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Everything posted by Beans

  1. From what Yimpa has told me personally they as of now don’t see themselves switching gender, but rather being both fluid in gender and choosing nonbinary when feeling for it. Yimpa for the most part is nonbinary from what I understand.
  3. I love you too baby No trump! no kkk! no fascist USA!
  4. One day these politicians will be face with the consequences of taking rights from marginalized citizens. They will face legal repercussions and be put into history as criminals who wanted to change America to benefit themselves. Biden warned the nation of an oligarchy, but I believe the oligarchy within imperialism has already taken place. Years before I was born. The only difference is instead of just politicians fucking us over we know have large tech companies, oil billionaires in Texas trying to take a piece of what they think is the American pie. Only for them to find out. Very harshly that American citizens have a habit of making this pie and throwing it exactly in our government/ political leader’s face. I’m looking forward to seeing who the real leaders of America defending citizen’s rights. And witnessing who will fold when money is thrown to their face. And who will sell their souls for personal gain.
  5. Does being aware of life also make you a bit anxious at the thought? Or just in general day to day news. This time however I just kind of pushed through it and rode the wave out. I felt antsy about my realization of how much deeper self consciousness is. People are connecting to each other from all across the world. And I get to be apart of this history where TikTok, the internet connected humanity. Every single aspect of humanity. Even the psycho killers are on the internet, but look at it like this. We are learning more now than ever. Not just one sided bullshit history, we get to learn about everything, but it just takes so much willingness to learn. Like you genuinely have to give a fuck. To learn about more than yourself. My life, before was so stuck. And absorbed by the immense pain and suffering of trying to figure out why my life is the way it is. Not understanding mortality, and being absolutely mortified of death and what it brought. And eventually believing mortality would be the only solution after being consumed by the fear of losing a loved one. Feeling as if I lose my grandmother, I’d want to go with her. I realized after her stroke I had spent over eight years trapped in that fear. Instead of just being truly present with my grandmother. When I was with her, however I felt as if my anxiety or depression would disappear. Apart was a different story. I am learning a bit more. Day by day. About myself and who I am. And in certain aspects I cringe at myself. And I’m trying to stop myself from cringing or just such a heavy criticism I feel towards myself. I feel it stems from childhood. People just constantly judging and criticizing me. Which is why I feel; that I’m so hard on myself. And the reason why I fail to be happy about my own accomplishments and goals. There’s so much going on in the world. So much going on in our own personal lives, and perhaps even in our work lives. I started doing yoga, which helps me check in with my body. And I’m beginning to realize when I’m in pain, or just feeling unwell. Though I still struggle with it. Sometimes I go out through my day not realizing if I’m struggling with something regardless of it being an emotion or physical pain. Back in my family home I wasn’t allowed to be sad. And don’t you even think about being angry for any mistreatment. I wasn’t even allowed to be sick. And if I was. I was on my own. Stuck in my own room. And if you need something or medicine. I often had to get it myself, and then get ridiculed for not staying in my room and jeopardizing everyone else’s health. Oh and don’t forget the money, don’t think that just because you’re “feeling unwell” that means you can just stay home. No you get to hear the bullshit I went through as a young adolescent and you will experience the brutality of the world just as I have. So there I was sick as a dog at work. And my coworkers realizing “dead name, are you sick?” “yes” ”why are you here?” “I can’t rest. I have to make money” part of me wanted to prove my dad wrong. And prove to not just him but myself that I’m not being lazy. Or entitled. (I was still a child) And I did manage to finish my work day, but at the expense of both my physical wellbeing, and mental wellbeing. I think for a while though my family killed any spiritual wellbeing. Though it would show up for me in different ways when I really needed guidance. For an example when my grandfather passed away from cancer I was 13 years old. I was overcome with deep depression and heavy anxiety about losing the people (which at the time was my grandmother I was mortified of losing) I love to death. I became paranoid. So convinced that I’m going to die with her. I began down-spiraling. With an eating disorder, I began self harming myself, I began abusing laxatives, and water pills. It wasn’t until I was in my most vulnerable position I entered high school. Where all of these things would have a domino effect on my personal life. Where I would crash and attempt to kill myself for the very first time. After realizing that my feelings and body were taken advantage of, and I was being ghosted. With absolutely zero conversation on what the fuck just happened. And I just cried into my best friend’s arms. My eyes felt so swollen, and I had such a terrible headache. That she laid her icy hands onto my eyes. And I felt such peace. It wasn’t until months later it was Valentine’s Day. I didn’t even realize it because my days and months were blurring together. Though one morning; I had woken up from a dream. And dreams are very rare for me. Though I usually take it as a sign or a message. And in this instance where I was dreaming I saw my grandfather. And he hugged me, reminding me that he loves me. i woke up that morning and cried. And I continued my routine of getting up and dressed for school. It wasn’t until I entered school and my class room that I realized my grandfather came to me in my dreams on Valentine’s Day. My mentor was telling the class “Valentine’s Day is not about having a romantic partner, but showing up for each other” and I began to cry again. Even in death my grandfather was still showing up for me. With that little sprout of love. I was slowly building back my strength and confidence. Though it’s so difficult. Especially when you’re born into a dysfunctional family. I knew from a very young age, that I didn’t want my life to be like that. In sixth grade I was determined to get good grades and go to school out of state so I was away from my family. I was planning with my best friend to live with her. To escape all the craziness in our lives together. In sixth grade I was also being extremely harsh and criticizing myself. Especially when I felt my grade wasn’t good enough. I wouldn’t be failing, but I’d be upset with myself and say “well why isn’t it a 90? You didn’t try hard enough” As a child I had to be self efficient. My parents weren’t around. I mean in elementary. They’d be able to wake us up, but then leave not later after. And we would walk to school. So if we wanted we simply would ditch school and hang out at home. We learned to be sneaky and lie. It didn’t matter to them. Unless the court would get involved. As long as we stood out their way. And if you’re hungry, go into the freezer and put something in the microwave. My eldest sister didn’t look after us at all. My youngest brother would literally be wondering around the neighborhood. And I was completely oblivious about that until adulthood. Of course at the time I was just concerned about my own wellbeing. I regret not being more active in my younger brother’s life. Though I try to remind myself that if I was five, he was three. And there’s little to nothing I really could do for him. I try reminding myself “YOU WERE LITERALLY A CHILD TOO!” That I’m not responsible for them (my siblings) that it’s not my fault for everything that happened. As a young teenager I began arguing back and getting kicked out of home, because of my defiance. Though an overwhelming amount of grief would drown me. I felt responsible for my siblings and not being by their side to make sure they’re okay, terrified me. flash forward to today. I’m allowing my siblings to make choices for themselves and being open if they need advice. I’m the closest with my twin sister. Though it’s not as crippling anymore. Neither do I fear losing my grandmother to death. I’ve learned to accept not all of this will last forever. I have such a long way to go. And still so much to learn.
