motivates you in certain directions like food cravings more than you can regulate yourself to move the body or the mind in the direction you want to take it? - If you answered yes to any one of these questions, in the past, you haven’t known how to emotionally integrate the experiences that created the effects that appear today as a reaction formation that is now a layer to your ego. - If you were to set a challenging goal for yourself without external pressure, how do you determine whether you are genuinely driven by your own desires or merely conforming to internalized expectations? What underlying beliefs or emotions influence your ability to pursue such goals? - When you engage in an activity purely for self-expression, like creating art or writing, how do you discern whether your output reflects your true self or is shaped by societal norms and personal insecurities? What feelings arise when you confront this tension? - In moments of empathy, how do you differentiate between understanding another's perspective and becoming entangled in their emotional state? How does this impact your sense of self and your ability to maintain a balanced perspective? - How does the presence or absence of external validation affect your self-motivation? Do you find that your sense of accomplishment is more authentic when achieved in solitude or when recognized by others? What emotions are involved in these experiences? - To what extent does your physical state, such as fatigue or hunger, influence your mental and emotional resilience? Do you find that managing these physical needs alters your capacity to focus and pursue intellectual or creative goals? How do you navigate this interplay? 4. Authenticity and Alignment with True Self: - Do you ever find yourself committing to actions that are not a reflection of your true connection to self in any way whatsoever? - Do you ever feel yourself pulled towards someone else while corrupting your own energy? - Do you find yourself caught up in meaningless tribal, family, or just social narratives about your beliefs, expectations, or values about them instead of observing and responding to simply the reality of who they are, accepting the reality of this, and adapting to your own best interests? - What if I asked you to imagine yourself as an incredibly motivated individual that was totally self-focused (don’t confuse with selfishness or self-obsession), self-purposed, and ultimately self-aligned without the need for others outside of maintaining a genuine connection that never compromised your connection to your true self, what would that look like for you? - Imagine you are a character in a novel where your true self is a hidden subplot. What would be the pivotal scene that reveals your authentic self to the other characters, and how would this revelation impact your interactions and decisions within the story? - If you could design an ideal environment that perfectly reflects your inner values and sense of purpose, what elements would it include? How would this environment influence your daily choices and interactions, and what changes might you need to make in your current surroundings to better align with this ideal? - Consider a scenario where you are given the ability to instantly switch places with someone who embodies qualities you admire. What aspects of their life would challenge or enhance your sense of self, and how would this experience help you understand or reshape your own authentic identity? - If your true self were a blend of musical genres, what combination would best represent your inner harmony? How does this metaphorical music guide your actions and decisions, and what discordant notes do you encounter when you stray from this harmony? - Imagine you have the power to see and interact with a mirror that reflects not only your external appearance but also the state of your inner self. What would this mirror reveal about the alignment between your actions and your true essence, and how would you respond to its reflections? - Picture a world where everyone communicates through art rather than words. How would you express your true self in this artistic language, and what challenges or revelations might arise as you navigate this new form of expression to connect with others and stay true to yourself? 5. Existential Reflection and Integration: - Can you look at past actions you’ve done and find contentment with those actions, whereby, even if they are actions you would not do today? - Do you find yourself maintaining the status quo of relationships rather than truly feeling their truth as they exist in the moment because you have some other goal that is important to you other than the truth? - What is more important to you, having your ego gratified and feeling absolute contentment through this means or ultimate spiritual alignment with your deepest true self? - Imagine you wake up one day and discover that all of your past identities so your name, your history, your roles, your reputation, just completely everything, have been erased from everyone's memory, including your own. Who would you choose to become, and how would you define yourself in a world where the slate is clean? - Picture a mirror that doesn’t reflect your physical appearance but instead reveals the most hidden aspects of your character, fears, and desires. What do you see in that mirror, and how does it challenge the way you perceive yourself? - Envision yourself as a traveler in an infinite library where each book contains a different version of your