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About Letho

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  1. Do you like bullying people for no reason @LoseYourvelf? That's fine, you're lucky this isn't a primary school, high school, university or workplace 'classroom' mate, as I've made it my livelihood to take care of bullies, its a part of my genetic makeup now as I stare intensely into the eyes of of a bully while I slowly rip their emotional skin off. Politely, change your tune on this forum, this is not your place to dump your neural acid made of the purposeless trash pushed by the infantalism of UK underculture, yes I've been catching up on your commenting history on your profile. Never comment on manuel's journal or anyone else's again outside of them feeling the warmth of the enlightenment you've achieved beyond the satirical historical trash that's played by your governmental politics, thank you. You've got my last name now, but would you have the balls to give me yours? Move on please and treat everyone, especially in the journals section, with the utmost respect or at the very least, back your words up with more than the acidostupedo that presently plagues the progress of our collective human race beyond the narcissistic-apathetic-cyborgism of our youngest generations coming through that at best, cement the position of the downfall of most of western civilisation outside of the best of the remaining outgrowths post its inevitable self-imploding cultural apocalypse. Or start a journal, be positive, be respectful and watch people change as quickly as they see you fall into alignment with love of truth, truth of love; true freedom. Plane's been delayed yal! We're sleeping at the airport tonight heh, which isn't so bad I've done it before! My friends just got the blankets you should see its humorous, I'd show but no phone still of course eh. Ha. This makes for an interesting last comment before I'm back but aye! Rock out. Stay safe, stay peaceful, stay protective, supportive and wise of the good, true and what we want humanity to best emulate.
  2. Heading Denmark today so much earlier than expected, backpacking with a friend don’t want to miss the opportunity. I’ll be away for while, will hit back here around Christmas time. With respect to earlier promised release stuff just remember I had my backpack stolen and with that everything on my Mac so just use some commonsense there. I actually don't want to buy another Mac or iPhone following with the pursuit of completing the rest of this obstacle that I think God's thrown my way as a challenge towards improving my own memory and creativity, so we'll see how long that lasts but regardless when I return, everything promised will return where it should be here. Wanted to write this post quickly before I left for the airport heh! So it's a little rushed but... valuable (areas in which will bring a lot of clarity for where I see a lot of need here for this spiritual demographic). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This post will be deleted when I return due to parts of my own personal experiences that I’d rather keep private. What is a man vs a woman, at its spiritual core? As a man, your mastery is oneness, in fluid solidarity. As a woman, your mastery is togetherness, in solid fluidity. This is an absolute truth, there is zero deviation in your destiny outside of prior epigenetic failures which have been camouflaged in ‘spectrum of genderism’, when’s something has become an ‘ism’ as I’ve just for the first time coined it as it has when it has strict division to how it even exists, that thing no longer exists as an originating causality, instead just as has now become the case, ‘ism’ is coined to denote words that prioritize change in them, aka the introduction of the feminine into fluidity, which should never be allowed in the politics of science. There is a place for the feminine in science, however at its core it is a strictly masculine profession in light of its objectivity where mature femininity is where there is complementarity, such is the case with Dr. Dian Fossey. Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, an openly gay physician, is an example of how when the feminine has perceived authority and they’re given the power to voice their opinion it can lead to disastrous cultural implications down the road. Viewing this in a traditionally biased way is how the identity politics of how ‘sexism’ conflicts with reality, where somehow because there’s not equal fairness in opinion due to gender differences that must therefore be wrong, when this of course couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone has an equal and fair right to an opinion, however zero persons should be given an equal weighting and allowing the energy of either the masculine or the feminine more weighting than what it deserves for a context, is demonstrably unfair, when weighted against an objective appraisal of the observed reality in which we’re attempting to create visible lines of logical discrimination that equal maximum freedom for all relative to their actual makeup as a being. Being ‘better’ than a male as a ‘female’ scientist is not an argument for their authority, nor is being gay, everything must be simply weighted against the reality of the circumstances, not against the hypothetical simulated politics of ‘better and worse’. The infection of the feminine, including an over-emphasis on introducing social politics into science is what has invariably led to its downfall where the masculine objective presence is silenced in all ways possible including in the worst of places being the cornerstone of what science is for, objective analysis that fuels creativity and innovation that progresses humankind towards the furthering of our alignment with reality through the evolution of our potential inclusive of the enhancement of our understanding of the world around us. The feminine in a woman that’s been indoctrinated is literally programmed to makeup a plausible story to believe something different as its become a part of her identity to feel empowered by this false narrative against ‘the oppression of the man’ that doesn’t nearly exist as much as it used to in the whole but is instead found in demographic weaknesses, moreover, an indoctrinated man or genuinely gay, homosexual or trans man in their feminine will when feel threatened by this truth, also spew out lies as what in their mind is objective but is just a defensive mechanism for short term inward politics that has long term disastrous cultural consequences. This is not a speech against women, gays, homosexuals or trans, this is about understanding the consequences of energetic divisions and where the masculine versus the feminine is designed by nature to serve, and let me say it here, when a man or woman’s truest energy is not in service to their and therefore natures deepest good, they are solely in service to their ego, usually the result of some trauma of which we can include now brainwashing as a definite form of trauma that most people have in some way gone through on some level, we won’t emphasize the word ‘trauma’ here though in light of how its been used as a tool of manipulation by the feminine by both males, females, trans and every other genderism now. Remove the fluidity from a man, and you have is anger, rage, numbness and dissociation. Remove the solidarity from a man and you have the perfect reflection of how a man’s cultural upbringing has been infiltrated to make the feminine more dominant in his energetic matrix. Remove the solidarity of a woman, and you have just the same reflected as what is the case with a man, the only difference is that she will compensate for her lack of solidarity in trying to be over-masculine in different situations, which is often in todays era expressed in hyper-sexuality as her only lease on life in which she gets to feel ‘empowered’ over men that are feminizing themselves. A man outside of monetary expressions will usually not have this compensatory backlash where he overextends in trying to be feminine unless he has severe trauma. A man must find his fluidity via his solidarity, a woman must find their solidarity via their fluidity. Here the man learns to become the rocks in the river that guide the motion of the water that the woman fluidly runs her course through, aka he builds the home and then she builds the nest within it. his is not about ‘traditionalism’ vs ‘modernism’, it’s a false dichotomy where the latter only represents the deterioration of the true nature of man and woman via a process of sociopolitical incrementalism that corrupts the man and woman’s original natural pathway towards procreation and raising a family by disrupting the masculine/feminine dynamics which in the end destroys the family to have the children relying on the state and the parents dissociated from their roles as parents either via genuine apathy or via single parenting that in return does not give the child proper role models to follow on how their energies are to naturally develop; as one consequence, either sex that is forced to be in their opposite energy more than their natural masculine/feminine will in return create offspring that overtime as they mature if their isn’t an energetic balance in their environment, will incur some related trauma there with where a single parent woman is forced to be more masculine creates on average more feminine men as one example. All of this gender politics nonsense that we see in the USA, Australia and I don’t know much about the UK so I won’t say anything there is rooted in the disruption of the family unit when it comes to the state surreptitiously allowing the rise of big business and artistry that through its marketing with the passive consumption from uninformed parents leading directly to the indoctrination of children without the state or related government even having to ask for consent as the children invisibly fall into their hands totally non the wiser. Through this means, there has been a slow severing of the sacredness between child and parent across the stomach of the body that is family that makes a civilization stable and great for the long term future of humankind for the purpose of the government prioritising long term control over the long term prosperity. Through the marketing of business and art in the west we have seen the advertising of the illusion of freedom via individuality found in self-expression against any form of perceived oppression, which has destroyed the true collectivism of the family unit that when healthy naturally fuels a balanced state of individuality only to in the end fall into the hands of the oppressive collectivism that was drilled into us we were avoiding all the while people destroying the strength of the sacredness of their family unit in the process so that when they look around them after this realization, they’re without the proper strength of the family unit to fall back on as is often intelligently nurtured in many eastern countries here. This mainly effects low to middle class families that are not only forced to be wage slaves or some variety thereof but are indoctrinated to the extent that their pathway is unable to be any other way to the point where their family dynamic becomes an absolute truth that they just have to ‘deal with’ rather than imagining that its underpinned by long term generational dynamics that their children will add to when they’ve left the home. When you truly understand the ‘Energy of Family’ you will understand and accept the purpose of energy dynamics and therefore accept what is your own unique role to play in the world concerning the true energy that you were blessed with. I’ve decisively articulated the division of that for you above in order to emulate as far as possible in your life so that you can be a part of the cultural war in a totally passive way not out there trying to fight imaginary phantoms from society but instead just focusing on how you can be a part of the natural creation of life through your own energy which may or may not include the building of a strong family with the right partner. A right parnter that isn’t indoctrinated by this societal mess or at the very least understands the role they must play in combatting it, which is by simply living their life. They nor you ever again have to even turn on the radio, YouTube, television, TikTok or whatever else ever again where all they’re listening to is the echo of these damaging effects to our energetic dynamics (ED), it has absolutely nothing to do with the issues people complain about themselves and entirely to do with ED, not to mention all the nonsense distractions people talk about on this forum where we see