Justin my mind

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About Justin my mind

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  1. I’m not that upset it’s Leo’s content and that probably shouldn’t have been uploaded in the first place, but I really did enjoy solipsism video. It helped me to understand the interconnectedness of self and other, and even though at points I disagreed it was my top three favorite episodes . Again it’s Leo’s video and he didn’t want out there so I’m I’m not upset. It just reminds me that that video was a gem and I’m happy. I learned what I learned from it when it was still available it makes it even more precious when it’s not accessible.
  2. . Imagine if everyone had telepathy and how it would change the world. We would be so much more kind to one another we would see what other people are going through. We would feel the depth and the richness of everyone we experience. Even when people do things most people would call evil we would understand exactly why they do those things and we wouldn't judge them. Are empathy would be so deep and we might even feel love for them. I have had people mess with me in the past. And the way I deal with it is by understanding their past it helps me deal with the situation in a more compassionate way . I know there's nuances to this, but I’m trying to practice the original idea practice that Leo talked about in his house. Socialization makes you stupid. I would love to hear your feedback on this idea.
  3. The Homeless the dystopian version of the archaic revival. When I look at the homeless I see a twisted version of Terence Mckenna's archaic revival. The way I see it to the homeless have to live in a raw version of reality. They have to live outside of the social matrix even though they are a affected by it. I have always been fascinated with them because of living with a disability and having to rely on other people while they have to fight for themselves. To me, they almost seem superhuman because of how they have to fight for themselves. It's almost like they have to live in prehistoric conditions. That makes them more humble and relatable then most people in society. Like I said before with my disability it's almost impossible for me to live in isolation. So it's amazing to think about how they have to fight for themselves. I think it brings out the truth of our species in a dark but enlightening way. This got me to think about the purpose of my life and being disabled it was to show me how nothing can live in isolation and the interconnected nature of all of life. And how if I wasn't in this situation I would be lost in the illusion of society and not have the unique experiences I can share.
  4. @integral I have a perscription of low-dose benzodiazepines, I don’t want to the medication to be a barrier and I don’t take it often, but do you think that would be a good option to relax me during the interview if that’s what you meant
  5. @JosephKnecht So you guys are saying I should surrender?
  6. I just got done watching What Is Actuality and I realized that is why I'm going back-and-forth on doing the interview because I’m afraid that I won’t be able to accurately give accounts of my apparent life accurately I wanna come across clear and humble, but I know a lot of what’s happened is colored by my perception. You might ask why I would even be doing it then and that’s because I feel like I could help a lot of people with my form. And how I see things, but I don’t want to misrepresent my family and certain aspects of my life. I don’t want people to think I’m just daydreaming and making stuff up and believing that I know something that no one else does. I just believe that reality will eventually put me in the situation whether I like it or not and I wanna make sure I come across as humble with as much humility as I can muster I just know all of what I thought my life to be is conceptual and I wanna make sure that a represent my loved ones and my story in a way that helps rather than me looking crazy or delusional. I wanna make sure I know what I’m getting myself into before going through with this. I feel like it’s my fate and I don’t know what’s gonna come out of me when the time comes
  7. I enjoy listening to Leo talk about stories in his life with insight. Like the girl who lost her phone. I would like to see a video where he talks about stories in his life with spiritual significance with others I would really enjoy that
  8. Good point just trying to use the insight from how socialization makes you stupid.
  9. What I mean is that we have a timeline of people and we know most of their life story up to their death for example. Kurt Cobain, we know he went from young person in Aberdeen to a rockstar. Who ended up shooting himself. We know all the big important life moments up to his death. It has a beginning middle and end to his story. That seems etched in history.he couldn't have predicted by himself that’s what I was trying to get across. I hope that clears it up for you.
  10. I had an interesting idea about determinism. I think it's interesting how we know the beginning middle and end of most people in history. We can watch an interview of someone and know how much time they had left. It's interesting how we don't think about this about our lives. I believe in determinism because of my disability. And not having the feeling of complete independence that others have. I don't believe it cause of the books I've read. I've looked in my own direct experience. And my past and it doesn't feel like I was ever in control. I keep trying to disprove it and not think about it and practice not knowing but I can't shake the conviction.
  11. So after studying nonduality for a little while, I think I understand god. God is experiencing itself through multiple forms including me right I know that is the cliche but here is what gets me. On the conceptual level, I have cerebral palsy. So did god imagine a limit so I can have a unique view point. I get confused when Leo says I'm imagining my own limits when I have physical limitations. Just wanted to gain some clarity on that thank you.
  12. Hey everyone I tried ketamine yesterday. I put the powder under my tongue and didn't feel anything. I then tried snorting 3 bumps but didn't feel anything. I do have cerebral palsy with a Baclofen pump. And SSRIs I had a similar experience with mushrooms they didn't until I smoked weed. Does anybody with insight on this? would really appreciate it.
  13. I've had it for 2 years went to an ENT twice and they said there was nothing wrong and that my hearing was off the charts. I suspect I might have gotten it from listening to a binaural beat. But it wasn't very loud and it may just be ocd. It's been more common in spiritual people nowadays maybe one day I will find out wtf happened
  14. Is ketamine save with SSRIs im on a low dose of Lexopro and Seroquel I've had people tell me it's safe just want some extra opinions
  15. I'm a 21-year-old disabled person. I reached out to Mark Laita because I wanted to share my story andexperience of the world. But ever since he reached out to me I've been feeling very odd. I've been dealing with the fear that something bad is going to happen to me or that I won't be able to handle the vulnerability of his platform. on the flipside though I don't want to let fear get in the way of an awesome opportunity. This is not about being on SWU this is about me wanting to share myself and help people with my story. Been thinking a lot about karma recently