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Everything posted by AION

  1. Yea it was like casting pearls in front of a swine. She was Christian and kind of religious. I thought she would appreciate my unconditional love and we would figure things out together. Now typing this out I feel so ignorant. 😅
  2. Does real love even exist within human relationships? It seems all transactional and based on mutual survival. To be honest I thought I had unconditional love for my ex gf but if she was fat I wouldn’t love her in the same way. I was just bullshitting myself that my love was divine and transcended
  3. Your view might be biased. Ask a regular guy about this topic to get some grounded insights. Most guys are attracted to 80% of the girls. And most of them will be happy if they can settle down with a descent looking girl. Nowadays if a girl is not fat and old and descent looking and ok-ish personality most guys would be happy to date her at the least. Perhaps it is just my surroundings but a lot of desperate guys who can’t find a descent girl.
  4. @bambi do you ever have experience with dating? If so how much?
  5. So true. Women’s god is her emotions. And men’s god is logic. That is the biggest insight in game. If you can create the right emotions with her you can do everything with her. The thing is that most guys are overly logic and misread stats like 20:80 rule. They are also bad at managing their own emotions so it is really a bridge to far for them to be able to influence a girl’s emotion. You can basically be ok on paper as a guy but if you stir up the wrong emotions with her you are done. There are guys out there who go on a drink with a girl in a restaurant and end up in the bathroom with her. You can’t logic your way into short term or long term relationship. The only way it will work if a woman is at the end of her fertile years and she get’s desperate. In that case she will go for the logical choice of a guy to date.
  6. I was listening to a podcast on my phone. Not about poker but about socializing and during it I decided to go on instagram real quick. And guess what I immediately saw some adds about poker. Normally I would never get these adds. It seems like my phone is spying on me 24/7.
  7. Pain and pleasure are both needed. We all strive for pleasure and enlightenment and cloud 9 but hell is there for a purpose. Pain and conscious suffering in hell is a way to burn impurities and to get spiritually lean.
  8. Israel has the leverage in the western politics and western media. I don’t think talking mouths are going to have a real influence on the conflict. It is only matter of time that Arabs will be fully pushed out like they have been for decades. And that will be the end of it. Saying Zionists don’t understand Palestinians is like saying why doesn’t the white pieces not want to understand the black pieces on the chess board.
  9. I wish I started earlier. If you are somebody with trauma and you have tried a lot of things like talk therapy and similar stuff and it hasn’t worked out, you need to look into yoga. Talk therapy is a top to bottom approach (relaxing the mind) but if you have a lot of unconscious tension in your body you can’t even chill and have a deep conversation with your therapist or somebody else. Your brain is stuck in beta brain waves and in survival mode your brain is not even working optimally. Look here if you want learn more about brain waves: I was not even aware how tense I was in my body until my yoga instructor started pointing it out. She said I need another 6 months to just to learn to relax and after that I could start doing real yoga and stretch and stuff. She probably exaggerates the time I need to relax but the point is that it takes a lot of time to unwind stored trauma. Yoga struck at the Gordian knot of my problems. therapy really never worked for me because I was just not relaxed in my body and thus I couldn’t show my emotikns psychedelics never worked for the same reason. I couldn’t relax and let the emotions flow and let go to transcend. relaxing is also very important in sports like boxing and fighting. Now I’m much better at these sports. same with art, you can’t really do any art if you are tensed up physically and emotionally procrastination for me was just a way out because I couldn’t deal with stress As far as I understand yoga. It means going into a difficult position and then just learning to relax. Is that not the definition of growth? Yoga teaches you such meta skills it is insane. It is irresponsible to recommend people to take psychedelics while majority of people are full with unprocessed traumas. No shit psychedelics get a bad rap. You first need to get physically and spiritually fit before going near psychedelics. Because if you are physically and spiritually tensed up or even retarded psychedelics will hurt you very bad. For sexual transmutation it is the same. It is irresponsible doing semen retention without doing daily relaxation and energy transmutation: Flexible body is flexible mind and vis-à-vis. If you can’t keep your nut in what do you think that says about your personality? Being able to relax under amazing pressure is a meta skill. It is really something I was missing and most people are blind to it. The thing is I know friends who look very stressed and if I would recommend them yoga they wouldn’t even take me serious. Busting nuts to relax ain’t it guys. Stop watching porn, TikTok, instagram/OF whores. Get off that dopamine highway.
  10. It is the same archetypical relations at play in the collective subconscious.
  11. The biggest lesson in game for me was to understand pickup is not done from the head. It is a total vibe thing. If you say the right things but she doesn't feel your vibe, it is not going to work. You have to find a good wing which is difficult but if you find one, it will be a gold mine. Because you will be able to tap into his vibe and copy his vibe through the law of state transference. If you hate the game of romance, she will feel that too and she will be reluctant to play. Game is an inner locus of control by developing the skills to be able to push your own emotional buttons that will generate fun, passion and being care-free. Own Cook calls it self-entertainment.