even crueler versions of how the true power in the collectivism of family and the sacred structure that it is meant to help embolden offspring into the world has been so usurped by religious dogma that children are instead eventually as adults or younger become the bullets to be fired at the end of someone else’s or a group of persons selfish lust for power, greed and control. What you are fighting against if there is any fight at all at the inward level, is purely unhealthy narcissism in a nutshell, for of course, what do we get as a byproduct of being sold the illusion of individuality that falls into the hands of collectivism? We get delusional forms of narcissism whether they’re pro collectivism in the form of dangerous ‘religious like’ orders or they’re pro ‘fake individuality’. Where although the former has more nuance from the east to be added, concerning the latter which is more dedicative of our condition in the west because become so entrenched in falsity of what truly makes them connect with another human that the only truth they’re able to establish in the idea of connection is when their soul has been taken over by the fictional sense of self they create about themselves in their own minds projective landscape. Totally disconnected from the rest of their nervous systems similar in the way I have partially taught here in my positive endorsement concerning increasing the sensitivity with the rest of the most important regions of our nervous system like the heart, mind, gut and as you grow in sophistication, their various parts and interactions. What is your response to this unhealthy narcissism? The healthy kind. Your ego must become attached to an identity that believes in its true worth, ability to create and value relative to the energetic structure of your being and therefore those regions of the nervous system that are their to be activated so that your healthy narcissism can show its greatest light. Why? Because the state or government has told you that it should actually be the one that’s meant to be your narcissism, that its meant to create the laws, rules and provide you with all the opportunities that you’re capable of generating, which is completely false obviously and you shouldn’t trust them in light of todays identity politics that have completely gone array, but nor should you distrust. Healthy narcissism means as one value differentiator there, and I recommend studying Aristotles work more in the areas of balance, values and ethics, means balanced trust. I you’re too naive and unquestioning, you’ll be gullible the way they want you to be, if you’re too cynical you’ll be some variant of being too rebellious, which is what they also want, as they simply want a lack of balance as a lack of balance is what eventually destroys your family unit in the future if you bless yourself enough to create one. In the past, you would hand over your personal narcissism to the tribal leader, and you would do this based on an intrinsic sense of intuitive trust among likemindedness. It had a lot of flaws, but it got us by for a lot of generations. Your false individuality, and I say its false as I hardly doubt most readers have matured their level of ethics, sense of values, responsibility, freedom and sovereignty to the level they need to be in order to be a true reflection of balanced individuality, was meant to be a counterpunch to the tribal leader, aka your parents or true role models so that you would run into the ideological cage that you’re likely trapped in by some level, and if you’re not, all props to you. Now that you’ve seen the underlying relationships at play here though, you need to take off that fake warm clothing of freedom and individual expression that we see with guys going blindly trans and whatever else because its an ‘expression of individuality’, and simply stand naked under the light of reality then just take an honest look at what you are, who you are and how you are at the core of things without all the noise of societies dishonest words. From here, if you’re a man, fluid solidarity. Which means as shortly as possible, you should mostly only view your time as something that is another brick to add onto your castle; that’s what you most as strongly as possible build as much healthy narcissistic pride around as you can where you only define yourself through the next action you take towards achieving your challenge rather than pontificating about whether when you were a child you actually wanted to be a female and this is why your life turned out wrong. You don’t try and fight the state or government unless it is in alignment with your true intelligence which for most of you its not, its not a part of your purpose, just focus on the true dynamics that make you and therefore a family great that then in return is the blessing you give to future civilization. Lastly, as a man you have to realize that there’s never a point in which you should ever not be a man. Whether it’s acting or not acting, an actor needs to realize that done too much in the absence of balance if he’s pretending to be a woman he’s doing damage to his energetic ecosystem; minor pretending, can be beneficial for both man and woman. To get past the brainwashing a man has received to be more feminine implicitly or explicitly, he just needs to understand that every moment is a moment of the masculine to override and overcome where in the context of time, this is learned to be done with increasingly greater more sophistication and maturity. Whether he’s dealing with children, sweeping the floor, a manager of a bank, milking a fucking cow, it must be recognized that a man is not defined by the type of the challenge but his masculine energy towards the challenge itself. Look at most men around you, many use the ease of a task to define the weakness they have towards it to the point where for many men if they’re not in a gym, you won’t see anything remotely close to a masculine energy. In the pavlovian sense, he’s ‘switched off’ from being a man and this is where YouTube and the rest of the media bullshit world gets to turn him into a feminine puppet twisting and courting his belief systems into becoming a supplicating pouting pigeon pouncing on the next bread feed of the next passerby. You’re a man 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the masculine energy is something that should be positively self-reinforcing meaning its something that you become fueled by rather than tired by as so many men are these days when it comes to simply being who they were born to be because of how their energy systems have been fucked with. And if you’re a woman, solid fluidity. Which means as shortly as possible, you’re totally preoccupied with the environment you’re in or wish to be a part of with respect to nurturing the values of harmony, peace and the maturity of the greater sacredness of life. That’s not sexist for me to say that, that’s literally what the feminines drive is designed for and for anything, however subtly, to say or dictate otherwise is damage to and the eventual destruction of the feminine as we now see in society today, including too with the masculine which for either one could say its a byproduct of the destruction of the other. You can be a scientist if you want again I’m not saying you shouldn’t look at Dr. Dian Fossey, her entire work was dedicated to nurturing the apes environment and too via the learning and wisdom she sought to courageously invoke towards the surrounding over masculine narrative towards great apes. It even brings a tear to my eye her work is so beautiful to me. She was intelligent and wise enough to have her femininity complement the masculinity she needed to pair it with in the profession of science that is as stated a masculine profession at the core of things, she is the perfect example then of what many women should aspire to emulate in their own way. Now, what do you do if you have disruptions to your energetic system? For me, my heart and my gut were destroyed growing up by my unstable familial environment and many of these traumas (i.e. actively, so on a conscious level, practicing to dissociate while my mother was yelling absurdities at me as a small body because I wasn’t able to handle the emotional impact it had on me) remained hidden beneath my own natural genetic resilience. However after much dedicated effort to reawaken my hearts connection with the rest of my nervous system as one example, I haven’t experienced the dissociative symptoms I used to experience with respect to feeling cut off from parts of my body for over a year now. And to be vulnerable for a moment, these two improvisations ( https://www.youtube.com/@puremusiconly3645 ) that I created off the cuff a few years ago both in their own way reflect what I was going through underneath, and ‘Awaken The True War’ actually came at the aftermath of an energetic release that spontaneously came to me in the middle of the night at 2am or so, where I just new something mystical was rushing through me and I had to express it. Today, I felt motivated to share this with you as I became aware of the pains that still existed within me as shared with me by the ‘invisible gut that lived behind my gut’ when late at night my sleeping was disrupted by two French women that had decided to stay in my room at the hostel I was staying in. When they came into my room I was almost fast asleep so my judgement was semi-conscious which no doubt impacted the vulnerability of the rest of my system however in saying that, I almost immediately within the span of the few minutes they were there started to get a crush on one of them even though I hadn’t even seen them I’d just heard their feminine voices that were equally as beautiful as one another. After they were informed they were in the wrong room and left, my gut for spontaneously experienced a strong sense of abandonment. So here we have an analysis, (1) vulnerable state (2) environmental sense of reward (3) taken away (4) bodily trigger (5) emotional overcoming. What needs to be stressed here as a priority is that it’s a bodily trigger first and foremost, not an emotional one and especially not a thought. You may say, ‘Oh I feel x, y, z and it creates w, t, j’ and that’s all well and good but its actually irrelevant if you don’t understand and or cannot connect with where its occurring in the body, something which is totally and utterly just, absurdly wrong in most of the field of ‘therapeutic psychology’, “because well of course, if you’re disconnected from your body then we can just feed you some pills and say it has more to do with your thoughts and emotions than your body, especially in the prioritization of an overemphasis of brain”. That ‘soft pain’ in my gut revealed to me how I’m still very disconnected in this area of my body regardless as to how much more connected I may be than the average person in certain areas, it reveals the profound realization as well that the solution to isolated psychological events do not live in isolated locations within the body, that as much as I can do work on the heart as I have, the gut, the brain too, etc, eventually not only do I need to enhance the level of connection to my gut as I have with my heart, at a holistic level as I have been hinting I’ve been achieving, I need to activate all of these regions of the body in simultaneity as an all encompassing healing process, again start at heartmath.com if you’re a novice. Concerning the future, this IS a future cornerstone to the therapeutic process if not the entire stone house itself the more people advance up the hierarchy of bioelectrical agency as I am working to design the castle of completion for myself here. All in all, that brief encounter with the lovely French women that I never even got to meet have opened up a truth inside of me that I’ve still got a lot of work to do but that I welcome the challenge with the tenacity that’s inspired by the power I’ll be able to experience and accomplish even more once I’ve inhaled the new level it takes me to. Returning back to my sentiment pertaining to how a man is defined not by the type of challenge but by the quality of his approach to life (to express slightly differently as I don’t precisely remember what I said) and this endeavor towards my own energetic work here is no different. Men have been brainwashed into believing that resilience in the absence of sensitivity to what is real in their body occurring as an energetic pain, is somehow good and masculine, when in reality, its purely the compensation of the ego’s ignorance when it comes to understanding what a man is. See the man keeps going in the face of obstacles, however no where in our manual does it ever say that when we stop we shouldn’t