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  1. For me it is Jeffy. This guy has definitely grown on me. He always shares some deep shit on his instagram like an old dude who lived 5 lives. Back in the day he was such a scum bag but he changed as a person. Always lovely, humorous and truthful like in this video where he checks old guys very hard: So who is your favorite instructor? For me autistic Owen is just a social jedi who you can't unravel even after couple of years. I'm doing Owen Blueprint Reloaded right now and it is amazing. Just very unstructured and he is all over the place but what he offers is really good too. I just don't like listening to him because he is on an ego trip 2/3th of the time.
  2. It fixed itself without medicine by doing those things I mentioned! But since this year I'm taking medicine and using a spray too. Spray is called minoxidil. Medicine is called Finasteride. And I'm also using a special shampoo.
  3. I actually had a bald spot on my crown and I fixed it through nutrition, more sleep, less stress, work out, and so on. Most important part is our mind. We can make ourselves sick with out thoughts and emotions, and you can lose your hair or even get cancer. Don’t discount the power of the mind. I wouldn’t fall for that genetics sus on this forum.
  4. Those people who look bad in the gym eat shitty food, or pissed away their prime years and try to get in shape later in life when their DNA is already damaged. There are multiple variables at play: age, genetics, nurture, environment and so on. All play a role but personally I think nurture is a big variable. We can see this clearly in cancer. People eat shit and don't work out and get cancer and say it is genetics. Yea, you activated the DNA strains stupid. No shit you are getting cancer. 🤷‍♂️ One can't change genetics anyway, better focus on nurture and start activating good genes and down regulating bad genes. Doc Joe Dispenza has studied this in depth. I wouldn't believe too much what Leo Gura says about this topic for obvious reasons. He is a spiritual guru, not a health expert. Placebo effect is a real thing. The mind is very powerful and it can perform miracles!!! Very underestimated aspect of human health which I won't expand on in this topic..
  5. If women dated down, passport bros wouldn't be a thing.
  6. Something so “natural”shouldn’t be so difficult to implement. I think Integral makes some amazing points. Playing with your nutrition is not child’s play. You are literally playing with fire and people should be given warnings or at least children should be protected by child protection services. It is like pimp hoe dynamics where the pimp says what needs to heard and he so called cares about her health. This is not what ChatGPT should be used for. Something so natural shouldn’t be needed to be defended so much.
  7. I think it has to do with poverty. They don’t have a lot of toys to play with so they play with the toys that god has given them.
  8. I don’t think so. I think Elon Musk is ruling the US through proxy which is a good thing. Notice how he involves Elon in almost everything he talks about and the amount of respect and praise he has for him it can be noticed in his speech.
  9. Science says nurture is superior to genetics so I don’t get this unscientific squabbling. As humans we decide which genes to active or deactivate. The most smartest person can be the most dumbest if he activates his loser genes instead of his winner genes.
  10. Letting it go doesn’t mean pushing it away. Letting go means just dropping things where they fall, and let it be like you said.
  11. For me my break up was like dying. You don’t know what is on the other side. You can resist the transition but it is futile. One just have to embrace it and take the lessons. For me the most important part or lesson was to let go of the bad emotions and take the good emotions with me. And another lesson was that the other has to die in your mind so you can move on. Men are not good at this while women are much better at it. She is physically alive but she is not alive as your darling anymore. The quicker it dies off the quicker the rebirth: a quick death of a relationship is better than a slow agonizing death These are the tips I can give you from the top of my mind.
  12. I did. It was like a little death. The process is the same. Die to rebirth.
  13. To expand on the power muscles and force muscles concept inspired by Power Versus Force This is my metaphor for understanding the concept... Force is like trying to swim up against the stream of the Ocean.. While power is to use the stream of the Ocean to get yourself going.. Power is not better than force or visa-versa. Both are energetic techniques which can be used in certain situations. Sometimes we have to use force to get out of a bad habit. For example I have bad habit to keep my mouth shut in a big group of people. You can this stiffness. The only way to get out is to go through it so I push myself to open my mouth (force) and once I'm in the center of attention I let go (power) and just coast off the vibe from a position of completeness, relaxation and power. It is essentially our body who is in resistance. A lot of the work is just to relax and get into flow of the ocean of life and just coasting by.
  14. Insight: being behind in life , procrastination When we are behind in life we tend to want to put things in higher gear but that is actually not good. Imagine being in a car and standing still and you want to get moving fast. What you want to do? You want to put the car in first gear and then quickly gear up to fifth gear. It is wrong to put the gear in fifth gear when you are standing still. It will only make the car stall and you will be reluctant to get things going So we have to set aside our ego and just do small things to get things going and as the engine of our mind is working we can gear up.. There is no foul or shame in putting things in a small gear when starting out with a new thing. This is the solution for procrastination, social anxiety and many other problems of apathy, reluctance and resistance.
  15. Social principles I’m working on being in the now having intention; being at the cause, not effect Collaboration frame entitlement self entertainment