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  1. Doing no meditation is like not going to the shower for a while. In the same way your body is getting dirty, your mind’s eye gets dirty too. This is why I always meditate in the morning. For my own hygiene and to be presentable.
  2. @theleelajoker can’t one do a retreat at home? Why pay for it?
  3. You are making it a big deal. Just ask what they are doing this weekend and you will know if they want to fuck with you or not. It is all about feelings, chemistry and sub communication, and not about thinking.
  4. They are as much you as you is you so thus non-duality.Solipsism is true but it is about what kind of spin you give it. I don't agree with the spin Leo is giving. It can be interpreted in weird ways by feeble minds.
  5. People say humans have inherent value but on what is this based? I always believed one needed to develop to be of value.
  6. I haven’t been to Luxembourg but it is a very small country for my taste. Switzerland would be more to my taste. I’m in IT and the salaries are high there but I’m not in Switzerland. A lot of Italians and Mediterranean people in Switzerland with whom I have more chemistry than for example Germans who can be a tad “different”; closed off people and hard to make friends with.
  7. The grass is always greener on the other side. US has a lot of problems in its own way. A lot of homeless and addicted people. At the end it is what you value. If you value money and development, and you have a degree, it would make sense for you to go. For me the best is a country that is very developed in tech and economy and still has heart centered people.
  8. This is psychology 101.. how bigger the person, how bigger the shadow (unconsciousness). That is why it is important to idolize the right people which requires a keen eye. One can always learn from everybody but worshiping idols is something else. People aren't Gods and they are prone to monkey business. I always smirk when people talk down on big names like Elon Musk and such. If you would had 10% of the power and money he has you would go ape shit and turn into a monster. With great power comes what?
  9. I had one guy friend who was very desperate. And I went out with him once or twice and he made a total ass out of himself, getting into fights with girls and dragging me into it and then pushing me to leave the venue. Being jealous when I caught fish. Once he even tried to kiss a street hooker and I was like wtfff. How one can be that desperate. He even got rejected by the street hooker. It was a true dumpster fire. These guys are their worst enemy but they have the incapacity to see it and when people point it out they get angry or try to drag you into their misery. I had couple of guy friends like these and I quickly learned by people avoid these people. I had some sympathy for them because it reminded me in my olden days but they just try to exploit your sympathy and so no willingness to change. And it is true, changing is very difficult if you don't know what one is doing. And it is the easiest thing if you know what you are doing in terms of patterns.
  10. It is not actually a fair reaction test because the cue time is always the same so you can time it.
  11. Psychedelics is not the holy grail that will heal you. Insight doesn’t change you. It is just another coping mechanism. Although psychedelics can help you to let go of your own patterns. Too much use of it will create more chaos and accelerate your suicide. Psychedelics should be used as a tool but with a lot of moderation. Your real healing is the hero’s journey and finding meaning on that path which will be your holy grail going forward; aka being your own mini god of your own life being in creation aka not spiritually bypassing.
  12. You believing you need to rape a girl to get some is something that is embodied by SD red. Girls can smell that and it is repulse for them if you live in a western country as somebody from a middle eastern background. They are very tapped into their emotions and they can feel you are just looking for a willing hole. Nobody wants to be a hole that said yes. Your best option is to make friends and learn how to see the opposite sex as equals and not just as holes who say no to you. But to be honest I think you are a lost cause because you are not learning from the threads you open. It is always the same old same old.