understand our beings to ensure we mature ourselves to a higher level so we’re more likely to operate the next progression on our next training interval, they’ve been taught by the feminine to falsely either italicize their feelings into bullshit narratives so they act like the irrational imbalanced feminine monkeys that damage both the sacred feminine and masculine, be ashamed of that core or to simply ‘ignore it and push on’ which then puts them into a schism as to what to believe they should do. This only results in the creation of various kinds of dysfunctional childish narcissism from the male as a way to compensate where his true spiritual sovereignty towards his highest actualised narcissism becomes damaged, and unfortunately, is never truly realized. This should never be a case of ‘pick your poison’ which in culture it is in light of ignorance being commonplace, where guys energetically choose between either suffering in silence to the finish line while they positively reinforce a false not positive ego that becomes increasingly more distorted the more disconnected it is, and because like machines they’re still ticking the boxes, going to work and putting the hours in, that’s still ‘good’ as its ‘good’ for societies bottom line at the mechanical level and therefore better than if they were to take the poison o the delusional fake feeling narrative world of the feminine, where they turn every little ache and pain into a soap opera of beauty and the femibeast. Down to the core then, as men, part of our mastery then towards ‘fluid solidarity’ as I’ve coined it is in understanding all of the processes of our being that give rise to the creation and transformation of energy so that we can as effectively and creatively as possible convert our energy into the best next move forward for the legacy that we’re ideally leaving behind in some way, that’s it. A part of that then is in now relying upon ourselves to understand ourselves via the model of part-process-connection-system when it comes to understanding how thoughts and emotions are even made to best engineer both paths of the masculine and the feminine to their highest potential, that’s how we act as a scientist upon ourselves and therefore as a natural byproduct a benefit for the worlds self-understanding of its nature. ‘Bioelectrical Agency’ as I’ve coined it is a man’s natural destiny as a consequence from his self-understanding translating over into an increasingly more evolved energetic state produced as a consequence of the energy systems within his body communicating more intelligently, aka a collective grouping of the highest energies like love, power, unity, balance, order, fun, excitement, courage all coming together to forge into the oneness that makes his ‘fluid solidarity’. More negative, less fluid. More positive, more fluid. More positively masculine and we have positive narcissism that builds for one’s respective community in some way and for a positive feminine that is the contribution and harmonizing of what is build by the masculine, whereas if it’s more negative it’ll do a combination of either self-inflate and self-explode as we see in unhealthy narcissism. Both males and females these days are just as narcissistic as one another and that’s something I learned from Sam Vaknin who’s much more into the science there where its his belief that there’s more female narcissists than females these days. Just in case you’re unsure, ‘positive narcissism’ versus ‘negative narcissism’ is discriminated in the scientific literature as something that is either a personality disorder or not, in this case narcissistic personality disorder. What I’ve realized, is that given there’s such a strong relationship between energetic dynamics overlapping with the presentation of a unique profile when it comes to cases that represent narcissistic personality disorder, this work I’m doing that I hope collectively continues much more strongly outside of me eventually leads to an inevitable cure for all unhealthy forms of narcissism which I believe it is. The problem of course being, the very reason why we needed a solution to the epidemic to begin with, bringing us back to of course both the symptom and the cause being ‘pseudo-individuality’ propagated as a false freedom to the lower-mid population demographics, including all of its outgrowths. As a man, your mastery is oneness, in fluid solidarity. As a woman, your mastery is togetherness, in solid fluidity.
  3. Chad stops by. IQ points slowly returning after motorbike accident to the head. Take in the learning salt in the link above, splash it against those demonic entities presently holding you hostage from the light of Chad's glory and Chad will give you a personalized Blue Steel that'll make old tampons spontaneously want to take a visit to the maternity ward.
  4. @PurpleTree With respect to the converted 'kid', underneath there's the same desire for truth as there is for you and I and so all three of us have that same switch underneath us, because its predicted on a sense of rightness and wrongness, truth over falsity. Although that may sound beautiful and great on the surface, coalesced with that is the simultaneous intersection with the ability to differentiate these things cognitively, separate it from past trauma and elucidate mature equilibriums relative to the rest of the swath of energetic, emotional, intuitive and especially social experiences that are a part of informing consciousnesses final resolve for the stage of decision making each of us three, and for that matter, the entire forum is in. If you imagine consciousness as a circle reflecting the inner core of being, while all of these other areas 'energetic, emotional, trauma, cognitive, etc' as separate bubbles that are all directing their energy towards that core, where connected to or absent from that consciousness core is an underlying conscience with only degrees of mature development, you'll understand how the guy that switched could be any one of us if you change just a few of the quantitative metrics of each of those other categories. Ironically, this is both the virtue and vice of psychopaths, where although they're not going to be the one's irrationally changing due to some arbitrary variable like a tendency towards group conformity, they're actually far more likely to be leaders at the top of these kind of outfits (including and separate to people higher up on Narcissistic Personality Disorder), in fact it would give them great pleasure the more intelligence they have because of course, it genuinely takes considerable intelligence to both not care about the actual outcome of a movement outside of one's covert strategic intention while also successfully manipulating to the point of persuading hundreds to thousands if not more. There is this overly simplistic pseudo-intellectual attitude in some spiritual circles that because values and principles are relative to a culture in which they're from, that means that values and principles don't inherently actually matter and anyone is philosophically right to actually do whatever it is they want. This is fundamentally true from a psychopaths biological context, however only partly, moreover when we're speaking about the broader population the pattern that we're noting when we speak of the generation of tradition and its outfit of values and principles, across the entire planet of cultures, is of course, the very natural and organic drive to organize truth from falsity relative to an underlying inherent drive towards wanting to not only know what is morally good but also be a part of it socially and build communities who's underlying spirit is fostered by its essence. The varying nature of tradition in culture when it comes to morality has nothing to do with then the absence of an inherent truth in 'philosophical morality' but purely the reason for why, to bring us back to where we started, 'Us Three' as I put it or as I furthered it 'Each Individual on the Forum', would have a different propensity to this individual that 'switched' and therefore from our relative position gives us 'Fair Game' to criticize them however when you changed just a few of the metrics of our biological and or environmental backgrounds, all of a sudden, we're perhaps even worse than the person that was brainwashed with ease on the switch. Or in the case of understanding why the morality varies between cultures and history, is to understand the unique environmental and biological context in which the traditions for morals and, eventually, an understanding of what universal virtue which is what this is all meant to lead to, ends. Propensity is to drive is to purpose is to an end that is solved via biology (Functional Philosophy) and environmental understanding (Structural Philosophy), so 'absolute truth' is in part, the achievement of the 'absolute solution' to any one of our drives of which a universal philosophy is concerning one that serves the underlying intention for all cultures across the planet, which of course too, includes respecting the individual functional and structural intelligence that has surfaced uniquely over the centuries since the dawn of time when a psychopath could easily just claim themselves as leader by beating another 'Neanderthal' over the head with a rock, which actually happened. This isn't to say, 'This is what they did in those times!', as that would be totally misplaced when it comes to accurately contextualizing those actions from then relative position of where their may for example have been less or more psychopaths relative to demographic and time of history, not to mention mental illness, especially situationally given 'Structural Philosophy' which contains all of the knowledge we've learned for how to self-regulate relative to social position is what often automatically controls our automatic impulses, that in our earliest times in history we just wouldn't have the knowledge much less social norms to be able to intelligently negotiate, so in the context of jealousy for example, without awareness it would often override the intelligence of the respective sentience and then from the future looking back we would ignorantly say 'look at what they did in those times' totally overlooking a more accurate interpretation of contextualized morality. Moving forward 100 years into the future and holding onto the assumption that we continue to progress philosophically rather than regress (the latter is arguably more possible though let's try and do our best given psychopaths and narcissists are able to live hidden in plain sight these days in political strata), we would look at this situation of the 'Switch' as a case study example where we further understood the vulnerabilities of human psychology versus the strengths that don't just protect it from being easy to change, because the susceptibility to change overlaps with neuroplasticity which is a positive of the related person, nor even just protect us via critical thinking, however inbuilt within our non-informational moral strata an understanding of all of the 'Energy Units' like psychological characteristics that have been well categorized like 'Disgust Sensitivity', 'Prudence' and others that bring greater 'Emotional Stability', which would then allow in advance as a new scenario if we were to alter these characteristics of the related person and run a new computer simulation as to what would happen after this change in the individual. What I have personally originated is this distinction between 'Functional' and 'Structural' philosophy and I think if people used this layer to understand how they conceptualize the origins of morality, it would really help them understand morality from a biological perspective rather than via the fragile filters of pure historical analysis that requires more of the stated contextualisaton, including too a radical new awareness for how new cultural outgrowths like that we have fascinatingly, however simultaneously disappointing and depressing it is from another angle, seen in the USA manifest over just the last two decades especially though held within the broader context of something that has spiraled more from the 1960's. Some on this forum would undoubtedly try to conceptualize everything using models like spiral dynamics, however you're going to have to try a bit harder if you really want to understand the level of danger the whole world is in as a consequence of these manifesting from what is scarily categorized as the most powerful country on earth. The most powerful and yet for a very large section of their population, arguably the most brainwashed and philosophically weakest in light of the opportunities they have before them to evolve their nature as sentient beings.
