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Everything posted by Lorcan

  1. Simplest solution, continue eating healthy like you do, eat less, drink plenty of water, run everyday for up to 20 minutes (You will have to do 5 minutes exercise at first as you lungs would not last 20 minutes, not to mention your legs. If you cant do 5 minutes do 3, and if you cant 3 minutes do 2 minutes. for the smaller run times like under 5 minutes you should do it 3 or 2 times a day to build up some muscle and your lungs, eventually exspand to 20 minutes.
  2. A video proposedly on how not to fall victim to being fooled ao easily and being gulliable, something like that ,feel free how to alter it as you like
  3. I'm finding school life pretty mediocre, sure there is those "great moments" but they are quite few and far between, the bit the fills the gap is mediocre and sometimes draining. Ive heard a phrase that your school days are the best days of your life , and that phrase pisses me off every single time. Same with life is unfair, all these statements people have on how they think the world works when we simply know nothing and cant stand knowing nothing. And I agree with Vizual, while I am far from enlightenment, I have been exsperiancing this light, and weightless ness feeling. Its like all the negative things in my head just vanish, they just melt away any m head is clear. Like emptying a rubbish bin, but ready to be filled up with good stuff, but instead over time we fill it with trash.
  4. At the start of they year I feel fresh , give or take the uncomfortableness from the transition from loads of freetime to restricted time. When i start the year I feel I solid of steel, I then slowly start to rust as the year goes on. Almost like some sort test of endurance. I would like to say Homework and Coursework seem to be quite draining but Im not entirely sure.
  5. Analysing Leos video for HighSchool/Secondary school video. He talks about building a strong foundation. So would be a Good idea to "Ace" school as such and study for perhaps thirty minutes to an Hour a day? I beleive leo says something like " If you cant ace school , how are you are going to ace other things in life" What does it mean to even try your best, people say try your best as if it a simple and little thing, IF I were to try my ABSOLUTE BEST at school, I would think that one might go slowly insane or end up very weary. What IS to try your best, anyone can sit down and study for 5 hours a day, its entirely possible for me, or someone else to do that. Although I dont do it for fear I will be weary or it will make me more miserable. So when someone says try you best, its almost as if they dont know what they asking, as if I am totally incapable of doing 5 hours study as if to elminate the possibly. Also, in my school we have to learn as compulsory Irish, A long dead language. I wouldnt mind if this was an optional subject, but its forced! Its USELESS a few people in the west of Ireland speak it, and among thos people who speak it are poor country folk. So WHY should I try my best, wasting my mental energy on a dead language , I have no interest in. ITS STUPID. Whats that I hear you cry? Do it for college points at leaving cert? Its Hundreads of hours of wasted education worth a fraction of college points. I think not. And YEs I do understand the concept of " Use the time, dont let time use you". But Irish shouldnt be compulsery it should be optional, wasting prescious hours of education on a dead language cant be justified
  6. You are misinterpetung what I am saying, I am not opposed to variety or objects. Irish to most people ia uselesa, thats why it should be Oprionalbfor those who find meaning in it. However, it is forced down our throats, this is why I am opposed to it. I dont think anything is absolutely superior to anything else, they are all have there strenghts and weaknesaes. I have no motivations to learn Irish as it ia very little use to me, I have no Honest Intrinsic motivations to learn it. I will not learn it for "the sake if learning" because , the only Thing I would really be learning is the irish language.If I had invested those hours into something I find more useful. I would be better off. I dont lie to myself by saying Im going to leatn irish for the sake of learning, because thats bullshit as Irish to me has no use, its dead and would receive little happiness or practicallity from learning it compared if I spent my time learning something I would use to accomplish my goals. Misinterpratation is unavoidable in anything that is written, Oh well
  7. The point is Latin is not forced down my throat, Latin is an optional language choice in the schools that offer it. But you see , in my school a dead language is being forced down our throats, why there is just the same amout of Science classes as there is Irish classes. We are forced to learn this lanagauge. Getting a couple a points for college isnt meaningful enough me to learn this lanaguage, neither is it a good motivator to study a dead language just for college points. If education is the key, Im telling ,school must be the f*cking lock. School is a bitch, but hey thats a rant for another thread.