life based on choices you never made. Which book do you feel most compelled to open, and what do you learn about your current self from the life you chose not to live? - Imagine that you have been given the power to rewrite your most difficult memories, not to change the events, but to alter the meaning they hold for you. How would you rewrite them, and what new story would they tell about who you are today? - Suppose you meet an alien being who knows nothing of human culture or ego. How would you describe yourself to this being, knowing that they perceive only the energetic patterns of intention, authenticity, and purpose? - Imagine that every thought you have instantly manifests as a tangible object or entity in front of you. What does your immediate environment look like, and what do these manifestations reveal about the true nature of your inner world? - Visualize yourself standing on the edge of a vast, unknown territory within your mind—a place where every step forward reveals a part of you that is unfamiliar, strange, or even uncomfortable. What do you find there, and how do these discoveries expand or contract your sense of self? - Consider a scenario where you can teleport to a reality where all your ego-driven impulses are amplified a thousandfold. How would this reality look, feel, and function? What lessons would you learn from living in such a heightened version of your egoic self? - Imagine you have a magical paintbrush that can change the "colors" of your emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. Which aspects of your inner landscape would you choose to paint over, and what would you let remain in its raw, untouched state? - Envision a world where you could swap lives with anyone for a single day but with one condition: you retain your core self-awareness while fully inhabiting their experiences, thoughts, and choices. Whose life would you choose, and what would you hope to learn about your own existence through this exchange? - Imagine you could write a letter to your ego, not as a critic but as a curious explorer asking it why it behaves the way it does. What questions would you ask, and what unexpected answers might it give you about your deepest fears and desires? - Picture a garden within your mind where every plant represents a different aspect of your personality, your fears, your hopes, and your ego's defenses. What does this garden look like, and which plants are thriving, overgrown, or withering? How would you tend to it? - Consider a reality where you can listen to the soundtrack of your life, but it only plays the rhythms and melodies of your subconscious mind. What kind of music would you hear, and what would this tell you about the hidden currents driving your actions and choices? - Imagine yourself standing before a council of your past selves, each one representing a different stage of your life. If they were to question you about the choices you are making today, what would they ask, and how would you defend or explain your current path? - Visualize a world where your inner critic and your inner child must collaborate on a project together. What kind of project would they create, and how might their relationship evolve in the process?
  20. Cheat Code for this Journal before moving forward into deeper abstraction on Alignment: "Me, Myself and Irene" is a film reference for those not suffering from reality brain rot due to sniffing too much Hollywood films, or maybe you just take it straight in the veins to feel the rush in the blood. My Vietnamese friends for example wouldn't know what I was talking about if I said that and we certainly have people from many different foreign countries on this forum, teaching us in a passive way how to imagine the world under "one roof", while at the same time very briefly I'm not at all necessarily supportive of any one world government without its proper prudent evaluation, and yeah we already know that Mars for example in the future will be used as a mirror for the possibilities on Earth as its already being used in our collective unconscious much in the same way that's occurred with Australia, the topic of immigration laws though for example albeit a Fox News Special of relevance there, is a "STOP" sign on talking about any further to avoid future recourse on my own divergent nature. I don't edit my posts because I want them to as much as possible be a stream of consciousness that I learn from, kind of like Leo's videos and by the way the last few have been brilliant, hence why I don't just edit it. If I edit it, that's my ego. If I'm aware that I have the tendency to want to edit it, that's a chance to abstractly map an aspect of my ego to then relay information here that's also ideally valuable for others as well. This is about progress not just constantly displaying my fan adorning peacock feathers like some out of touch B list Hollywood actor narcissist that still talks about how they were a waiter on the film the Titanic like they were Leonardo DiCaprio. Otherwise, not taking any fan mail in case anyone has tried to send me a message. I personally just need a few months or more to myself to focus on my own evolution in light of all that's happened in the past, I still have a lot to genuinely grow from and using messenger takes me away from that. Thank you in advance for respecting this boundary. Appreciation to friends in the past, will meet you all anew in the future. Sincerely, the only thing that matters is progress, allow your consciousness to express itself and become aware