  6. ^^ joy cleaned it up though. of course I helped. Just a happy accident no need to shame yourself baby. I thought it was a little humorous to witness that. Not in a mocking manner or way. Though it just reminded me of my baby nephew and niece. No one enjoys an accidental wetting. Though it’s nice to get clean and comfortable again with someone who’s safe. just a little baby ^^ you’ll be alright my love. No one is upset with you, and we can always clean up together
  7. Nothing lasts forever. Emotions come and goes. Well, everything comes and goes! I think for me personally, I accept whatever comes up. I don’t think it’s possible for a human to live in permanent anything forever. Except death, you’re all going down
  8. How do you even qualify a proper awakening? (I love Steve-O!)
  9. I deleted the app and it’s not in the app store i think trump is full of shit and it’s not coming back especially if it’s not back on the App Store. I feel like they’re just playing with emotions at this point.
  10. My great grandfather had cancer. A terrible disease I’d wouldn’t even wish on my worse enemy. From the bottom of my heart, I’m wishing you strength, love and compassion. Your journey will be extremely difficult, but hold onto the things that matter the most to you. And ensure you have a good support system by your side. Don’t expect perfection, especially when going through chemo. You may find yourself more easily irritated and snapping at the people you love. Have patience with yourself and keep in mind that we as humans are flawed. And you are allowed to be angry, allowed to be scared, allowed to be depressed. I invite you to feel all these emotions genuinely and as raw as possible. please keep us updated on your journey wishing you the best - Beans
  11. My brain hurts. Make love not war. And if you’re asexual I can offer a firm handshake or a hug.
  13. I’m sorry for stonewalling you. For not saying how I felt and shutting down. I didn’t realize how much more damage I’m doing. By not just being straightforward with you. Regardless of what happens. I want you to know how much I care about you, and genuinely love you. And how grateful I am for you and your family for coming into my life. Life is so difficult. And at the end of the day we’re human. Bound to make a million mistakes/happy accidents all throughout our life. Thanks for celebrating my 22nd birthday with me in such a special way. Thank you for always being here for me when I lost my cat, thank you for being here for me when I was homeless. Thank you for loving me. And for teaching me a different world out here.
  14. It really really hurts, when you say hurtful things. When you’re frustrated. Especially in really vulnerable moments. Or even when I’m trying to be supportive. It still cuts very deep. It’s so difficult to even mention my feelings or to say anything when I am terrified our conversation will explode and then we go down the rabbit hole of our arguments. And then comments are made about no longer wanting to be with me. Or comments like having fantasies of others. I don’t say how I feel to guilt trip you. I say how I feel, because I want you to know how it’s effecting me. And why it’s effecting me. In moments like those. I feel subhuman. Like literally garbage. Like an idiot. In moments like those haunt me. And subconsciously in the back of my mind. A part of my brain devours it and says “I told you so.”
  16. Things that made Joy laugh MY UVULA IS ON FIRE - Ken Jeong TOO LOUD - Beans the tv was loud and so was beans srry thanks for being understanding we also had a similar situation just prior to this one
  17. Joy was covering their face and I was wondering why, but as they get into bed suddenly their icy cold feet were on top of mine as I squirm around and do my best to hide my feet from them joy quickly placed their cold feet onto my back. I accepted defeat and we burst out laughing. Joy had a confession the reason why their phone was against their mouth was because of the huge grin behind the phone. Now if I would’ve seen that smile I would’ve knew instantly what they’re going to do. Moments like these are my favorite, once joy finally told me their grand plan I couldn’t stop laughing. I love you
  18. I don’t give a damn
  19. Hehe not ur inconsistencies silly identigo’s mistakes and bringing frustration into our home
  20. I think your frustration is valid. Completely valid. People as you’ll continue to learn about are majority of the time inconsistent. Both in professional settings and personal settings. I do understand the importance this holds for you. I am excited for your progression with your name change, and I hope you’ll forgive me when my brain has its fill with the legality talks, and practices. In the future we’ll update my legal name change, however it’s not cheap at all. So for now we’re trying to be more aware of our finances. And taking our time with the process. One at a time. I love you. Thanks for allowing me to be on this journey with you
  21. I had a headache with the complications coming from everything plus your perfectionism.Trying to have patience for what you’re going through. Sometimes I can feel your intense anxiety and frustration. I get tired of trying to be both understanding and to accept my boundaries of limitations when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
  22. He looks like he has chlamydia
  23. Five times virtually five more times irl (in real life) with the actual uno cards i am an uno God
  24. ._. He’s not welcomed here