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Everything posted by TheUnknown

  1. Damn... you can f*k mentally ANYTHING. You think sex is a physical phenomena. It's fully mental and brain that interprets reality in such a way that it gives pleasure. It's a construct civilization has created that your sex with girls is the true sex. You're not having sex with real people, but constructs of people. It's more than psychology. It's called conditioning and it happens unconsciously. You learn a lot of stuff when you are 1, 2, 3, 4 year old and then you don't even know what you know. You can practice not-knowing to get rid of that stuff and have sex with a ceiling or a moon (constructs still). The whole reality is a construct, but getting more pure perception can get you sex with more things.
  2. The internet discussion is inherently something stupid, so you're calling out yourself as well. If you don't really practice any lessons, you'll keep on writing these "hierarchical categorizations of what's idiotic and not" which is just opinions, pseudo-intellectualism and a lot more. According to your culture and civilization what I said might be "hellishly stupid", "retarded" and so on. I have confronted people like that in real life many times and what was happening that if you said something that was a little bit non-linear to their statement, they complained and did threaten with a knife. So the only solution was to quit those circles. But on the internet I am bits, that some people take seriously as if the informatics infrastructure was some ultimate tool of communication. But that's a limited view providing nothing more than negative and lots of words that create cascades of emotions that later influence you and your whole life. Mechanical behavior that would get anyone kicked out quickly from any place. Go to a university and say something like that. You won't last long. You created a pointless distinction and just wasted mutual time instead of discussing the problems and disassembling them to deepen mutual understanding. Whenever you write something on the internet, it goes through a massive amount of systems and filters, then it's shown via your screen, then filtered through your mind, bias etc. I don't see any point of discussions like that, but I posted here just because... sex is used as a tool to manipulate people by various industries. It's a thesis that the internet was made for intellectual purposes. It's not for intellectualism. It's only a system of information exchange and anyone can use it, but people praising "intellectualism" end up emotionally unstable and create mostly suffering, then it goes back to them in form of these answers of "non-intellectuals". I am happy to not over-use intellect like 99% of western civilization which I used in the past, but it's really a masturbation game like "I got 166 iq points from Mensa". Such a 2-sentence comment can be classified as judgment and also intellectually valid, but there are 5 - 10 minds that we use, and if you only use "comparison" + "intellect', you're a very rational being that doesn't go far in life, maybe you can get some virtual bits and gratifications like "money", but that's pure fiction created by self-fulfilling prophecies created by civilizations, cults and beliefs. --- Looks like this forum has "approval mechanic", but it fails to teach people, so I won't speak a lot here. Maybe from time to time. I can sense a lot of "opinions" posted as "facts" here. Leo doesn't seem to give a damn about this. Guess why haha. Yeah, do drugs and forget about life... that's what they call it. Not a drug-culture at all. I have been designing large-scale solutions for social media using AWS and Google and I can see mechanics of all that nonsense easily. Very easily I can see flaws of this whole forum. It's harmful due to lack of real leaders. See, I have 60 iq and I can design large scale systems. Many intellectuals attempted to do the same and they failed terribly. Toxic people make strong people stronger and then they get burned in hell by soon... AI. Robots and drones won't have feelings for you. Maybe drug-culture and shrooming will save ya. ;P
  3. Control impulses, emotions and transform your sexual life instead of making conclusions like "sex is a bad thing". You're ruining it for yourself. Everyone can choose whether they see something as positive or negative, but black and white thinking is pointless. Because without sex, you wouldn't exist. Sex stems from love to other humans and being against it in any way would be maybe classified as fantasizing about being a robot. Some people dream about being robots, but this will backfire on them harshly. Masturbation is equal to sex. It's the same thing if you think about it. Just with yourself or with someone else. Getting rid of that is really unhealthy. It's not unhealthy from behavioral perspective, but it's like fantasizing about not being a biological creature. It can get really bad and you can become really unhappy about being a biological creature with those assumptions.
  4. Like anything in this world of our perception. Similar questions are: - Are we all idiots? - Are we all sages? - Are we all one? - Are we all engineers? - Are we all the same at core? Does thing X equals Y? No, it's not that simple. We live in a dynamic, 3D world. Although there might be higher dimensions created. I can have sex with anything once I convince myself about certain stuff. This is the power of awareness.
  5. "NoFap®" NoFap is a product and it's based around myths and extrapolations. Get proper education from some real people interested in digging deeper, not this dumb internet Reddit / Quora bot level marketing bullshit stuff.
  6. Nice conclusions, but there's a lot of errors in these. Women are very similar to men and thinking of them as separate beings can result in things such as misogyny and so on. They don't have some radars and they're as intelligent as men, so this 4th statement makes me feel like trying to put it on a very animalistic level. Maybe that's what an immature woman would do. Maybe if you're dealing with black and white thinking women, you can get those impressions. I would avoid those. Having kids with them would be real pain and could be destructive for 3 lives combined.
  7. Masturbation + soft porn are key to mature pornographic use. With proper understanding of pornography you can get 3 hours of pleasure that will reset your brain and mind to natural state. You can do 15 hours of work and then do that for 3 hours if you feel tense, but you have to do that in a very slow and full-body way. Your body will get connection with your mind once you try understanding that every part of your skin is sensitive. If you pass gently with your hand in certain parts, you'll get nice self massages with overall big benefits.
  8. Sex isn't what we are here for. It's just a tiny way to play. Overall, sex happens in our minds. You don't have to touch someone physically to get those intense pleasures. You may realize it if you expand your understanding of romantic relationships or relationships in general.