of the feedback loop of consciousness as it appears where you simultaneously positively reinforce the expression as well as the learning from experience according to as previously noted "Life Affirmative Philosophy" (including the relative distinctions there) and you'll wonder why you're without effort feeling calmer, more positive and motivated towards your own self-determined existential progress wheel. Once simple technique to gently introduce this into an everyday way of life is by implementing it into vipassana meditation or something that doesn't steer too far away from this. So very practically, all that means is simply finding your comfort place, following the normal vipassana/variation process combined with a 1-2 rinse and repeat breath feedback loop where on the inhale you're practicing the intention (deep theory to come) of feeling all of your beings energy not judging any of it while filling it with that life affirmative positive spirit I brought up from that same intention and then on the exhale you then extend that intention to also include learning from what you expressed on the inhale. If you continue this over and over, this will become a natural state of being where you begin to carry this over into the mental realm as well. As you begin to successfully implement this into your natural rhythm with whatever adaptations also work for you that are tried and true you'll begin to incredibly naturally develop a much more subtle intuitive learning feedback loop with your own energy being. Sensing unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions and other nervous system events that you'll wonder why you never noticed them before along with being amazed at the slowly increasing ease by which you can utilise the same described feedback loop to more easily have agency over those internal experiences. Thank you Leo my mate, it means a lot. Truly. Your wisdom is respected. Hopefully my sense of humour isn't wasted on you lot and you feel my love and we're all on this journey together learning how to master the art of decision making while also having a mind that's as grandiosely as open minded as God's. Peace and strength be with you and best of luck on your unique journey's everyone, if I have anything else to add its to give a brief little thing I do I find value from where I travel to as many countries as possible in my mind to experience the unique intersubjective experience of as many demographics, and as I'm sure you can imagine with me, overlapping demographics, as I can. And that's throughout the whole animal kingdom, for example, did you ever stop to wonder that different pods of orca whales have their own personality dynamics? That's a thought and its relations to stop and think deeply about. Best.
  21. True Alignment. An Introduction (Part 0) “Dream to Love, Love to Dream” The pieces… have finally come together. The Sistine Chapel… is finally seen from a good relative distance. It was impossible for me to see as I couldn’t see the limitations upon which I was viewing reality from. A certain brainwave state that breeds a certain psychology that in return breeds a certain brainwave state and every other physiological to abstract reaction, which controls the movements of the goose’s neck that loves to quack. We love to quack. This isn’t a tertiary argument against free will, I’m whole heartedly for free will in so much as it exists for the individual, of which it clearly does relative to one very simple differentiating parameter. Awareness. More/less awareness equals more/less free will. “Man with remote control on the television to reality is aware that he is changing the channel to its differentiating intersection and another man is not. The third man is less aware than the first but more aware than the second.” It’s really not that complicated and it’s as if western civilisation has made it complicated just to f with people. You’re arguing against absolute logical truth if you’re attempting to argue against that reasoning, however I hope my own confidence helps people build the right accurate connections to bringing any dissonance they have their to a close. Honestly though, I kinda feel like that yes, it is definitely at the very least in part a psyop on the population in light of just how simple this reasoning is and is in part, a byproduct of the irrationality that’s framed by everything LGBTQ+++ and vice versa. Irrational perceptions on equality where its a crime that I get to be the man with strawberry blonde (red) hair as I do and no other man does exemplifies the kind of psychological schism that I believe intellectuals are playing with when they truly want to have an intelligent conversation on it. If we start having conversations on how some demographics of people are to be more responsible than others even as far as 5 point IQ difference, there will be cultural mayhem. We’re simply not ready for that level of rationality, as that’s exactly what should actually happen and we will end up with a more rational, compassionate and creative society in the best of cases as people will be operating according to accurate freedoms that when they’re taught right, they will wholeheartedly embrace as opposed to reject due to some fear that say they’re all going to be turned into robotic slaves sucking at the mouse drip of their classically conditioned timed enclosure, oh wait, isn’t that actually how people already are en masse and if you’re not like that you’re either an under-privileged rat that either deserves compassion or the Spanish