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Everything posted by ICURBlessings

  1. Basman you make a lot of good points. As far as the sheep mentality - voting like the pack - that is certainly true for a great number of people. But I am part of those that has spent time studying history to understand present politics. My research has definitively shaped my perspective. My pack seem to be made of both Left and Right, ...
  2. I see the fundamental differences between the Right and the Left in relation to the arrow of Time. How Time moves forward in one direction is something more than just Natural, it was that way long before our very Galaxy was formed. It is fundamental to the entire process of evolution, no matter were your start - from the Big Bang or 3.7 billion years ago (first signs of life on Earth). We human are part of that process of evolution that has been going on at least since the Big Bang. So to fight that process, that movement is like a little fish fighting/resisting the current of a colossal river. The Right are those that choose to Resist, to turn themselves in the opposite direction than the arrow of Time, that is why they are more 'fear-base' - because their fight is ultimately a loss cause. The Left are those who are pointing their nose in the same direction than the arrow of Time, they try to figure out how to swim with the current, how to harmonize with a Force that is much. much greater than themselves!
  3. The word Consciousness used as ... the ultimate reality: all-inclusive, inherently existent, irreducible... came as a substitution for the 'Mind', as in the Universal Mind or the Mind of God. If you go back a little further the word was Spirit. This newer use of the word Consciousness as the present choice and preference maybe from how it relates to our basic state of awareness. Yet the Collective and individual Mind does not consist of only a region of awareness - but also region of no-awareness that have been previously labeled the Unconscious. That is were I find Consciousness as a term that can easily mislead in its representation...
  4. Yes - very well said - especially: Awareness is consciousness suffused with knowing, it's consciousness knowing itself.
  5. Wow congrats for watching the whole thing. I picked this video quickly and when I came back to watch it I realized that Sean Carroll went into way more details than the usual. I asked my self if I should remove it from this thread... but I could not find a replacement... I don't share Sean Carroll's philosophy but he is a good teacher of scientific knowledge ... I mean excellent teacher! Well Good for you man! I am impress!
  6. By this statement do you mean "I am convinced that there is no limitation to imagination - at all"?
  7. What if Einstein’s Relativity is wrong? ...also - this statement is like saying about America "...what if Christopher Columbus was wrong about the existence of America?" ... the Theory of Relativity was DISCOVERED by a few scientists, although most of the credits went to Einstein - Once discovered anyone can verify its validity - which has been done in thousands, and millions of ways since... Every-time someone uses a GPS successfully , he is in someway validating the Theory of Relativity.
  8. I would say that first of all: Time on its own is more a a convenience and not a fact. The fact is that Time is a 'dimension' enmeshed with the 3 dimensions that we are all familiar with and that we call 'space'. These 4 dimension are known as the Spacetime continuum - which is a characteristic of the physical Universe. Before the discovery of Relativity, we use to think that the Universe fills space and is carried by Time. Both Space and Time were conceived as absolutes. The Theory of Relativity - that is its name and it is more than just a theory - shows how both Time and Space are not only a unified characteristic of the Universe but also NOT absolutes. Spacetime is literally changed by gravity. It is a very fascinating phenomenon of our Universe worth exploring just for the fun of it. It is literally 'trippy'. If you want to increase the experience - study 'Black Holes' - they are a phenomenon that is super mind-blowing. What you call movement is certainly enmeshed with Spacetime but it is also enmeshed with gravity. And if you think Time is illusive, try understanding gravity ... it is way more illusive...
  9. Such a statement can only make sense when there is a fundamental lack of knowledge of the most basic principles of science. "Human (White man or other) Authority" is what science was among other things, created to overcome as a mean to establish facts! ...if Einstein’s Relativity is wrong - GPS Navigation would not work... other practical applications are mentioned via the following link:
  10. YES Ero! The dismissal of science by those that are scientifically uneducated and inexperienced is a very serious handicap. It is like dismissing the alphabet under the claim that Poetry is evil; or dismissing the value of music under the claim that only snobs like opera - it is an incredible phenomenon that 99.9% of those that are under its spell have no clue of the impediment they are under and how it is affecting not only their mind but society. Of course science is a field affected by human weaknesses, and there is corruption that the average (non-cutting-edge) scientists are prone to - and like it or not - there is an aspect of science that has become a religion. As long as one is aware of that 'mechanism', one can benefit from science without falling pray to dogma. The true source of the dogma that is affecting part of the scientific community is the ideology known as Materialism and/or Physicalism. Which is a serious impediment to scientific advancement, as you mentioned. I keep my eye on the fields of science that fall on the cutting-edge of the limits of Physicalism - limits that have been challenged by Quantum Mechanics for over a century. Recently there is a new scientific movement focusing on Consciousness as an object of scientific inquiry- which has already challenged Physicalism to the point of its almost complete collapse. Science has a huge body of data from parapsychology research, Near Death Experience Research, Evidence of what we call 'reincarnation' research, lots of old research on hypnosis, even research on the placebo effect - ALL challenging Physicalism/Materialism dogma!
