Anton Chigurh

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About Anton Chigurh

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    New York, USA
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  1. It depends on what your "survival reasons" are. An intimate, loving, romantic relationship is being done for survival entirely, of course. But that is higher consciousness and better than saying like - oh I'm just gonna marry this person or whatever because they have lots of money or useful social advantages for me or whatever. I don't really love them but they are useful for money /social advantages - that would be a complete disaster and no way, would be very dysfunctional.
  2. Neediness is just relying on other people and being dependent on other people for your life satisfaction /fulfillment. Don't do this with girls or people in general. Neediness = selfishness, weakness, dependency which girls and other people will hate, especially girls hate it. You wanna be a strong, confident, self entertaining and self amusing person who doesn't rely on other dumb humans for your life enjoyment. Meaning you can just enjoy yourself and enjoy your life without needing any other girl or person to validate you. Everyone else is optional, other people are optional and you don't need them to enjoy your life. And then becoming this way naturally makes you very attractive with girls and people in general.
  3. Move on, it's over. This is what you think now, but that's just because you are limiting yourself and staying stuck. Dump her, go develop your game and skills with girls. Go talk to more girls. You will become stronger and find better GF eventually.
  4. Because they're stupid. And helplessly uninformed, lazy about understanding politics in any deep way. Lots of people don't know who the fucking vice president is and they couldn't name 1 supreme court justice (Who are of course working hand in hand with MAGA/Trump ) . Which is why we're in this disaster now with Trump / MAGA. The Trump /MAGA people are awful and disgusting obviously, but they are like a loud vocal minority. Most average people look at politics and they see Trump - and see him as just another conservative, successful businessman or whatever. (The "Successful" businessman who inherited all his money from daddy. ) Like he's just a Stage Orange businessman kind of guy and maybe he'll be good for getting the economy "back on track" or whatever BS, curbing immigration or inflation or whatever right wing/Fox News gaslighting is going on - but in reality he is a dangerous, authoritarian, narcissistic man child who is going to do serious damage to our democracy and country and everything in general. It shouldn't even be a question who to vote for. It's so sad that it's even a question and people didn't see through the orangutan man baby right away back when he was running. But yeah, stupid. They stupid. Dumb dumbs.
  5. Focus on finding your life purpose above all else. Focus on nailing your life purpose and your deepest passions, your long term vision and developing that. This is what should matter the most in your life - not grades, college, exams, etc. (Unless it's directly aligned with your LP and vision.) Once you have a serious life purpose and vision going for yourself, something you can work really hard on and dedicate yourself to, laziness /indecisiveness will not be a problem anymore. But it takes time to develop that and put that together, years to put it together so be compassionate with yourself throughout process. Also, talk to girls and get good with girls ;). You get lots of inner development and growth from that.
  6. David Pakman would be great. Very developed, mature, intelligent Green /progressive. He does interviews with all kinds of different people so good chance of getting on I would hope. You could bring spiral dynamics to him. Maybe through Trump or something (Explaining his Red/Narcissism, etc.) Sam Seder could be good too but I think you'd have better shot with Pakman.