  12. I have a question about hardware designed for AI by apple. The new iphones have it. Is there any added advantage of Apple AI with special hardware for AI? Because my phone has already OpenAI and it just works fine. So I don't get what the added advantage is of these gemmicks. It is just marketing to sell more phones I think.
  13. What the best is depends on what your psyche needs. I noticed if you do the same fav psychedelic over and over, it is like eating your favourite dish over and over. Sometimes you just need something else.
  14. So I had a 3 month streak of no fap and a lousy attempt at sexual transmutation. To be honest I failed at transmuting my libido and it was becoming unhealthy. I felt very pent up and almost felt like a wolf. Sexual transmutation is amazing for sports. It gives you insane amount of energy. Almost God like. So I definitely support it if you are into sports. The thing is that I have a busy schedule so I couldn’t box 4 times a week. I need that amount of sessions a week to discharge my energy. And I fell back day before yesterday. Yesterday (after my relapse which happened day before yesterday) I went out and I noticed women’s behavior is much different. I had women check me out multiple times. And the women I interacted with felt drawn to me and got couple of double glances. I relate this to me being relaxed. Girls like chill guys and who are not horny dogs. Previously girls were avoiding eye contact with me. After my relapse girls were trying to make eye contact and were drawn to me. I always thought semen retention would make me more attractive but this is not true if you are pent up and have wolf eyes. The whole thing with sexual transmutation is that it puts tension of the string of your bow so to say. But you also need to find ways to relax without ejaculation. The easy way to relax is the bust couple of nuts. If you are able to stay away from your dick and find ways to relax through meditation and breath work you will become a beast. It is insane. Mind you that the human development is mostly thanks to guys who were thirsty trying to get pussy. This is the biggest driver of mankind and you are crazy if you don’t use this force. The thing is that it s very hard to yield this raw force of nature called libido aka kundalini up. As a guy one of the biggest challenges you have is to master and cultivate your raw human potential aka your libido. It can make you or break you. Another thing I noticed that all men who are fuck ups or perverted sense of reality also have perverted sense of sexuality.
  15. You don’t even have to look that far. Just look at your personal unconscious. There are a lot of things happening in your body while you aren’t aware of it. Like your heart beat or other psychological activities. Just because you are not aware of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Comparing reality to a dream is problematic because a dream is lucid and the physics of a dream can change and bend. The physical doesn’t change or bend according to your mind in the same way. And secondly I believe in the collective unconscious. I believe everything that exist already is saved in the collective unconsciousness and we are just surfing the God’s hard drive through observing and going through it.
  16. Probably they have. It recognizes that consciousness is an integral part of the fabric of reality as far as I understand it.
  17. Libido (kundalini up) is a precious energy. Youthfulness and libido is the same thing. When your libido dwindles your youthful dwindles too. That is why curation of this energy is so important.
  18. This is what quantum mechanics say too. Without observation there is nothing. So I don’t get what is so revolutionary about Leo Gura mechanics. His only addition is the solipsism argument on top of quantum mechanics if I understand it correctly.
  19. That is insane but we will never know I guess. Because you have to be out of your mind to see if there is anything outside of it.
  20. Good point. But the whole thing with religion is that religion understand the holistic part of sex but it doesn’t understand sexual transmutation thus people who are religious tend to suppress their sexuality which is not good. What religious rightfully understands that it recognizes libido as power force which can make or break a person. Libido can be transmuted love which in religion it is called holy wisdom/love! which is an energy/emotion sexual in nature… Or libido can be transformed into motivation to get stuff done. Most religions and most people don’t understand sexual transmutation. Emotions like shame and guilt are not healthy emotions to be used against lust. So we agree on that but you are not so different then those religious nuts if you don’t believe extreme liberation of sex is as bad of extreme suppression of sex. Suppression of sexual energy is bad but extreme liberation of sexual energy is bad too. It is a vital force that can make or break a person. The same argument can be made that every society who misuses sex will fall into ruin like the city of Gog and Magog. Extreme suppression of sex is as bad as extreme liberation of sex. Libido has to be curated and transmuted other wise it can destroy the person and destroy society. In fact if you look at the decline of western society it is directly linked to sexual immorality. But that is out of the scope of this thread. The solution for lust without ejaculation is extreme relaxation. From my experience this only can be done with yoga and years of practice. I know people who achieved this. Recently I started with yoga to actualized sexual transmutation. So I would recommend OP to do yoga and not listen to people who don’t understand sexual transmutation.
  21. @Hojo Sadh ghuru’s description of inner state is exactly how I felt yesterday. I still felt that potential of lashing out but I obviously felt satiated.