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About chess_king

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  1. Your habit of resistant thought is the only thing that ever keeps you from allowing the things you desire. And although you certainly did not intentionally develop these resistant patterns of thought, you did pick them up along your physical trail, bit by bit and experience by experience. But one thing is very clear: If you do not do something that causes a different vibrational offering, then nothing in your experience can change. Let Your Emotions Be Your Guide You are, without exception, experiencing emotional responses to your life experience, and these emotions are your key to knowing which processes would be best for you to utilize right now. Generally speaking, the better you feel, the more the lower-numbered processes will be of benefit for you; and the worse you feel, the more the higher-numbered processes will be of benefit. The most important thing for you to acknowledge before you apply any of these processes is how you are feeling right now—and how you would like to feel. At the beginning of each process, we have indicated an emotional range that we suggest for each one. Any of the processes that fall within the emotional range that you believe you are feeling right now is a perfect place to begin.
  2. There is no condition so severe that you cannot reverse it by choosing different thoughts. However, choosing different thoughts requires focus and practice. If you continue to focus as you have been, to think as you have been, and to believe as you have been, then nothing in your experience will change. If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts. And that simply requires finding unfamiliar ways of approaching familiar subjects. Others cannot understand the vibrational content of your desires, and they cannot understand the vibrational content of where you are, so they are not in any way equipped to guide you. Even when they have the very best of intentions and want your absolute Well-Being, they do not know. And even though many of them attempt to be unselfish, it is never possible for them to separate their desire for you from their own desire for themselves. When you remember that everyone who asks is given, then how wonderful and appropriate it is for you to make the choices for you—for the Universe operates much more efficiently without a middleman interceding on your behalf. No one else knows what is appropriate for you—but you do. You always know in the moment what is best for you. There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it. Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance—at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money— the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel. The basis of life is freedom, and the result of life is expansion—but the purpose of your life is joy. And that is why the main event has never been the manifestation. It has always been the way you feel in the moment. In other words, you intended to come into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted, to connect with the Energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention—not because the objects of attention are important, but because the act of flowing Energy is essential to life. Appreciation and self-love are the most important aspects you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this Universe. The value in recognizing your emotions and then consciously working to offer thoughts in order to deliberately produce better-feeling emotions is truly what Deliberate Creation is. It is also what the Art of Allowing is all about. When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time (hours in some cases or a few days in others), that thought becomes a dominant thought. And once you achieve a dominant thought, you will experience matching manifestations until you change it. Remember that: • The thoughts you think equal your point of attraction. • You get what you think about, whether you want it or not. • Your thoughts equal vibration, and that vibration is then answered by the Law of Attraction. • As your vibration expands and becomes more powerful, it eventually becomes powerful enough for manifestation to occur. • In other words, what you think (and therefore feel), and what manifests in your experience, is always a vibrational match. Once you deliberately choose a thought and consciously feel the improvement in the way you feel, you have successfully utilized your own guidance system, and you can now be on your way to the freedom that you desire and deserve—for there is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have. There are many words that are used to describe emotions, but there are really only two emotions: One feels good, and one feels bad. Attention to how you are feeling is necessary in order to understand everything that is happening to you. How you feel—and the feeling of relief that you discover as you reach for better-feeling thoughts—is your only true measurement of what you are attracting into your experience. Many people desire things that they are not currently living fully, and in some cases they have desired them for a long period of time. And so, they think about the thing they desire, and then they think about not having it. In time, they come to believe that the way they feel (as they think about what they want, and realize they do not have it, but cannot figure out how to get it) is the way desire feels. But they are not in the state of pure desire; they are in the state of resisted desire. Often their vibration is more about the absence or lack of what they want than it is about what they want. When your desire feels so big that it feels unreachable, it is not on the verge of manifestation. When your desire feels to you like it is the next logical step, then it is on the verge of manifestation. You can tell by the way you feel whether your vibration is in the place where you are allowing Universal Forces to deliver your desire to you now . . . or not. With practice, you will know whether you are on the brink of a manifestation or whether it is still in the becoming stages, but most important, once you are in control of the way you feel, you will enjoy it all: • You will enjoy your exposure to the variety and contrast that helps you identify your desire, and you will enjoy the sensation of your own desire, which is being launched from your own valuable perspective and is flowing from you. • You will enjoy the sensation of your conscious awareness when you are not a vibrational match to your own desire, and you will enjoy the sensation of deliberately bringing yourself back into vibrational alignment with your desire. • You will feel relief as doubts slip away, and as the secure feelings of Well-Being replace them. • You will enjoy sensing things that are about to happen, you will enjoy seeing things beginning to fall into place, and you will adore witnessing the manifestations of your desires. • You will revel in the conscious awareness that you have deliberately molded your desires into being in as real a way as if you had created a statue with the clay in your own hands. • You will adore the sensations you feel as you align, again and again, with the fruits of your own experience. The entire Universe exists to produce new life-giving desire within you, and when you go with the flow of your own desires, you will feel truly alive—and you will truly live.
  3. Its highly likely its within 2 years from now , Iran is officially in a war against Israel now
  4. Bashar on the 2024 election What are your thoughts about this?
  5. There is nothing called self-help
  6. The real gold is realizing that Self-Help is an illusion
  7. This is literally impossible , when reading all your focus is on the book you cant multitask while listening your focus is scattered, it's not a preference thing its a scientific fact.
  8. You need to know why you are reading what is your end goal , reading for the sake of reading or "acquiring knowledge" is a waste of time imo
  9. Naval says that audiobooks are useless , better to read texts
  10. When did you start playing?
  11. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
  12. I am so grateful to be alive
  13. Yeah I would like to , is there money to be earned lol? thanks.