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Everything posted by AION

  1. As a spiritual person I got messed up by this notion. I allowed my parents to mess me up, other people and lately I allowed girls to do that. But though is enough. Today I came to a point that I realized that eye for eye, tooth for tooth is a spiritual if not more spiritual. Sometimes you have to unleash war onto your enemies because god demands it as explained in the Bhagavad Gita. The thing is that God is your highest authority and teacher and if you don’t listen you will get whipped to death or learn your lesson. God is all loving and all punishing. It has the soft hand and the hard hand. And whether you love or punish somebody it is the hand of god doing it and you are just a vessel. Sometimes tough love is the real thing. So this is what happened; my ex broke up with out of nowhere to go back to her ex. And I spilled the beans and exposed his wicked personality (how she treated me) and her Christian sexual dark side.
  2. You are stuck in the rationale of spiral stage orange and lovey dovey love from stage green. There is a point you can integrate and transcend that. Sometimes punching somebody in the face is more loving than anything else.
  3. Human love is much more advanced than animal love. But is still very primitive compared to higher levels of love like alien love. Turn the other cheek is human love and although it much more advanced than eye for an eye which is very animalistic but there is love beyond that. It kind of reminds me of Wilber’s pre-rational, rational and trans-rational. Our love is as sophisticated as our brain. And there comes a point that the rationality of turning the other cheek becomes a burden.
  4. Did you do psychedelics?
  5. @Lyubov true. Some people act like this is a stupid topic but there is a lot of depth to this topic. Dates is mostly mind games.
  6. It is jealousy I think. I have some looser friends who can’t get girls and when I talk about my escapades with girls they get stingy and you can just feel they hurtin’ for a squirtin’.
  7. This knob of conscious is just map of consciousness that David Hawkins discovered dialing consciousness from 1-1000+ LOC through letting go. Psychedelics just helps you with letting go. It is not rocket science guys.
  8. You just enjoy yourself and the music. I usually try to make male friends first. And start small by challenging girls. Never hit on them. It is better to shit over them or give them some shit. But not in an overly aggressive way. After that your kindness will be appreciated. Just being kind from the start is not appreciated. That is if they are club girls.
  9. I don’t have good pick up friends. The friends I go out with cock block me. Although they are good looking they have a bad vibe. I can’t even introduce them without looking bad. So I tell them to not get involved when I approach. Going out alone is better for me.
  10. Emotions can’t be suppressed. Only transmuted. Pulls out a wine bottle 😈
  11. Social and emotional intelligence and mastery. The rod is more powerful than the fish. you can have the fish if you give me the rod.
  12. You can’t master something without understanding it. I wanted to know if other guys had the same or different experiences. Experience trumps everything. You actually want to try as many different things as possible. Most people just learn to ride one pony and stay on it as long as it serves them. Last week I went to techno party for the first time. It was crazy. You don’t even want to know.
  13. I’m aimed at developing mastery. I’m not aimed at getting result in form of sex or a gf. My heart got broken couple weeks ago so I don’t trust girls anymore. I need mastery and self development.
  14. No I’m pan-theist. Colleagues can just be nice to be nice. If you are looking for nothing serious one shouldn’t shit where you eat. I never game in places where I come regularly because I’m not that smooth and girls like to gossip.
  15. @NoSelfSelf girls in churches are actually very receptive. Finally you said something that made sense although unintentional 😭
  16. I think it is a common problem. People want their partners to be 1 in all. A best friend, a spiritual partner, good sex partner and much more. It is just very rare to find such a good fit in multiple dimensions. At the end you have to play with the toys god is giving you.
  17. Life doesn’t work like that. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. You just have to roll with the punches. Actually dating can fuel your motivation and create synergy in your life. Recently I had a break up and that was a nuclear bomb in terms of energy.
  18. If you feel loneliness you haven’t understood solipsism. Yes consciousness is one but that doesn’t mean you are alone. You are everything so there is no separation. Read Wilbers latest book. It will help.
  19. @Keryo Koffa pigs don’t want pearls. She loved my pearls (godly love) in the beginning but her pig instincts quickly kicked in and her pig mother reminded her of earthly pleasures. I mean. She can’t wait for couple of years until I graduate? Yea I don’t have a lot of money right now but I’m not a bum. I’m pissed. And I want to call her again but I don’t want to ruin what is left which is not much anyway. Only thing that is left is a distant acquaintance.
  20. I watched Leo’s video on break ups and he is right that the biggest factor of repulsion (opposite of attraction) is neediness. But he doesn’t give any solution how to solve this neediness. It is easy to say to a dog to not be thirsty if he didn’t have any water for 1 week. Try to be thirsty yourself for a week and try to not be thirsty. I can get other girls but I don’t want them. I want my ex back. I’m thirsty for her. I think I have to change my notion of love. If I fall in love I have this holy unconditional love. And most women’s love is not unconditional but highly conditional. I think I should see the business side of relationships. And not see a girl as the end all be all but just a potential gf. And if she doesn’t or can’t fulfill that position it can be replaced by another girl. That is just the harsh reality of dating nowadays. No real love anymore.
  21. @Princess Arabia she was very open about why she left me: I didn’t have enough money. I agree I should let go of beliefs but some things are just beliefs. They are facts. And this girl is a sweet heart. A good Christian girl. I never expected a knife stab like that. I don’t know how to trust a girl after this.