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Everything posted by Lorcan

  1. I would use the money to make a utopia. First of however, I would make my self even more rich with the 100 million. I would start a buissness so I would have a steady income. Then I work on utopia.
  2. What do you think of Alan Watts.
  3. We were born selfish, some more then others.
  4. Creating a utopia, sure it could be difficult, but not beyond human intelligence. The evil of the human being is what ultiamately is stopping utopia.
  5. I have been watching multiple videos of leo's and, multiple times, he has said that meditation is the best and most high quality happiness. Just simply being, and enjoying your exsistance. So to speak, if everyone shares the common goal of happiness, why isnt everyone meditating. After all, happiness is the ultiamate goal.......... Or is it. If you was given an option to be hooked up machine that if you were hooked up to it you would receive infinite pleasure/gratification( the same gratification you got from meditatinh) what reason is stopping me from saying no. Personally I would say no, but I just cant really put a definite finger on why. I mean surely there must be more then simply to "be" and enjoy "being" . Is happiness the ONLY thing I should pursue, Have I be lying to myself this whole time, this happiness, is it genuine? Is it authentic? Look Im all for personal devlopmemt and mastering yourself etc, I cant say I disagree with it. But what I found most intriguing is when leo said " the best use of time is simply sitting and doing nothing, Simply meditating and contemplating. I really sat, stumped and thought. A image popped into my head of the entirety of everyone on the planet, sitting cross legged neditating and contemplating. Everyone on planet earth was just enjoying " being" . And I thought, if happiness is the only thing that drives us and what we seek, is this what an ideal world looks like? For some for reason. I feel like theres more then just exsisting and enjoying being. Hmm, Still thinking about this as I am writing this. Please share your thoughts down below. Would be interesting to see what you think about this.
  6. The most important revlotionary people to me is Spartacus. Tank man, Guy fawkes etc, anyonr who basically looks at society and gives them the middle finger, I salute these people. Leo in his statement is basically saying Master yourself, before you master the world around you. Mastering yourself will greatly increase your efficiency as a human being
  7. ...... You do not need to crush your enemy both in body and soul to be self actualised. First you must realise that the world we live in, is FILLED with people with bad, little or inhuman morales. These are the 1% , these are the elite, these people use money as a tool i Of abuse, to control your life. All done legally... Who ever said the law was right? The constitution is flawed it was written by rich revloutionaries ( the 1%) 200 or more years ago. Yet we do nothing, say nothing, because we dont know how to be the resistance , we dont act , because we dont know. Some people think our society is good, these are the fortunate slaves. Homelessness ,debt , searching for food getting in the way of your pursuit of happyness. We think our lives are good enough. Our lives are medicore, if you go with the flow that society has scheduled for you, you will live a miserable-mediocre life.Some lucky few escape society trap. Most caught in it. Few manage to break free, through years of hardwork. Life could be better, Im fucking sick of the machine bastards whp rule the world we live in, these men and women with machine hearts and machine minds. The education,is a pile of shit compared to what it could be. Everything is a pile of shit compared to what it could be. We are all sheep, BAa baaaaaaaa. All of you I urge you do something. And yes all of you who enjoy meditation and being and "mastering yourself" Our existance will be no more if we contimue to be ruled by brutes in this effective slave machiene of a society. I like to live in the present I often tell my self " Soon, I will be in paradise" I hope this is true. The hell we live in, sure looks like a paradise. Because it is, Its just the human race as a whole hasnt mastered the joy of living , but mastered being a slave. DO SOMETHING. I AM DOING SOMETHING. If you want to be swlf actualized, well damn making the pile of shit society we live in, into a functional paradise is a way to do it. Imagine waking up with no worries or stress EVER . This is possible, Rome wasnt built in a day, neither will Utopian society. Utopian society is the future, where man is no longer OBSESSED with the possesaion of things, the challenge will not be climbing the corparate ladder and trying to make a million. The challenge would be mastering youraelf, to be as happy as you can be. And you.You who thinks this is not possible, If you were here right. I would spit upon you, in all your ignorance, missbeleiver, un beleiver. I know who "I am" I am the resistance. Who the fuck are you -'Ate the apple, ate the core. I dont work for you no more'