  11. If you want the deep answer to that question - watch this video:
  12. Tell me, where do you fit the 'Unconscious-mind' as defined in analytical-psychology - in relation to Consciousness?
  13. Right ON! That is BASIC Knowledge - Albert Einstein first published his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. It is about 120 years old information!?!!! When I read in 2024 a statement such as Time is fundamental to consciousness - I see the cultural effect of what is called ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM.
  14. Reading the consolidating of your observation on Time - I see someone that is just discovering Time. You have barely scratched the surface of the nature of time. Have you contemplated the meaning of Einstein theory of relativity yet? Have you realize yet the meaning of the fundamental nature of Spacetime (Time) as a Non-Absolute? Have you contemplated on the Nature of Gravity and how it bends, and stretch, and compresses Time? If NOT, then you will enjoy that even more. Those that have truly realized the illusory nature of Time, have been to the point you have in your journey of contemplation - and then they went further, and further, and much, much further on that journey. Your error in judging that Time is inherent to consciousness is the error of believing that you went as far as one needs to go to truly realize the Nature of Time. As long as one contemplate Time within the continuum of spacetime, one will have only understood the Nature of Time in a very limited way. Atb210201 stated: Time does not exist in the realm of God Timelessness dominates there That's the realm of the changeless He is referring to 'The Absolute' which require a completely different level of inquiry, exploration, and contemplation. Do not judge what you do not understand because one day you will want to understand.
  15. When via a meditation, an exercise of contemplation, a self-inquiry process, perhaps a psychedelic experience - find yourself merging with the Universal Life, your True Self, pure Beingness and nothing else - that is when Time seem to stop and the NOW becomes the link to the Eternal PRESENT. Otherwise you are experiencing what you described in your post. And you are perfectly correct - for several reasons - to say that what seem the present is actually more like a reflection of the past. If you consider that you shape your life through the decisions you make - everything you perceive in your life now is the result of decisions you made in the past. If you consider that everything you see and hear travels at either the speed of light or the speed of sound you would realize that by the time you perceive something you are perceiving something that occurred an instant before, therefore the past. If you consider how perception function you would realize that everything you perceive is from a learning that occurred in the past. Also if you consider every single thought about the future can only be formed from past experiences; you would also realize that all that which we think about the future is only a reflection of the past. However if you ask yourself WHO or WHAT is perceiving all that which you perceive- and you fully realize the ANSWER to that question - you will find a PRESENCE that can only exist in an ETERNALLY PRESENT MOMENT.