  8. Of late, it seems that the society we live in is almost automated like a highly efficent machine. Almost a slot machine as such that it is rigged against you, as you insert more money into it, the owners of the slot machine get richer and richer, while the player loses all his money and then goes off to work to get more money to play the put more money into this slot machine, and this person feels like it has to play this game or he will end up miserable. Let me brake the system down to how basics. Here is the mediocre life 1.You are born into the world. 2. You are named, you identify yourself as this name that has been given to you. 3 . You begin to grasp an understanding of the world which you beleive is true, you are easily influenced 4. You are taken to a Pre-School where you interact with others like you. 5. Parents discpline you. 6.You start asking questions lots of them, we are given answers to them which we beleive without qestioning. 7. Our emotions conflict with what we have been taught. 8 . We are sent to Primary/Elementry school where we are discplined even more, where we are forced to attend by law or heavy punishment will occur.You learn to fear authority and acceptance of it. 9.Tests are introduced to us, you are tested constantly. 10.You are taken to secondary school/ high school which you a forced to attend by law. Here you are discplined and taught at a higher standard and higher exspectations You begin to question the system,you are quickly told you are wrong by everyone surrounding you and made beleive that you are is whata wrong. You are tested heavily and throughly and a huge emphasis on grades,you are punished if you receive bad grades, both by parents and school staff. 11. You finish your examinations thats get you "Points" which can get you into colleges and get certain courses in that college. 12. You get into a college and take a course you are interested in, or family members advised you to take. 13.You may or may not get a degree. 14. A job fair is hosted all sorta of corpartions a recruiting and they are lookimg for specfic kind people with certain skill sets. 15. You are employed you start your job,you have mixed feelings about your job you work for years to earn enough money to do what you desire. 16. You proabably have fallen in love and have a spouse/girlfriend/wife. 17 . You buy a mortgage for your house. 18 .You have children. 19 . You work, work,work to pay off mortgage 20 . Your kids to school, you tell the that their schooldays are the best days of there lives. You wan them to be better then yourslef seeing you are miserable/ mediocre.. 21. You kids get jobs. 22 . You retire 23. You enjoy retirement. 24. Your near death feeling unfullfilled and with regrets, without really knowing why. 25 . We die 26.????? Thats the life of the majority. Ive noticed this , and theres something very fishy going on to say the least. And I dont like it. Its like farming, but instead of killing the animal, they are using the animals as a labour force to make the farmers who the animals rich pricks who do little work. I dont want this to be me. I cant stop this system, so its all ready a " If you cant beat em, join em scenario" where in I cant beat the system, so to survive in the system I have to earn income which can only obtained by working with the system. ( Illegal shit will get you locked up for decades). Its corrupt! And everyone is unconcious of it! The thing is, How am I supposed to avoid like becoming the rest of the sheep?
  9. Interesting. Hmm. Thank you all for posting, I will think about what you people have said, and I will see if leo says anything about this topic in one of his videos. Cheers.