  5. As per reminder of the post above, every post corresponds with a humorous self-analysis while courting my own mind, trying to get its attention, woo it, etc with whatever pickup line I can come up with, just remember that. Scratch 60+ points off my IQ and this is literally where it's at haha, who knows maybe I'd still do okay in Thailand. Anyhow, humor aside, this is just another layer to my appointment with evolving what I'm now terming as a new philosophy 'Temporalism'. It's the best overlap I've ever fathomed between the two comment noted ago, Functional Philosophy and Structural Philosophy. With intelligence, when it exists as a counterpoint to one's frustrations you have to remember its so easy to fuel a false identity with it rather than utilize it to truly make ground in one's own self-awareness and greater wisdom of the universe. It pays then to remember, no really, on that note let's run a game right now. Imagine you had to choose between either for every centimeter you lost in height or some other characteristic, you would gain in IQ and for every point you lost in IQ you would gain a centimeter in height, how far would you take it just for the sake of speculation? Now for the sake of speculation, let's drop your IQ by those noted 60+ IQ points and hit the big Dr. Evil Red Button for nuclear weapons on what instead activated your sex drive, or some other drive, can you now feel more empathy for the state of various relationship dynamics in the world and where you extend it to different drives activated across our Freudian-Jungian analyses, where else can you extend your empathy to develop your own spiritual intelligence on the present moment? Now let's say I am actually 60+ IQ points deficient in this moment and I had to live my life this way for the rest of my life, with the loss and fractioning of any identity I had with intelligence that my ego attached itself to, where would I find my humility? How does it reveal other aspects of my shadow that I haven't seen yet? How about for you? If not intelligence, try it for many other areas. How about a 100 IQ point increase? Continue the same exercise and work to move towards deepening your groundedness rather than getting carried away like many false self-help gurus tell you to do when they make it a part of your Law of Attraction process to just "GO WILD" in your imagination for what you want, while forgetting all the limitations to that even though there is some use to it. Temporalism, gentlemen and ladies, is a philosophy that I'll be advertising here when I want to as something that serves as a solution to relationship issues through the lens of those that are capable of energetically (cognitively and emotionally) actualising it, that'll be the best way to relay its learning exercises. "Yo dude, imagine if you reached level 1 to temporalism, that'd be all your social anxiety, inhibitions and need for validation wiped away while preserving that tear of beauty now liberating itself down your cheek for achieving this on top of what we now call your empathy, the thing that connects you to yourself as much as another", to me that's the beginning to a much more culturally stable way of relaying my ideas rather than just entirely restricting it to the rigid intellectualism of something that's even a cognitive imposition on what something like heart-math can handle. It's still not palatable for people who haven't done the training that they're able to create a powerful symbiotic energy that they can use in so many cool ways by aligning their activated connection with their hearts, minds and guts as a tertiary foundation. "You saying my gut has secret powers? It just tells me when I want Pepsi, Cheeto's and whether my momma is lying to me about whether she stole the last one!", yes I am. The gut has so much more I'm still discovering, Temporalism, is the understanding of this triad and the greater nervous system through their rhythms and how via their rhythms their harmonies create the channels that generate what we know as our felt experiences of emotions and thoughts, however... That is just the beginning kiddos and you'll have to give me a few weeks more for all of my wounds to heal, yep I have to go to the hospital daily now just to get my eye cleaned now that I have my stitches out; yep, its infected. Like I told yah, God was pushin for the endin and that immigration officer called it as she did, I'd be right now peeing in the pushes with puss oozing from my eye right now wondering where I was going to sleep at night as I looked both ways down the wrong seeing nothing for the bare 100's of meters that I could eye either way down the highway if I didn't listen. And that's an interesting process in the context of this work isn't it, where the listening was and what I was reading from my body layered in the context of the minds wants and wishes paired with the assertions of what wanted to Will here in the context of our underlying conversation on free will and determinism here regarding choice. Conscious Choice is already figured out, I've neatly defined it inside the clever confines of simply saying "free will is proportional to awareness and everything else is determinism", however in the context of Intuitive Choice, well now, that's an entirely different kettle of tea to boil isn't it aye! But that which Temporalism of course, overlaps in answering. "But I still don't fully understand what Temporalism is!" Good, because I don't want you yet, it'll come on the next page of this journal for a more formal presentation down the road heh!
  6. ~~~~~~ The West is totally overrated by the way, none of the countries shouldn't be anywhere near the top in terms of places to visit because of all the brainwashing, etc. Europe and Asia are where its at even though of got many soft and strong positive vibes with niches in the West that I'll always hold sacred, because sacredness is where its at and what a country needs to preserve which is all that I'm disappointed by really and is where all disharmony resides from in the world, psychologically <-> culturally and all sociological dynamics in every which way that you can make out of that. ~~~~~~ Something I've been thinking about. So as I've made pretty clear, working to be a dad and start a strong family, that being said along the way there's going to be a lot of strategic grounded adventures that I'm happy being open minded about to be a positive endorsement for ethical relations when it comes to negotiating the process of having many relationships with the opposite sex. Although right now 'Project Temporal Identity' takes precedence, as soon as I've established myself in level 1 there I'll be moving to Project Conquer ___insert country here___, where Thailand is of course, first on the list. My goal will be to form ethical relationships with 50 women per country I visit from now on each of which will only count if they're seeded with the potential or already established for being a some variant of a LTR, learning the language as I go along enough for basic conversation that can organically grow overtime. My goal with this project is to establish a core rich understanding based on personal experience on: (1) relationship dynamics so I can build a truly multidimensional imaginative landscape for how I imagine the future family I'm building (2) the dynamics of what I want (3) designing, learning and teaching parenting dynamics (4) deepening my existential grounding on life and what our human condition is (5) how to go after what I want as maximally and ethically as possible in way that is mutually beneficial and where its solely built on a grounding of trust (6) and of course, teach my son and daughter from the perspective of a gentleman that has truly seen it all. So THAT'S in the works. My father was a true traditional alpha male indoctrinated by the system to be the loyal bread winner that fought for his woman as protectively and dominantly as possible, he passed that onto me and its arguably in our genes as all my brothers are the same. I really love my dad and I love the wisdom that exists in that, however those same dynamics that were able to survive in the past in a much less complex world because of the increased multidimensionality, over-complications, drama and indoctrinations now show too many of their blindspots that its now dangerous to operate under the same traditional horse blinkers. For me, this is a 'you can have your cake and eat it too' situation where I get to preserve the past while simply creating my own intellectualized complex dating system whereby thin and reduce the signal to noise ratio as much as possible while respecting and sharing positive experiences with the opposite sex. For me, this would be a really positive project for me to do in light of it being a core need amongst both sexes that need to be filled, so that men on the one side understand my own strategic decision making when it comes to creating the most intelligent road to building my own family that I personally want to envision and on the other hand, to help reduce the bias of any female readers when it comes to a man focusing on quantity in this respect to give her an opportunity to discriminate between men that focus on quantity because they're purely looking at women as an object and game versus men that are genuinely looking for a certain kind of woman while creating an adventure along the way which is as ethical as possible and in that process, done where there's the minimum of suffering and maximum positive. This will help encourage both sides to begin to think about how they could operate strategically and objectively as well to help them move away from societal brainwashing while moving towards those true home grown values that truly make a society strong as it concerns remembering that family is the bedrock of civilization, as its family that creates the people and its the people that create the country that makes it a great place to visit, not the cloning of other countries, their cultures or the strategic brainwashing for capitalistic ends to create pseudo home away from homes that don't broaden cultures horizons for the betterment of our mutual collective inward development. Will translate from 'Something I've been thinking about' to: Something I'm now doing. In a matter of weeks. 50 may seem like a lot however for Bangkok, its really not. The 'quantity' changes from location to location based on my evaluation of each culture. Moreover, you should never try to 'match me' that's not what this is about, we are completely different people with different abilities, opportunities, goals and futures, you need to focus on building your future while I focus on building mine, and do so as strategically as possible. You have to remember that I'm not going to fit into anyone's definition of 'Woke', at the end of the day you have to remember that I have a male brain, '50' is just a number that gives my brain something to focus on, a goal, an ambition to accomplish, the humanism is in the process I actualize to achieve that, not the result, the result is in the impact I have on every interaction including how you maturely appraise this project. So here's to potentially (MOST LIKELY) upcoming... Project Conquer Thailand.