  16. Yes I've been wondering WHY all these decent republicans that have had enough integrity so to be rejected by the Trump-Republican's party - have not merged together to either split the party or form a new Right Party. I know that politically it would weaken the Right to be split in two - but in those extreme circumstances - it seems that reforming a new Republican party might be successful in the long run. But they haven't and like you I also been wondering what will happen if Trump looses. I can imagine that those members with an extreme agenda - such as the Project 25 gang - and others , will continue despite the loss. Very likely they will claim the election was fixed and that they actually won. They will not make it easy... ...uops I said if Trump looses but I should of said "when Trump looses"
  17. There was a time when making a decision always came down to a simple Yes or No. The fundamental binary system that runs our computers and which is the most fundamental language of the universe - Yes/No; On/Off; etc... is also the historical onset that gave rise to the binary Political Left & Right. In those days Left & Right clearly were in the same arena. "Do we go to war with another Nation: Yes or No." Do we legalize abortion: Yes or No" - Simple: " those that say Yes, please stand to the Left. And those that say No, please stand to the Right." Left & Right use to belong together as part of a decision process. In a democracy, the government role among other things, is to assure that this decision process was executed as efficiently and fairly as possible. In the US we have an indirect-democracy. Instead of electing a Yes or No over every decisions - we elect a party that represent a group of answers, and/or a type of answers. And we determine were a Party stand in a spectrum from Extreme Left to Extreme Right. The founders of this country all agreed that the constitution should be designed to eliminate decisions that are from both extremes - and they believed this country could be run from a narrow spectrum between Left and Right. A sort of principle were the center is ideal. The question I am posting here is: the way the Republican Party as been transformed under the leadership of Trump, including the embodiment of this party of a cult-like ideology - centered on "Trumpism", which clearly involves the rise of fascistic, autocratic, and anti-democratic principles as a way to replace the Democratic Republic that has been maintained via the US Constitution - DO this so called "Right" is truly the binary half of the Democratic Party that is called the "Left"? Is the situation that we face during this 2024 election - truly between a Left and Right angle - or is it something else? What I see is not the Left and Right of a Democratic process. I see the so called Left Standing Alone - and therefore in a CENTRAL position. What do you see?
  18. Thanks Consept for your reply. Everything you said aligns with my perception. One of the reason I started this thread is to bring to the foreground that what we traditionally consider a Left or Right Bias does not apply to the present situation as it REALLY is. A criticism in the name of Conscious Politics- chastises this forum for being Left-Biased - and there seem to be a belief that there is room on the table (in the arena) that should be occupied by a Right-perspective. There was a time this might of been a valid approach to Conscious Politics - but if we are to use the REAL cards that are on the table - those that fall under the Right-perspective are all wild-cards - objects of manipulation and deception pretending to be something they are not. When I look at the Democrat-politicians that are actively working today, when I listen to reports from MSNBC, NY Time, and others which are known for their Left-Bias - I don't see or hear a Left perspective despite its label - BUT a perspective that I would consider mainly 'central' within the global context of industrialized nations. The so called Right - those that are active - truly stand as a powerful and genuine threat to Democracy - more dangerous than any terrorist organization. Today we have individuals that were dedicated Republican politicians - such as Liz Cheney - that are urging US Voters to vote for the Democrats as the means to vote against Trump. For them, the primary Right issue, more important than any other issue - is to defeat the present and actual party that stands for the Right. I think THIS in itself says ALOT!
  19. I am not referring to extremist groups but active politicians - which will have a direct effect from the party that will be elected. If that is what you mean - give me an example of an active member of congress, or house of representative or the Biden admin. with a less healthy versions of the left - please
  20. But that doesn't mean religion is the cause of these things. That right 'correlation' does not establish causation.
  21. I see your point. But the question here is. Does the 'public' carry on with a previous perspective - not matching with the present situation which has no historical precedent in this country.
  22. I can't speak for Europe, but the USA is a Nation that was defined by its immigrants. These are engraved words on the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Like those that start a new business, they succeed from their vision and the effort directed by it - and rarely their children can do the same. Typically there is a tendency for the future generations to take for granted what their parents or grand parents created for them to enjoy. It is the same when you compare in the US the immigrants with the natives. The natives are comparatively ...I can't think of the right word... they rather sit on their parents laurels. There is a phenomenon that occurs across the future generations that gets worse until some crisis occurs. Today in the USA some of those natives - typically whites - that are so afraid of immigrants - are completely out of touch with the basic principles that were established by their ancestors. And this phenomenon has turned them into people holding some of the most anti-American standards, while carrying the belief that their anti-American attitude is how one is being protective of this Nation.
  23. The joke is they dont realise their way of life that theyre trying desperately to protect from immigrants would not be able to sustain without immigrants, theres a certain irony to that. Very true! That is crazy, I feel like all this discontent could be sorted out if all immigrants legal and illegal went on strike for a week. All these powerful western countries would literally shut down Illegal immigrant do everything they can to keep a low-profile - I am speaking from the days, long ago when used to be more around them - although you are right-on about how effective would an immigrant strike would be - most could not be organized for that, most are very grateful to have what they have and do not want to rock the boat. Many act like a guess in someone else country - they rather be polite than 'rebellious'. Again I am speaking from past experience from many years ago - I am not sure if this has changed.