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About MrTruf

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  1. Sorry, Princess, just my way of searching for silver lining in this
  2. Hi friends, I can't help but to wonder, how so many smart people here are near mental breakdown, when Trump gets mentioned or mere thought of him apears in your consiousness. I don't believe any of you claiming he's some big fascist mastermind who will corrupt everything and everyone, actually believe it, do ya? Do you actually believe that your country's system and institutions are so fragile? Do you actually believe the country like US would be gambled every 4 years? You really think rulling elite (definitely not the DC politicians) would just stand idle while the populus decides who's the ruller for next period… please. You must be crazy if you think some orange retard will be the end of US, makes me wonder who else here is retarded You do realise that he's just a backlash to the current system? How is more of "current system" (absolute establishment candidate with absolutelly zero personal perspective on governing) solve anything? Trump might serve like a pressure valve, if elected he actually could give americans few more years before an inevitable, real and COMPETENT fascist arrives. Wouldn't you agree that is the trajectory current establishment system is going? To simplify: If Kamala elected: Hitler in 5-10 years If Trump elected: Hitler in 10-15 years point of notice: I'm not a MAGAt nor do I think that Zion Don is some sort of savior of America or the world. He's just an old guy with a huge ego. And I do understand that he might usher some corrupt assholes along with him, but Washington has seen worse. I'm being a bit provocative here, so please calm your tits if you already started flapping them. Lets explore the topic from different than usual perspective.
  3. You most certainly are not. It's relevent because you are a liar, and this provides context for others choosing to communicate with you. You are a sick man.
  4. Exactly. They wan't more freedom to do what they want.
  5. This is the only time I will address you. I did not and will not engage you, that's why you weren't tagged. I was sharing my impressions with other forum members. You are not worth a second of anyones time. You are only allowed to write this shit here as an example for others how incredibly blind one can get with his twisted ideology. Every message you send only pushes people further away from the argument you're trying to make. Keep posting! It's not working.
  6. This thread, the previous one, and the big locked one had other Jewish people who were highly skeptical of the Zionist project and the way it's being conducted, Lyubov f.e.. I'm not against jewish people, nor I am for dismantling Israel. But people claiming that they have rights to a land (and in turn do anything to get it) because Bible says so or because they somehow relate to people who lived there 2000+ ago, should have no voice in deceiding on the issue. Paraphrasing Lyubov, one could confidently assert that there is more proof of Bigfoot compared to the "Kingdom of Israel". Even tho I look childish to some, I advocate for the situation to be taken over by mature individuals. I hate this issue and what it's doing to the world's security and future prospects. Everyone will have to live with the consequences of what’s happening now, one way or another.
  7. I had in mind that they don't offer nothing of value to me (that's why I don't see a need to engage in discussion), though I see value in their posting here. I hope to exceed your expectations.
  8. The people I called zionists are zionists, where are you going with this? Nowhere did I say that all jews are zionists, that's misrepresentation from you.
  9. This is the only time I will address you, so don't bother commenting back. I will not engage you, others already did. You run in circles and offer nothing of value. But I invite you to keep posting.
  10. I don't expect anything from them. Time and time again they prove that "jewishness" is above all else. Be it truth, Truth, other people or sometimes even their own. This, for example, was clearly demonstrated in all of the related threads by zios. I aplaud Leo for letting them express themselves freely, even though the quality of their arguments and positions is extremelly lacking. No one serious is denying them a country, nor do i claim that all jews are zios, plenty evangelical golems who are zios for their own sick and twisted apocalyptic fantasies, so please don't strawman me.
  11. Well, if you know that, you know that it's result of US leadership, with institutions, such as UN, WTO and such, as tools to implement it, in order to establish stability. Did china benefit from it? I mean, yeah ofc. Tho, now we see that they increasingly see it as not fair. But you know that.
  12. explicit and implicit rules on how the world should work, established after ww2. i feel it's a bait thread tho
  13. He does it on purpose, obviously. With every message zios discredit themselves and their case, demonstarting how blind one can get, for all to see. It's actually amazing to see messages from Inliytened1, given how he larps as awakened being on the forum. Well, there goes that title. or Gennadiy1981...notice, nobody even engages him or his messages.. they stand on their own proof that psychedelics without inner work, deep contemplation and introspection is worth jack shit. Nivsch... trying to demosntrate that "dialogue is possible", but when push comes to shove, justifies everything that's happening, including settlers. Pretends to listen, but hears nothing (not surprising). I don't know why you engage him, guys. His job is to muddy the waters. And if shit will go sideways for Israel, the likes of him will be responsible for throwing netanyahu under the bus (notice he already does that to extent) to clear israels image. TYPICAL. Hasbara failed on this forum misserably. Kvetching intensifies.