Whipping post to punish you into conformity, or you’re an over-privileged snobbish twat who’s either got one side of the flock bending their knees for them or calling them out on their snubbed nose, meerschaum pipe smoking buffoonery? So “Dream to Love, Love to Dream” is an all encapsulating idea, yes Nelson Mandela’s “I have a dream….” Is streaming through my consciousness right now however I wasn’t thinking that, but I’ll tell you what I was, firstly let’s get the categories right as we have three primary intersecting ideas here that go above and beyond merely differentiating between whether we have free will or not, which is to me, a trivial yet vexed societal point that was found as a diamond in the rough too many decades before any of my words here. But final words there, that would be a 5 IQ difference where IQ was actually measured properly. Ironically when it comes to nuance of science, science forgets to add in its own nuance so its not until we actually generate stable enough tests across all indices could we begin to accurately achieve said goal, which isn’t likely to happen as there are ulterior motives for the stalling of intellectual progress, I’m sorry but don’t shoot the messenger as I’m riding a horse and well, everyone loves horses right? Most of us have seen the film War Horse that brought everyone that isn’t merely in the obtuse category of meerschaum snobbery or buffoonery kinda more than loved the film, I’m I right or am I right? I’m science right I guess, so right and wrong no doubt. ‘Properly’ is measured as full scale and where full scale means more than what traditional measurements mean as full scale, however as it concerns the final resolve towards “Pattern Compression” as the all encompassing view on intelligence, wait a minute… Science still hasn’t got that far, yes that’s right, its not only “Pattern Compression” its “Temporal Pattern Compression” rather than the overly simplified view on pattern differentiation (which is actually more precise), that is, “Pattern Recognition”, that science uses to categorise most of fluid intelligence, that is, mainly deductive and inductive reasoning. And that’s a pretty valid point, so even though science is still behind en masse on what is the right pathway, it’s still got ways to go. Culturally speaking, “Pattern Differentiation” itself is still far better than “Pattern Recognition” in light of the many misinterpretations that can come with the latter in light of its overlap with cognitive expressions that are of course, less on the critical thinking side however very unsurprisingly, overlap with a creative component to human cognition which often has a coupling effect when its buffered too by an emotional sensitivity quotient, which is just as nuanced when it comes to teething out the energetic categories here and unsurprisingly, science for the most part has largely left this untouched, restricting the relationships the emotional sensitivity quotient has here mainly personality, which when putting in context with every other pattern expressed here is yes, just more evidence for how far we’re still behind as it concerns both the intelligence of science in general as well as its “Temporal Pattern Compressive” ability when it comes to compressing all the knowledge we already have in the areas of understanding human psychology, otherwise Actualized dot org wouldn’t exist as the intersection it does between west and east while criticising both. As for describing my own surmise (“Temporal Pattern Compressive ability”) concerning intelligence that’ll have to come another day, including describing what is at least a three pronged approach for explaining the reasons relating to “The Big George Carlin Why” psychology is as far behind as it is; firstly we have the arrogance of institutions, then we have the competition between intellectual markets, yes that’s a thing that actually exists especially when we consider how our global geography is still being marked across across the planet as a military armed lion’s territory differentiated by ancestral race in order to permanently preserve all the sacred ways in which we uniquely wiped our bums 10,000 years ago. Just remember that the next time you’re looking at a native soldier, they’re protecting the memory of how your ancestors wiped their bumps 10,000 years ago, which I’m extremely grateful for. But that’s another story entirely, is it the protecting of how we wiped bums, is it the protection of democracy, is it market competition or maybe something more? It’s all four. Publicly speaking, Putin made a declaration to invade Ukraine on the basis of “My great great _____ wiped their bums this way on that land therefore” kind of argument. I’m crossing too many intellectual geographic territories now though that if I continue, I won’t have enough time to clear everything up so let me stay on topic. And don’t let me get started on aliens. In short, for most areas science is doing a pretty damn good job, moreover, it only makes sense that the more intelligence we put on all the areas it should be improving on that we’re bound to come up with all the ways it should be improving. Personally, if we compare the field of Science and the field of Me, I think I need to pickup my shovel a bit more to be honest. I’ve lived a decade or more with some of my blindspots, so I have a decade or more of just understanding the trajectories I missed out on to truly appreciate the actualisation of potential in intelligent ways as much as possible in the moment before I pedal my