  7. @Keryo Koffa I'm looking forward to going to Denmark soon.
  8. Constructing first 'Temporal Identity'. First principle of philosophy. 1. Never slap, stroke, or pull the schlong. Man should not masturbate, woman should 'masturbate' the man. Man is a being that is meant to personify the epitome of creating order amidst the chaos. The epitome, not the average, not half way or a quarter way or three quarters of the way up the population ranks, the epitome. Epitome is his only understanding of equality and for everything else, it should be beneath him including equalizing everything that potentially harms his self-control, resilience and chance for liberation, with only its execution, literally or figuratively. Moreover, by allowing a woman to be the only one to truly explore it, he will only allow open channels within himself in which he encourages her to do so, so that he himself can be a part of that play rather than appearing as an 'expert'. This emboldens the sexual interaction with exploration and adds another light to the adventure, including how his increased strength carries over elsewhere in the journey with the right woman. Okay, there's implicit grains of truth to that principle as I do adhere to it consequentially regardless, however its of course not what I'm talking about. 'Temporal Identity' is the understanding of Identity creation via a higher functional perspective, predicating the ego's nature drive to Identity via attachment and learning with intelligently defined parameters that create a higher ground by which structural identities are created. What differentiates a structural from a functional identity is that the former is purely informational aka everything that is destroying the west in the form of Identity Politics, whereas the latter is purely the 'how' on the movement of computing information, which is the crux of the various levels of achievement that follow Bioelectrical Agency, hierarchically. I've been working over a year to being able to achieve this so it's a significant leap in my progress now that the wires are starting to spark together, something that'll take me a few weeks to become an unconscious habit given its a literal gymnastics action that's performed when it comes to generating functional identities, a bunch of different movements (i.e. all the brain areas, gut, heart, etc stuff I've been talking about). The biggest issue with cultural politics these days is that we're not working from the ground level of how identity is even formed and the ego's healthy desire for identity, because of this, we end up with two or more groups fighting with one another who's group identities are not only predicated under false understanding of how their beings work and what they want but as a natural consequence to this, totally inaccurate beliefs that because they have grains of truth to them, they're able to leverage the highest and worst aspects of human nature to fight for the least truthful aspects of their beliefs under the mask of that grain of truth, then being able to stamp it and call that 'Good Patriotism' figuratively or literally, for LGBT or international war, or even down to the micro politics when it comes to the nonsense we see hear and there in divorce courts. 'Temporal Identity' is revolutionary where its entirely predicated by a new and far more accurate temporal understanding of human nature and identity formation that forms the structural lenses that govern our belief paradigms, where the cycles of brain cognition informed by biography to the working memory of the present moment that juxtaposes itself via the self-computation of gut bacteria and alchemical agency employed by the heart as a conscious response, its a grounded practical solution to at least my relationship to the rest of the humanity that whoever learns it along the way, will join me in that freedom. Only at level 1 tier 1 of that, but I'm the savant constructing it so I should be down the ways there over the weeks to months ahead; we've got plenty of bridges to this paradigm from neurofeedback to CBT to tDCs and plenty, plenty more, however they're philosophically dumbstruck when it comes to putting it altogether into a palatable philosophy that can become a self-employed bioelectrical authorship and that's because they're entirely predicated on the enduser not being the technology that creates the comparable change but instead dependent on the technology in doing so. In this paradigm, after hours and hours of training and advancement up the tiers, you are the technology, free from LGBT+++ propaganda outside of creating your own occasional fart joke regarding thereto including for all of the inversions of that from war, religion and everything else. Functional Philosophy (the how of 'how life works' aka our inner natures) is the future to Structural Philosophy, and the first way to realize this truth is in understanding how it has always been the 'how' regarding how our natures work that explains how any philosophizing including the various kinds were ever created at all. Imagine any increase/decrease in any main area of our nervous system that impacts our functionality and we will see a proportional change in the lenses that makeup our perception of reality and subsequent characteristics that are formed in the construction of our philosophies about life, analogously and literally, just as 'personality' has been ordered into something that is either more or less suited to a certain external profession is to understand then the many unique relationships brought by function to understanding structure and its subsequent creation of structure that speaks to philosophy that one or more persons adhere to and or advance. Functional Philosophy not only explains degenerate structural philosophy but also explains the challenges brought to challenging those degenerate philosophies themselves because as a functional sentient unit decreases for the ego to compensate it relies more and more on the most self-protective and therefore sometimes most self-sabotaging aspects of itself either for a self-preservation that does or doesn't lead to self-destruction in the one and or the many, where even if there are social feedback loops, because their resolution on the information created from the level of their functional philosophy is so low, they're consequently forced to be increasingly more rigid on the truth/falseness of the structural philosophy generated. In order to ‘save’ lower functional sentient units, they must be indoctrinated into as much peace as possible and or their functionality must be repaired and or upgraded, there is no other option. Both options as we know, are what have been circulated in many ways, on that latter note we’ve already heard enough about the brainwashing we receive on NeuraLink. To the former here in Thailand for example, the average IQ is less than 90 whereas in Cambodia they’re even higher than Australia, Cambodians have more functionality on one level however because their disgust sensitivity isn’t as high as some areas like I mentioned regarding the lack of cleanliness in many areas and therefore the need to have your own toilet paper, below their poverty line ‘sneaky crime’ that I’m sure I don’t need to bring up examples of are much less looked down upon and by the way I’m just hoping the person that stole my stuff including my thousands of dollars uses it to good use for their health and prosperity I couldn’t care less outside of that and learning from my experiences, even though as I’ve expressed, they’re very, very good people, over-nourished even when it comes to the Buddhist faith their taking ranch as beautifully as it has. On that note, I never got to see Angkor Wat but it’s highly, highly recommended, absolutely amazing. In Thailand, as made very visible by the artificial beauty standards they have here, they on the other hand even though that mechanism of functionality is a little twisted and extremely damaging with how shallow its expressed in their culture on certain ends as depicted in my previous post, especially where there’s a lack of disgust sensitivity where there should be some in a way that enhances that damaging effect, look down on the lower classes here in certain ways especially with respect to crimes of all kinds, and do not at all go out of their way like you may see in Cambodia they do when it comes to helping those below the poverty line. Both have the Buddha on a pedestal, however because of the unhealthy indoctrination of the West into Thailand, in the ways shared in the previous post, the way disgust sensitivity has presented itself in their culture has manifested very differently compared to the Cambodian’s, however a little smarter they are when it comes to being that little bit more sneaky. In the future, I'm both worried and excited for both countries with respect to how they evolve philosophically and how their respective positions right now change in that motion which will include the continual influx of cultures around the world, from China especially into Cambodia and the West's ongoing influence on the self-esteem of Thailand's mask, and concerning Vietnam, I see them as a combination of both Cambodia and Thailand where although Vietnam has suffered from the West's influence, they have a stronger affiliation with the self through Buddhism and even the spiritual practices they've inherited from China, so much of the sacredness that's preserved by the Cambodian's in rural areas is likely going to be kept strong in the way it is in China moving forward. However, as a lay opinion, I expect to see Bangkok to more and more become the bridge for the west into the rest of Asia as it has over the last couple of decades has opened up to via male Westerners being attracted to wedding the Thai women here. Still lots to integrate, however functionally using these three cultures as an example, even though Thailand is going to become more and more techy and in return advance its education in many new ways, with respect to Functional Philosophy we're going to very much see a stalemate between the three cultures because of how larger continents are going to landlock that conversation, out of the three though I expect to see Vietnam become more and more of the world around them and maybe even along with the Cambodians, become more philosophically astute, especially functionally because of their roots in being more body centered via Buddhism. On that note, even though we have the scientism I'm predicting to take more root in Thailand, that's only going to have more of a degrading impact on preserving the sacredness of their roots and at least right now at this point, I don't see how its possible that Thailand isn't going to simply turn into a 'Second West', which is what China used to be at risk of. Outside of previously being a casual appetizer I've only just started when it comes to analyzing and integrating other cultures, however I predict its going to be like a second arm to future philosophizing for me that'll only deepen the scope and breadth of my sharing's here that I look forward to.