  10. Use the time, dont let time use you.
  11. Doing nothing vs meditation??? i thought they were the same thing. What do you do different in meditation then using the do nothing technique? Ive been meditating using the do nothing technique simply sitting cross legged, eyes close and dont think any thoughts. (sometimes I do meditation with eyes open)
  12. Of late, I have began thinking about how people arent bothered that there are first world problems, some arent even aware there are problems. There is a long list of things in our society that are supposedly wrong, or could be done better. Some people realise this fact,and it bothered me for a while, about why nobody is doing anything about it. Then Bingo it hit me. The Average person doesnt know how to rebel against such the complex society wile live in today. During the french revolution, every one knew exactly what the problem was,how it worked and who to target. Simple stuff, even no the brightest of people can understand it The society we live in today is not so simple. As a disclaimer I would like to say, that I myself have little idea to how to rebel against modern society. People dont question it and put up with it. They just go and say, its good enough, thats how life is But is good enough really good enough? No Problem is most people dont even get past this point, they just surrender to it and accept it as a way of life, and those who do get past this point are bombarded with the compilications on how you would rebel against such a complex society and what will you acheive from doing so? For one you would have to devlop a functional society that would work with no flaws. That is a very difficult task in itself as well as protesting against the goverment. Goverment: Yes , give me all them tax money, we need to pay the fed loan, not healthcare. Hey fed the banks want 4 billion for tommorow. Fed: Ok, no prob *calls us mint* Usmint: Yeah? Fed: need 4 billies by tommorow, gotta keep the money following. Meanwhile....... Protester:We hate the society we live in, its corrupt! Goverment: Do you have better Idea? Protester: uh.......no. Or Goverment: Do you have a better Idea? Protesters: Yes The protesters end up overthrowing goverment and implementing there new society which ends up failing because it has many flaws
  13. I enjoy meditation, If I wanted to, I could easily enjoy society and be glad of how "lucky" I am. But then I would be lying to myself. You say evil is just in my mind, how can you say this when you know not? After all we know nothing dont we not. Through my consciousness An exsistance which I refer to as me is here. I do not know the truth of our society, neither do you, very very few know the actual truth. I sense evil, there is something fishy going on in the societys of the world. I just cant put a finger on it. We are all ignorant, I am ignorant, I know nothing. Knowing this makes me a wise being. Question everything. There muat be an evil, im sure of it, if there was no evil, why I'd be in paradise. Oh yes I hear you cry "You already our in paradises" it doesnt feel like a truthful paradise.. Almost like a lie we are living. I would write this more in depth but I am on mobile
  14. ,You are ignorant, like everyone else. You see no evil, you hear no evil. When you find out the truth about the society we live, you will be disgusted. Find out for yourself. Then you will understand the convience
  15. I am 14 years old, while I can grasp things most people cant at my age. I dont want to buy an overly complicated self help book that I cant understand. So please post your recommendation down below.
  16. * Pulls out a Green Horn, Lorcan blows into it , the loud sound is heard throughout exsistance/the universe * In the Horizon Lorcan sees, A young Leo Gura , Dressed in Full Plate armour excluding the helmet is seen in the distance riding his valiant steed towards the source of the cry for help. (que for Leo to post)
  17. Ha! We talk and complain, and moan about the education system, yet no one does anything. I dont blame you, its the system we live in. No one does anything because they dont know how, or they feel like they cant do anything.
  18. I will soon be writing a "Mega thread" on this topic, I have been reconstructing a new society from the ground up that is functional and MUCH better the barely functional, on the verge of collapse society we currently have throughout the world. Before I post such a thread, I would appriciate if you would comment down below what you would like to see in an ideal, this includes education, wealth etc. Anything really. So post your views down below, all replys will be read and appreciated, thank you.
  19. Jacque frescos idea still needs work, I checked the venus project out, Im not entirely sure of its legitemency.
  20. How do exam results effect my life? I want an honest answer, non biased answer. It seems to me, the point of exams in the first place is so the government can see what results people Are getting and see if they reach the standard as such.But in all honesty, how will if effect my life? Is it one of those things that it will only effect you if you let it? Dont get me wrong, I love education. I dislike school however (It seriously needs a reform, I myself could personally reform it with a new functional system that would be way more effective at increasing intelligence yet happier for the kids) So how will High school exam results effect my life. I want the TRUTH. That means , if the Answer happens to be "school exam results effect your life little" , dont be afraid to tell me so, thinking that if you do tell me that school results dont matter that I will end up a couch potato who doesnt learn anything . So please be straight and make no assumptions what you comment to me that it will influence me to do anything stupid. Thank you
  21. Thank you for the advice emerald and leo. I have a somewhat clear what to do now. It about time I bought one of your recommended books. Maybe a couple on marketing. Any recomendations for my first couple of self help book? ( I can undersranf advanced topics)
  22. I never worried about exams in the first place. I see the world as it is , my phone charge is 5% and its half 11 where I live so I will make this quick, I just thought if asking the question to see what the real answer was, loads of people in the school think they actually matter. I know what I want to do with my exsistance so cocernimg about jobs isnt really a prob for me. Just asked to see out of curiousty to see why people says, or says not matters. All this hustle and bustle at school that exam results are important, pff (dont get me wrong, I live education, just not school. ) And yo answer on of your questions, Yes I would know if the truth was told to me after some research, and dont let my self bias get in the way of what I beleive in. Even If I have an Idea what I think is the truth,I question it again and again to really see if it is. ..