intellectual bicycle off a video game cliff asking mom for milk after I’m done to make me feel better about the time I’ve wasted. To encapsulate the previous paragraph in a nutshell... We live on a global ideational battlefield that stretches to every conceivable belief you could possible imagine all the way from bum scratching to whether you tell mom her milk is bad to whether aliens should debate with an SJW in explaining why we can’t take equality too far. By the way, don’t tell mom her milk is bad. Moreover it’s something that I’ve underestimated for the entirety of my life that I’m only just starting to turn to the blank pages so I can begin to write something that’s more aligned with a little more “Carl Sagan” and a little less “Peter Pan”. We would have learned so much more from Peter Pan about life though if these ideational wars were explained though. Many of these childhood films we’ve all seen do, however because its such on a low resolution we can’t help but underestimate just how bad it really is and therefore you shouldn’t help but feel a little sorry for yourself in understanding why your thoughts still taste like roasted marshmallows out on the campfire while there’s still a grizzly bear out in the forest fighting with its local counsel on workers rights and how it wants a sex change or else you’re gonna get it and your future children’s children’s are gonna get it too. So given this ideational battlefield that if we addressed first we’d be able to get rid of tyrannical dictators easily as they’d no longer have the ideational memes to corner populations into allowing them to subtly use military and government however they wished, we can call this “Governmental Memetic Protection” or rather I would say “Institutional Memetic Protection”.I’ve learned to question my own belief systems so much more, and even as I say this I realise, I’m only at 10% of the level of self-questioning I should be doing and I use the word “level” here to denote both sophistication and the quantity of those questions that I need to set aside time to contemplate deeply on. Quantitatively mapping my own personal development allows me to not only be more accurate and thorough in me understandings it helps me adapt much more quickly as the shift that comes from the emotional contrast bias to lead me to want to make the shift happens much more quickly, I’ll call this “Quantitative Erring”. Key terms: Ideational Battlefield; Institutional/Governmental Memetic Protection; Quantitative Erring. And it’s interesting, because as soon as these terms exist, what else does that then mean exists? For example we can say something like, “Ideational Battlefield” automatically leads to me asking “What and who from government to institution to individual can I trust, how i.e. to what quantitative proportion say, and why?” Institutional memetic protection then makes me think, “Okay well how can I leverage institutions instead of being a part of them while supporting the best of what we have and contributing to society in the best way I know how?”. “Quantitative Erring” makes me think about where else I should be applying this to myself as well as thinking about how I can use it as a leverage point to open up different even opposite areas of my consciousness as opposed to be a conflicting point of interest in this respect. Lastly, one question I would surmise all three into is “What kind of memetic protections can I make like “Quantitative erring” that will prepare me on autopilot thrive in a prosocial way on the ideational battlefield?”. For me concerning the ideational battlefield its the realisation of not just “Well if you can’t beat em join em” but also, “How you can do it better, with better” as in, with soully a prosocial motive, for it makes sense to make that the meditative goal as well. The alternative is that I go off into the Colombian rainforests and call an anaconda my new wife spend my days learning to master meditation alone in the depths of her stomach, or, I can take the other extreme and combine the “best of both worlds” where the latter more likely leads to positive outcomes, at least for arguing the case for making children’s films that have more sophisticated tutelage than say just leaving it up to the ‘free capitalist market’ to decide how my kids are going to have a perception of culture and what they believe socially to be so diametrically opposed to reality that it makes the case for the belief in Santa Clause a lot more tenable to last well into most adult lives rather than just say fizzling out for most just into the pre-teens, though that is kinda late. Lastly, I’ll call it “Adaptive Quantitative Erring” instead even though it’s still kind of a lame name. “Me, Myself and Irene” equals “Me” as in my ego and all of its programming including all of social that I’m learning to reboot with a higher degree of intelligence, “Myself” as in the intrinsic non-divisible self that we’re still trying to fully understand more deeply beyond merely shifting tea leaves around a petri dish, and finally, “Irene” which I’m denoting as the full span of our nervous system intelligence, like repeating the benefits of those exercises I’ve so far only briefly alluded to above that at the very least involve the heart and the gut; slight off-topic tangent there if you’re willing to spare my further elaboration is to checkout (((( ——BROKEN LINK ——fs://w..w...w.heartmath.com ——)))) which I discovered just a bit over 2-3 years back after I was researching how I could help a member on this forum recover