  9. The tale of the Fiery Green Eyed Doll and the Hyenas Manes of Centuries that tamed her under the Green Billed table of Consciousness. (Spontaneously decided to write this in a supermarket here in Bangkok just now. The singularity of a particular 'woman' here is used symbolically) The rain pours thunderingly Eyes of green fire seen from a distance Dancing hyenas with lion manes surrounding her through the looking glass of a voyeur room A Thai woman finding her place in the cultural smoke and mirrors Only taught to please those manes or find herself through the beauty she can achieve Even if taught that this is for herself, it is again, for the manes For the man has taught himself to be trapped just as much, via their fiery green gaze So in as much as they believe themselves to have imprisoned the woman Via that same volition, they ensnare themselves in a greater hurricane that traps them both within the voyeur palace One behind the doll glass and the other, sound asleep in their untraced desire within the looking room The looking glass that forever foretold many of these futures centuries behind this one and so then, not just this one too but also the spectrum of egoic idiocy that we see on both sides of sexes across the planet that keeps them still in their response, both trapped Centuries of green tears Bound by lustful monetary tiers Cloaked in a disguise That hinds a culture from the self that believes itself is the dark side of the moon Now orbiting the artificial sun, to continue the cycle of life and death To heroically triumph through the seasons, all in the name of future sun and daughter That hold these green eyes at the alter, while all burn ablaze Under and above, in a heaven made of hell As the thai woman threatens to carve the cheeks of her beautiful face And the hyenas manes calling her crazy As she releases in confusion and they hold her 'lovingly', and give her a child So they can both teach their son and daughter, how to love like this too A cultural insane asylum, locked on a hidden mental island With damage to the heart, enough too so that they can be exploited by the west and they can extend the deed of their enlightenment here too, Thailand, the land of the free tears, As they remain hidden among the thousands surrounding theirs, Silent, with the highest oppression being the hidden acceptance of the hyenas manes With their fiery green eyes, The diamonds of their soul Computable only as a brief passing thought or emotion An eyeglance towards the tiniest understanding of their secret stormy predicament In it, a light switch goes off to release their energetic torment but then just as quickly A robotic override, A welcoming plastic smile "Hello sir, how may I help you today? We have some lovely women coming for you, please wait a moment as they prepare for entering our display room" And no, I didn't I left - Best Light By the way running the following feedback loop for next few weeks that corresponds the scale I created from "Awareness to Agency" just above. Firstly, I'm writing in a very awkward position at the moment as the counters are suited to people of smaller height and there's no appropriate chairs, aka don't have much time here: 1. Enhancing differentiation of internal energy, remember as lack of differentiation increases so too does the lack of ownership of that energy and therefore the lack of agency and free will (which we do have however has been poorly categorised). Internal energy is purely all that we experience, external is purely all that we experience on the incoming that becomes the internal. Differentiation is multi-layered and overlays between the computationally abstract and the very mechanical and straightforward, "I felt this experience created from my gut, to my heart to my mind, it has a signature that expresses itself as a projective consequence to those mechanics, etc, etc". There's chaotic multidimentiality that expresses itself as orderly relationality from the viewpoint of understanding, that until its held in full view by awareness, that awareness does not fully translate all the way up the scale to agency that spells out the meta-language of then escalation into potentially higher consciousness that just NATURALLY follows as that's just the NATURAL direction of true awareness, it wants more light and when it achieves it, this is when awareness starts to translate into epigenetic change from viewpoint of its meta-language, that is always evolutionary, a translation of what I meant by "it wants more light". 2. Enhancing the LTM (long term memory) mapping between information gathered from awareness into... going back to the noted scale... understanding that fuels how power can actualise itself back into then the symbiotic relationship between the two that translates into a naturally greater level of awareness. This is done via techniques I've self created that are outgrowths from my learnings of method of loci for example. The light within tells me, if its true, that God wanted me to get rid of my phone and computer so that I relied much more on my memory, so that I brought more strength to the accomplishment of this purpose and for any other reason there may be on a cultural level. By understanding the scale created one should by now understand that to the level there is a lack of understanding and or power, there is zero, and mean zero ownership over the energy and therefore responses within our responses and therefore you are purely a puppet by the limits of that phenomenological profile. This is something that one has to maturely accept in order to embrace the challenge of moving up the levels in the same way we would for exercise, as long as we have the right methods. I have some upcoming stuff down the line here but just so yal know where I am in what I'm prioritising in my movement forward. I'll take the same energy I brought running now to my progression here which will now give me a level of unprecedented will and focus I haven't experienced for a long time. It's ah, arguably perfect timing, synchronistically. The loss of the run, the new realisations, the opportunity to now captilise, so I'm lucky in many ways in this respect. Cheers big ears God for opening my eyes a little here as requested, you knew I wasn't going to stop my run so you stopped it for me as I'd learned the lessons I'd needed for now from exercise to take things further in meta-ascendence, returning to the original project. I've run out of time to continue speaking here, will come another day. I've realised now though, and the deeper I go the more it impacts me to the core, that strikingly, its becoming more and more apparent that as the sophistication by which I understand how to become aware of, differentiate, influence, change and evolve my own energy (inclusive of all levels and manners of thought and emotion but not limited to) and the respective areas of the nervous system (i.e. not limited to areas of the brain) in which they're created, reside and have their power interdependently across the rest of our being (i.e. how a particular energy, no matter the kind or magnitude, experienced within the heart influences one to many in the gut, everywhere else and vice versa), the more I realise not only how I was a living, breathing biobot, programmed by the system, and that I, as a consequence of building the same powers that programmed the original state of my system am learning to breath beyond the abstract parameters that previously defined me as a being, but also how as a consequence of my cultural learnings then, how each core aspect of my nervous system has had tailor made hacking techniques specially created to successfully hack into each area so that I would believe that my decisions, hopes, dreams and desires were all mine and so I would stay as far away as possible from realising the core truths of the hacked spaces of my nervous system, and through that bridge, all of my consciousness and all of its possible levels. We're taught to falsely believe that a food craving is a real desire, and because of this we have an obesity crisis. We're taught to believe that a sex craving is a real desire, and because of this we have not an overpopulation issue per se but an overstupidity crisis. We're taught to believe that a dopaminergic urge to win is a true desire, which is why we have a narcissism epidemic. We're taught to believe that a sunken state is a true existential crises of depression of some kind and that the only solution for them is a pill or to 'find their true purpose' where their only choices are those artificially created by their culture that unbeknownst to them has fastly regressed into infantalism and that to choose between those will merely be a choosing between how their respective society has so far cleverly created a chemical treadmill of 'purpose' for them to run on as an alternative to realising that what literally all is needed is understanding of their own condition and like the kinaesthetic intelligence grown in one's hand with respect to catching a seemingly uncatchable ball they'll find bliss easily by just following the respective mind-body training that's needed. Moving back to the "Agency-Awareness" scale, we are OWNED by the external, our respective culture or otherwise, to the extent we do not own our own responses, if we do not embrace this truth by relative measure we simply won't make the appropriate strategically mature responses to find where the terrain of true self-awareness exists and therefore the ground of where true freedom exists that we need to track to. I've found a few more nuggets via my tracking from Vietnam to Phnom Penh and now as deeper cultural resolutions find my internal cognitive theatre room here in Bangkok as I deeper my relational understanding of the human condition and our historical progressions, what further ground will you make in more deeply realising your own? Not in malice, not in irrational campaigning, but in understanding who you truly are for what you are, how will you improve your intelligence to do so? At the end of the day, regardless of our overlap between one another, we must answer this question for ourselves to establish true ownership over who we are, one that isn't fettered by anything other than our deepest purity, analogous to a rebirth, untarnished by any poor faiths we keep with energies because we don't lead with understanding to enhance our power, and thus instead said power is purely of the previously noted identity structures that corrupt our genuinely very valuable, pure and good ego into the very falsity that masks those faiths into inner-created churches that are just smoke and mirrors that hide ourselves from our own true souls due to this self-ignorance as a natural fail-safe compensatory survival mechanism. Between now and when I'm back I'll have done a lot more research on Aristotle's work, among other. Who knows what else I should give you scoundrels tongue in cheek, to start with I'll make my next share the aforementioned promise "The Next Post" after I get more settled here in Bangkok.