  8. Hello, my name is lorcan , I am 14 yr old. By chance I stumbled across your channel about a 1 or 2 years ago. I have watched a couple of your videos, and I am just after finishing your explantory video on what self actualization is. You talk of beinh self actualized is to reach your maximum potential. I carry a few ( not all) of the traits of a self actualized person. One of these is " Seeing the world for what it actually" for my age I am quite philosphical, I am always questioning things, especially the society we live in. By doing some research, I have found that we are controlled by a system , large corpartions control our lives,they use money to control us so that they can better themselves. Democracy is a lie, the goverment gives us choices they appoint for us, 2 sides of the same coin. A world poisoned by capitalism. I have a dream of a self actuallised world, a world based on Goodness, Playfullness,Rightgeousness ,Justice and fun. We call ourselves free, but in the society we live in are we really free. All the corruption sickens, and I see no one rising up against it. We are watching it happen in front of our eyes and we do nothing. I want a world for the people and by the people, not A world for the corparation and by the corpartion. Is this is what it is to live life as a human. Ia this what It means to be free? No , we are not free, yet we lie to ourselves I want to become a revlotionary,an insurgent, I stand for True Freedom ,Goodness, Rightgoes ness, playfullness and justice if needed. Will this then I have accomplished this make me self actualised? - Note: Sorry for the bad spelling and grammer , wrote this on my mobile
  9. If people like leo led the world, the world would be alot better.
  10. The world needs change,the people who control the world we live in arent good enough. If only Platos "The Republic" could be implemented as the main governing body for the worlds countries. While not perfect , still netter then what we have.
  11. The only technique I know of and use is the "do nothing" technique where you do nothing literally at all, not even in your mind you dont think etc. Ive been doing thia for 3 days now, would like to try something different. Have more variety so to speak.
  12. Ahh, yes. I understand, change your self before you change the world. Nuthin like a Good ol little gem of a quote from socrates
  13. I understand what you are trying to refer to here, but living in a forest excluded from society isn't solving the problem at its roots, its just a mere escape from reality. However concerning the topic about new countries out at see, free from the rules and regulations of other societies is an interesting one (And very possible in todays world, however you would have to be a billionare) I have looked into this before about making a independent country out at see.(Much like the video game Bioshock where someone sets up a city in the ocean called rapture, with a complete overhaul of society with great education, no homelessness , Basically the ideal society.) However currently this is much out of my grasp at this age. Even then to become a billionare , would be a challenge as it would concern setting up a buissness complying with the corrupt world we live in.
  14. Make other activities more accsessbile, for example the reason we find our selves plopping down on a chair and playing video games is because of how accsessible and easy it is. However say you want to say go Draw, you go into your room, your rooms a mess, you cant find a pencil anywhere.Therefor requiring lots more hastle
  15. What is it to discover yourself? What are you discovering? Charachter traits? Strenghts? Weaknesses? I am having trouble grasping this concept. Someone please help me on this.
  16. I agree, but too often I see people abuse it :((
  17. Today is my second day of 20 minute meditation lol. I dont know the answer to your question. I guess you will find an answer in time
  18. What. Are you going to sit on top of a mountain meditating cross legged "enlightened" for the rest of your life. Variety makes our lives more fun, Casual gaming is ok, Hardcore gaming can be a waste of time (Unless you have a SERIOUS passion for it and do e-sports).
  19. What do you do for fun?
  20. If, video games, reading books, watching TV , playing board games, card games, any game. If these are a waste of time. What isn't? for example, if any of you saw my last post concerning "Revolution" I would like to be a Revolutionary (Please see my previous post) What am I supposed to do exactly? Devise a master plan on the revolution of how I will change society via new education and econmical systems? I know my life purpose , but how am I supposed to achieving such a big a task as this? I mean if I shouldnt be playing video games, what should I be doing Right now?
  21. Thank you Sken and leo and falk