from CPTSD. I used to want to be a “hero” a lot but hey, as I’ll get into the theoretical abstractions later on true intention doesn’t always come with its obstacles, that is to say that even though I tried to help, it didn’t go anywhere in fact I would have been better off if I just focused on my own development, which I’ll now do. I’ve since benefitted tremendously from the subsequent trainings I’ve learned and invented since being an echo of this site and my larger investigation in general anyway, so there’s that consolation prize. For now, it’s about maximally leveraging the change in orientation. I was naive and in many ways if we replicate the game theoretic dynamics across the planet in a million different ways as they’re right now playing themselves out, it’s no bodies fault. We’re all just, unaware. And we have to rectify that, the first point of responsibility is in developing an accurate and truthful picture about where awareness should be placed, otherwise we’re just acting like sims in the matrix. I’ll still be a “hero”, I just won’t be the kind of hero that’s programmed by too many films, its time I moved on from that stage of development and take in what life wants me to evolve to in the larger integration of things or “Axis of integration” towards a deeper “Dharma” as a way of putting it right. For example, with the International Legion of Defence of Ukraine… I’m monitoring everything that is happening between the Ukraine and Russia as closely as possible, preparing with what prudence I can. It’s such a sad thing, I have friends in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. It’s not easy to simply say, “No I should not help because I should not support military in any way” and its not easy to just declare “This is precisely the manner in which I should help”, its very complicated, as a bare minimum I’ll be looking to see where I can aid with artificial intelligence as much as I am able to, and this will move into the years past the war as well. We have an incredibly sad situation here beneath the surface of the emotional ecosystem of both Ukraine and Russia, not just Ukraine, where at the surface of this, we have the fighting spirit of the Ukrainians and the hope of some variation of a potential full scale political revolt in Russia. Concerning other devastating conflicts on the planet, its not the maxim of this moment and because of the love I have for Ukraine introducing anything else right now just overshadows the permanence of the injustice that has grown on top of over half a million (perhaps) Russian skeletons and maybe even more. We don’t contemplate deeply enough just how horrendous these kinds of events are, somehow the trivialities of egoic concerns take far greater precedence which undoubtedly is unwittingly purely the outcome of a variation of misweighting biases in our psychology. Empathy is what’s needed for the delusions that often accompany that, though secondary to that, deepening our philosophical understanding of personal boundaries, even intellectual one’s, as it kind of goes without saying that there’s an interesting creative overlap here between cultural movements and individual identity and where there’s a breaking down of the boundaries of cultural identity, there’s a breaking down of the boundaries in personal identity. Using our awareness and maxing out the free will we have, we need to build our own internal institutionized understandings of what serves intelligent socialisation as opposed to doing what most parents do through no fault of their own as they were very well convinced by their respective society to trust outer institutions to provide them with the right influences for their children as they should be able to do and not just create an easy indoctrinated pathway into the military say. Our own internal socialisation is our own responsibility in a world that truly needs us to dedicate whatever modicum of altruism we can in this sense as we truly are serving the worlds best interests when we act in this way. I cut my leash, and for people out there with a similar or higher level of awareness than myself, there are consequences to that, I get the worlds confusing and you want to workout through your own personal experiences where the guard rails are however, don’t let your own ego get in the way in this respect. It’s a delicate balancing act between freedom from intelligent experimentation that’s liberating for our sense of self so we can become the next Tony Hawk of existential gymnastics and then having our ego run a muck because its too naive and stupid on the truly simple and pure essences of life, for the latter allow someone like Marcus Aurelius however old and outdated you believe him to be to have his mark on your heart in this sense when you’re struggling to workout this balance. Trust me, you’ll thank me for it in some multidimensional future, perhaps in a dream or half way through telepathizing with aliens. And for the former, well, this is where alignment comes into play if you have any chance of moving with cultural norms while not being held back by them, however as a general rule of thumb, put the harmony of your most important social circles first, they're always generating feedback between the collective nervous systems that make them even in spirit, yes going back to the tea-leaves as I brought up earlier, jokes aside so there's a subtle wisdom there that can't ever be ignored. Anyhow, back to “Me, Myself and Irene” perhaps I’ll should call the ego/social “Irene”, that has a more humorous