  10. I am now... OFFICIALLY... in Bangkok! Long story short, my guess is looking at all my injuries, that my backpack was stolen and the fact that I was going to be still doing a lot of tracking through urban areas where there's many unknown variables, my request to continue tracking to Thailand while receiving the aid of the Cambodian immigration was refused. Plainly stated, "Michael, I will not continue arguing with you, we have no idea how long its going to take you, 4 days, 7 days, or whatever you say excuse my English but we are not waiting around for you", and this is because she gave me an ultimatum, "If you continue to track to Thailand from Phnom Penh we will not help you receive the extra clearance you need because you now have a non-official emergency passport not a formal passport. You can choose to wait two weeks until everything is sorted with your embassy or you can cooperate with us. Be our guest though take the chance it us up to you but don't argue with us if you have issues at the border as we will not help you then and you will have to wait." I took a bus as the airport would not clear me yet. I am actually now glad, as I honestly believe I would have ended up seriously injured. I couldn't find a shoe store that had my shoe size so I had no choice but to rely on these sandles I previously pictured. I didn't think they were that bad but after I stepped out of the bus after our first break of the trip they now grip like slippery ice at the slightest give in the pavement forcing me to watch nearly every step depending on the unpredictable weather. If I tracked on, it would have been a terrible decision as tracking deeper into the rural from Phnom Penh that I'd argue isn't even a real city per se (but the people are really great and friendly, its just the poverty line that forces people to do things they wouldn't want to do) would have given me even less of a chance of finding shoes as they became increasingly worse, the worst of it of which would have been felt in the second or third day into again of which when would have likely spelt my end, with no one to contact still as like I said I'm cut off from all my social networks as they require phone verification and the only mobile number I bothered to learn off by heart was my fathers. Moreover, the Australian Embassy have only given me $200 US to work with, and that's a loan. Entering into my first day here in Bangkok my body is utterly exhausted, moreover I've started to experience issues with my right ankle and left knee, on top of this the rest of my injuries from the motorcycle injuries are still healing and combined with the conscious choice to be homeless and not to mention all the mosquito bites that have come with that, she's done me a great favor by persuading me to take her side. I also had three boils that had grown on my back from the tropical weather the size of small golf balls that when put under the slightest pressure other than the comfort of a light breeze, caused a lot of pain. I figured that given I could tighten my bag up against my back I'd be able to minimise the pain however even if I became used to any temporary pain, they would have taken twice as long to heal and perhaps could have developed into something worse, at the very least pending a potentially inevitable infection. So here I am now just easing my body back into regular life, however as much as I can I'm now going back into theoretical mode for the evolution of bioelectrical agency now where I've started to both realise the practical benefits of training slightly more as well as the importance of, although I'm proud of myself for how far I came as its literally the furthest I've ever tracked or ran especially on zero training for years, making sure I'm prepared bioelectrically, of which I now have a lot more confidence and inspiration towards as I had moments where I was able to experience elevations I've never been able to achieve more. The exhaustion of the body is of course the clock reaching 12 midnight on realising that it now has time to properly rest where I'm not going to pressure it anymore and so "Now is the time to let Michael know that we're fucked!". Which is fair enough, I'm proud of both my mind and body, there's still tons for me to process, integrate and only some of which I'll be able to share, especially socially speaking. Oh yeah, on the latter front so I met this person don't want to reveal many dets but this around the back and fourth between embassy and immigration anyway but fuck, this person really did my head in haha and they wanted me to spend all of my time with them. They were super great towards me, however they would just not stop talking and talking and talking, which is not their fault as I've still got more to learn with respect to enforcing boundaries in this regard as we all know but it went like "Yeah, so let's take the conspiracy of..." I'd say, and this person would say "MATE! It's not a conspiracy, this is conspiracy FACT!" and now you know the kind of person I was speaking with. This person loves to go out and party so they showed me a good time however I think where my nervous system was at the time I just wasn't able to appreciate them as much as they perhaps deserved. I promised them I'd be back in Cambodia following the ending of some of my future travels where I'll also be going back to Vietnam, so we'll see how it goes I'll have more of a swing in my step I think so I'll be able to steer the ship more in our get together which is what I think it really needed. Anyhow, this was typed on the laptop of a friend I've recently made here in Bangkok, just thought I'd give an update so yal aren't running a false story in your head. With respect to bioelectrical agency, start with the heart, then you learn to create this in the mind followed by the gut, then literally in every other energy center is where I'm experimenting with. Don't even bother trying it if you're not willing to devote at least an hour a day on the heart alone for two weeks, as that's how long it took me to start envisioning the greater depths that were possible with it and other areas of the body following my learnings from heartmath.com. 'Bioelectrical' may be changed to 'bioenergetics' however bioenergetics encompasses so much cool science stuff term now that it doesn't hit home base as much as I'd like even though its a more encompassing term, however the short end of that is to realise that 90+ percent of psychology is not purely replaceable or explainable by 'bioenergetics' but is instead just ancillary to and or that bioenergetics is the foundation to psychology. Practically speaking, any thought or emotion you have has more survival value to you if you understand that you both can understand it fully and have enough agency to change it fully (i.e. alchemy). Bioelectrical Agency is predicated on Understanding then Power then Ownership. Think of Bioelectrical Agency in the same way you would owning money, if you don't understand your money, then accurate proportional use is purely based on luck and saying you 'own your money' is like saying a squirrel owns a $50 US note, secondly if you don't have any power over its use, then relative to that lack of power especially when that lack is around misunderstanding how your psychology is influenced by the world around you to spend money, then saying you own your money is like saying a 9 year old spoilt brat brainwashed by reruns of the worst possible tik tok videos owns their money, or let's just take any sweatpants wearing Carls Jr. addict. They of course, don't 'Own' their money in the same way that they don't 'Own' their 'Bioelectricity' to be able to employ 'Agency' over it which is a combination of both understanding and power, balanced by the awareness to create and support it. Great, so now you understand why the western world has no capitalistic incentive to monopolise its interests towards marketing to you how you can advance your bioelectrical agency to become a more 'empowered consumer', or Carl's Jr. regular. In the past, especially around Aristotle's era I predict that given the work of a guy like Aristotle and his intelligence, in light of it being on the ontology of values which intersects with agency and our employment of them in the instruction of our energy over our beings to me its perfectly rational to conclude that perhaps Aristotle even completed work in this area of 'Bioelectrical Agency' as I've authored it. Venn diagrammatically, the work is perfectly symmetrical with mine when you add in utilising awareness, areas of the body and directions to focus energy in its revolution towards a particular endpoint within the nervous system. The achievement of Aristotle's ideals at work is entirely predicated on the ability to instruct awareness towards a particular value driven and therefore energetic end. In fact, even the differentiation between that which was a value versus a vice requires so much awareness over the bodies energies and understanding towards that which enabled order towards "Aristotle's Mean" versus chaos, what I've realised is analogous to my own "Order vs Chaos" dichotomy I shared earlier, something that mirrors the vice/virtue sentiment. If I were a police investigator and I had to reach the most rational conclusion here, I would say that at a bare minimum here Aristotle's work on bioelectrical agency here has... ah.... coincidentally become... ah... lost... so to speak, at least in part... even if he had different words for it where much of his work is now for me to read as I'm only going by what I've connected in the last 24 hours as I've barely looked into anything of Aristotle's other than what I've passively learned over the years with many of the sayings that have been passed on to westerners like "Remember Aristotle's mean!". This means that Aristotle not only created his own energetic map of which the discernment of values is on what supported the epigenetic advancement of being versus that which did not when held in context with the most intelligent use of said map in the context of any correspondence with 'Bioelectrical Agency', but that he would have had maps on the relationships between awareness, agency and the movement vs creation and discernment of energy in the context of self-bio-evolution, however elementary those maps may have been doesn't matter, those maps predicate the invention of his value dichotomies and thus he must have invented the former first. In this sense, I don't really have anything more to teach you with respect to bioelectrical agency anymore, you should be able to work the rest out for yourself from here as that would better steer you anyway in making the connections I have made myself. The destruction of the demographics of the blind in western civilisation has come at the hands of falsely adhering to the freedoms of democracy while underplaying how much of a collectivist you are and at the same time having those freedoms stolen away from you more and more as you sell your ability to intelligently instruct your energy in a way that self-informs the order of said freedoms via understanding and power, that when combined create the unity that reflects the freedom that so many people take for granted while simultaneously don't realise is being more and more taken away. The best way to know something is an absolute, yes an absolute truth not relative one, is in how much it scales between the finite and 'infinite' (even if we only mean this term from a symbolic reference frame) relative to our best intelligence on the environment and ourselves. To point towards this being realised as an absolute