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About K14N

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  1. Hi guys. I rly need some fucking help. I am on the edge of unaliving myself. Enlightenment has been realised, I've been repeatedly committed to mental hospitals due to the fact that consciousness is singular I woke up 4 months ago to the oneness nature of reality and 'I' have never felt more lonely in my entire life. Because there is no separation, there is no 'other' who is not 'me'. It feels like I am trapped inside a solipsistic nightmare where everyone and everything is just me playing finger puppets with myself. There is only 'me' by me, I mean consciousness, not ego. It's literally the same identity everywhere and its driving me absolutely and utterly crazy. While enlightenment has been realised and my consciousness has been expanded beyond my sense of self, I can see through the 'me' in duality however the suffering of the separate self is still extremely apparent which, like I said, has led me repeatedly committed to mental hospitals. Since I am all that is, I am everything and everyone, I am completely and utterly alone forever... and its literally driving me insane. Ive tried self enquiry, meditation, yoga all to calm this down however nothing seems to work. It feels like I've gone to hell, ultimately trapped inside my lonely existence forever... I'm not sure what to do. Help me. It has completely and utterly destroyed my life.