connotation, granted. But I want to get on with things as this is now where we’re getting into the connecting point between “Me, Myself and Irene”, my earlier introduction into “Alignment” and “Dream to Love, Love to Dream”, the latter which I’m now going to just jump right into introducing. But before I do, let’s actually backtrack a little bit and dive extremely briefly into where I said “And don’t let me get started on aliens”, check this out ((((——BROKEN LINK —— https://w....w....w.....youtube.com/watch?v=hNUHIhz2y6Q )))). Yeah, the range of connections that should automatically surface here will be enough explanation by themselves without me having to say anything, otherwise, if you’re a dude reading this and you’re like “I see where you’re going above but I an’t gonna call myself Irene”, call yourself Max for all I care just in case you’re wondering about getting gender dysphoria or, “Irene” could also be symbolic for Mother Nature, and remember when I said regarding “Well if we can’t beat em join em”, meaning, let’s not reinvent the wheel and argue how perhaps “Mother Nature” should instead be “Father and Mother” nature, if you really want to you can start that movement you can and even though I am working on my own formal language that’s as independent from culture as much as possible to leverage the highest possible mappings of the actual language of the nervous system as best as I can derive it, there’s a thing about just letting the women have it that I think can take us beyond the “Last yard of the last innings of the last football game in the finals season” to fully wrap what would be a beautifully designed architecture of a culture, if we lived in the world where it was fully developed to its potential, which we should always have a positive optimism bias towards as one of the tenets to my final point there in the previous entry regarding having a fully “Life affirmative Philosophy” reflective of the absolute truth of how anything contrary must therefore by definition be, at least in part and however unknowingly, a philosophy that instead worships death, which is precisely of course where in pockets of cultural demographics across the world not even necessarily in whole or in part in the formal sense (but that’s an arguable point depending on who precisely we’re referring to) but its just in the subconscious of our culture now, so we have to have that “Adaptive Quantitative Erring” or we’re just literally the mockery of a character in a film scene stuck in a cultural pipe we’re squeezing to get out of, which we’ve all in our own unique way can relate to, because look let’s just all tri-sexes whichever you’re siding on admit, we’ve all beaten each other with the wrong broom so there’s areas in each that need be addressed with a greater degree of sophistication. No all in all, agreed, we don’t have the “Cultural Cup Winning Trophy” yet, but let’s agree that we want to follow duck quacks more than we do crocodile mouth snaps, or be a cultural owl, its more along the lines of the patterns of my consciousness after-all; regardless, its free choice to be whatever animal you want to be just so long as you’re not trying to fine, sue or berate me when I’m a parent informing my (future) child although they’ll likely never encounter this dilemma that they’re not yet ready to believe themselves to be a goose much less genetically change themselves using some more advanced variant of CRISPR into a goose because that’s what they believe themselves to be deep down, because after-all regardless, yal know anyway that I’d encourage my children’s imaginative potential to the highest Sistine Chapel. Alright now on that note of personal Sistine Chapel’s even though we can’t yet collectively hold that Cultural Football Trophy together, shovelling the final cultural snow off this pavement is *now officially over* to reveal the rest of the anti-establishment politically correct spiritually-vegan-prosocial-meat to this post…. “Dream to Love, Love to Dream”… In our dream world, unless we’re experiencing nightmares the ocean waters are calm, fluid, and the life of consciousness has a depth to it that we can’t even describe. It’s a physical abstraction that lives in the container of phenomena that I’m looking forward to getting to concerning out of body experiences, lucid dreaming, near death experiences, astral projections, telepathy and many other. Most of us can’t completely put our finger on it, however we know that life is completely different. It’s a new universe, the world… Provides us with different phenomenological feedback, we can’t describe. At least not in a way where we give it full justice. This space is not just the space of dreams and experiencing its nectar of multidimensional fruit that goes as far as potentially making contact with extraterrestrials if you’re that way genetically inclined including with the appropriate training, its showing us how to approach the physical world mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But… I’ve run out of time. However, that’ll be my introduction ladies and gentlemen. I’ve got so many interesting connections to sort through with so little time that I’m purely just writing all of this on the fly integrating the connections as I write haha. At least the dust is scrubbed off, now I’ll just be able to jump right into the abstract conceptual polish in the next post. May peace and strength be with you. And yes, stay a hero but don't ever treat it as a binary instrument. Give it colour, dynamism and the wisdom of the ages.