then is as follows, in particular how I drew my analogy to the practical relationship with money. Agency => Freedom => Ownership => Understanding => Power => Awareness. Simply as follows, no awareness no power and from no power, at this point everything only becomes the illusion of understanding, which leads to illusions of ownership, which leads to illusions of freedom, which leads to illusions of agency. Now to finish that cycle relative to present knowledge, I'd put consciousness in front of agency to say that true consciousness cannot exist without being predicated by agency hence why we've created any hierarchy at all on consciousness i.e. low vs high, however for now we'll leave that where it is. Now, back to where we were, doesn't that sound a little like what happens with what I said regarding money? People walking around believing THEY'VE go the agency to make THEIR OWN decisions while all the while through their over-confidence combined with a hidden inflated ignorance they instead just create massive gaps in the market that can only be filled by companies that are best at exploiting this, with casinos of course being the greatest examples on the disgust sensitivity end. I'm NOT getting into conspiracy stuff right now though haha in light of what I mentioned earlier regarding the person I met in my immigration-embassy back and fourth draining all of my energy during our encounter, so I'll leave the rest for you. On a practical note though let's return back to "Agency => Freedom => Ownership => Understanding => Power => Awareness" just to see where it travels from the finite to the 'infinite', we have where the analogical use of money meets the 'currency, investment and growth' of bioelectricity in the finite materialistic reservoir of consciousness and then on the other side of that, at any level of consciousness growth and any attempt at increasing the perception of the scale of consciousness this matrix, even if they change in the complexity of the dynamics between them ("Agency => Freedom => Ownership => Understanding => Power => Awareness") there is both neither the experience of higher consciousness that is without this dynamic or system nor even with another to replace it that supersedes it, that we know of. There is direct correspondence between the dimensions of experiential consciousness and our understanding of our agency over the energy we have to use within it and how at the lower dimensions this also corresponds to the immediacy of the physics of the material world with the seemingly most insignificant of phenomena, like that of a Carls Jr. burger and its however superior counterpart, sweatpants wearing addict who's got two chubby kids in the back screaming their order to them as they as the Energetically Noble Aristotelian parents that they are gracefully placing their order to the lovely person on the other end of the speaker in the drive through if its not a sliding glass door communication between Bioelectrically and therefore Diplomatically FREE employee and customer, both unbeknownst to them, looking into the eyes of an unfamiliar prisoner with a painfully frustrated smile with both bellies that only know they can't be satiated as they've never been taught to have the agency to do so, thus... They have the whip and ball chain of capitalism to whip em into shape with their next craving! Lights out for me, to humorously end to juxtapose the usual "Best Light" and to get a well deserved rest so I can enjoy the mind that'll return to me when I've achieved my full recovery heh, but only after a Carls Jr. soda. Shit, I forgot to get ice. Dang, I'll have to go back to the store. It's 30 minutes away, oh well, Carls Jr is worth it. See yal later on. But I do need to get some rest! I've also run out of time on my friends laptop half drinking my third beer here heh! But to finish as the synthesis as the recap, ever emotion and thought is now at what we can call just for fun but meant seriously an "Aristotelean Bioelectrical Value Intersection", this is because a personal value i.e. courage isn't just an energy, its the authoring and understanding of the energies between what makes up our nervous systems and what runs them to create agency as well as to expand it over our beings and subsequently, our bodies emotional and thought well-being as per what was the philosophical goal implied by "the Aristotelean mean".
  11. I will be away for at least 2 wks. Or just when I want to comment again. Very simple message. = My backpack was stolen. Inclusive of iPhone, Macbook and passport. All means of communication now lost other than right in this moment being able to accept the friendly gesture of a man from Holland to send this message. I am sitting across from his friend from Turkey right now where the same thing happened to him, including the struggle with immigration and his embassy as I am having the same issue with the Australian embassy. I am not giving up on this challenge. I am still tracking on. I solely took the opportunity to send this message to inspire others not to give up either. I am almost forced to give in and just catch a plane to Bangkok, thats what everything in my nervous system almost is telling me to do. But I will not. I will accomplish what I set out to do no matter what. However, I will now have no means of reliable communication until I build up a new temporary home base in Bangkok. So whatever challenge you should be completing right now, whatever you have to do. Do not give in. Do not give up Find power in another level of inward silence where light is darkest before the dawn. If you didnt realise, that's your cue to now... Rise. As always, Best Light
  12. @Keryo Koffa Yeah I have to explore more of south america, I only have connections in Colombia; and although its not black and white in light of some of the cultural difficulties they have there, my connections are only positive. One woman I know there she's very connected spiritually (psychism; after-life, ancestors, deep consciousness bonds, etc), and that's one of the most important qualities when it comes to *family* to me; spirituality minus connection though which is the the overlap with family is like holding a candle in a church while waiting to die. Lots of women that are spiritual but are just sexually spiritual and they get high off their sexuality rather than establishing any genuinely deep connections, especially where there's an unhealthy connection to psychedelics. There's many, many more positive things I have to explore in South America.
  13. @Buck Edwards It's all people should focus on and yet western civilisation try to get them to focus on something else so that they can steal 'family' from underneath you; its how they keep unhealthy forms of collectivism in check, through more unhealthy forms of collectivism, that results in western civilisation destroying itself from the inside out, as it has. But that's another topic. Life is family, from here we learn interdependence and from this, the unity of "Self" and "Other" enough to then call the whole animal kingdom family, then learn how to teach that slowly to open minds, like our children, in the future.
  14. @Buck Edwards I literally don't. I have one: family. That's it. I compartmentalise everything into that category now including energetic connection and then let it all unfold from there as a self-consistent ontology .
  15. @Buck Edwards these days I put genetics first; taboo aryan race stuff. It's because I've realised I've been brainwashed to think it doesn't matter, in reality however, we have many problems that have emerged as a result of this. It makes so many people insecure though that we can't speak rationally. However for me, it's not even 'taste', its practicality. I'm a guy that would otherwise put deeper energetic connection first, now that I've learned from experience I've realised the illusions in that space as well, not that its totally impermanent however if there's any validity to its permanence it requires a set of qualities anyway that usually relate to a persons genetics. I know many women of many races now, and I appreciate all of their uniqueness, however it's only because I want to start a family. If I didn't want to start a family, I wouldn't care in the slightest outside of the persons proven value. This means there's still compromise if compromise means preserving a genuinely deep connection and the wisdoms in the right place, however there's obstacles for me to overcome internally when it comes to raising a family with with a Vietnamese, Cambodian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai or other asian women compared to say a Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian or Columbian woman; I haven't visited many European countries hence why its so far just restricted to Ukraine and Russia, another country where I have a connection is Ireland, and she's possible however to be honest, even though I think she'd be a great mother she's a little too authoritarian for me even though there's a spark . There's undeniably very beautiful asian women, my concern is not of beauty but of build, personality traits and other. All in all though, I still need to go through a systematic genocultural, to coin the word, analysis. If I chose Asia, I have no doubt I'd be able to get away with having multiple children with multiple wives to still raise a strong loving interdependent family with a firm value-hierarchy, however I also wouldn't be able to include women indoctrinated into more of a western influence relating to number of wives, moreover, I am leaving some temporal space still open concerning the finding of the right woman. I may even decide to settle down with a Cypriot woman, or any race at the end of the day depending on the connection, however at the end of the day this comes down to protecting the integrity of my family name for generations to come, which is a systematic undertaking. I don't care if people get offended with my choices, I deal with reality in the cultivation of a stable inner culture, I don't care about peoples identities anymore if they're not able to just be mature adults when it comes to healthy self reflection and self-reflection. People forget they're creators, so they should ensure at all times their creative process is respected first and foremost by themselves with the right value-set (which includes knowing how to take healthy feedback from trusted persons) but also others i.e. enforcing boundaries on choices if necessary. So when I have a child with a woman one of the worst case scenarios is I'm saying "Well I love the connection we have however I shouldn't have chosen them in light of x, y genetics" as its totally incompatible with my family name and the legacy we've so far created. For some strange reason for the most difficult and most important decision of someones life that wants to start a family, somehow they're expected to be people pleasers for those that get offended when they take that decision seriously; then we wonder why we have the societal problems we do. As usual, there's a combination of logic (genetic) and intuition (energetic connection) when it comes to solving these dilemmas, and I've already got it all there so its going to be pretty straightforward. I'm sure my commenting will aid someone who's open minded but lacking both. Especially when they just look at 'genetics' as attraction, which is only one shade of it, moreover its only one shade of 'energy' as well, we may be attracted to someone because we have codependent tendencies and they have narcissistic one's creating a perfect sized shoe and foot scenario.