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  1. If Trump was truly stage red he would already have ran down his own empire into the ground as people from that stage inevitably do.
  2. Prostitution has a toll on the female body and soul. I heard from girls who worked in the business for a long time they can’t get orgasms anymore because they are worn out. And on the level of the soul the damage is even bigger. It should be heavily regulated and women should be vetted with multiple psychological tests before they get a permit.
  3. Both the sun creates order in chaos in our solar system. It gives life. It is both beneficial as destructive. Being too close to it can hurt you and being too far away can freeze you. Both the sun and god is impersonal. Yes it gave life to you. Without it you wouldn’t exist. But at the same time if you step out of line it won’t come to save your ass. Both the sun and god is a force of nature. What do you guys think? I think most people project human attributes on god. I don’t think god cares about it. It will exist with you or without you. It just beams out warmth/love sun kissing you and if you don’t look out you can be killed by it if you don’t understand its nature. How most people treat god is like those goofs who speak to dogs like the dog understands human language. The dog doesn’t give a shit. It is just a biological organism with thousands of years of evolutionary conditioning.
  4. This song represents how I feel about my ex. When doing self inquiry during I noticed that I projected the perfect feminine ideal archetype onto my ex. But is was just a projection… She is just a human being who eats, breathes, shits and is full of bull like the rest of us. Or just as the prophet Lil Wayne said: ”you are all about her, and she is about hers” like in this song: It is fundamentally wrong to project the perfect feminine archetype on modern day women. We aren’t in the Victorian era. She just wants that lollipop (emotional fix). Her god is her emotion. So it is better to treat a girl as a you know what than to treat her as a queen. Lil Wayne’s understanding of women is on par. Romantics like Kanye West are not. Romantics are for men. Women have higher priorities in relationships.
  5. A bad wing makes it worse. I got couple of wings who got jealous and just can’t vibe well.
  6. Guys it is all in your head. If you make yourself believe that you have no sexuality your body will believe it too. If you believe you are a horny dog , your body will make extra hormones and you will become it. The same with enlightenment. If you believe you are alien consciousness, you will become it. If you believe you are a unicorn. You will become it. Even Leo believes in his own crap. It is just one big jester joke.
  7. Obsidian is too gimmicky. If you aren’t Elon Musk type of guy you won’t need it. OneNote will do fine. I use Obsidian for my IT stuff. For regular stuff OneNote is much more accessible and useful.
  8. I meditated on this topic and I found out that shame makes us wear personas (psychological clothes). To be shameless is to undress the personas others have forced us to wear. Or we ourselves made us wear.
  9. Just stop judging yourself and be authentically yourself. Take your shirt off in public and don’t give a fuck. At first you will give fucks but after couple of times you will be just that dude with no shirt. There is no books on this. In the same way there are no books you can read which will make your muscles grow by itself. You have to find the thing you are ashamed for and just go into that cave. For example If you are ashamed about your age go tell random girls your age after a conversation If you are ashamed about your hairy chest show your hairy chest if you are ashamed about a particular past event, go tell people about it until you don’t feel the shame Probably your shame is around women. Just go to a hot girl and be your boring self or what ever. Just be “naked” and be shameless in how you truly are. Let go of personas. You don’t need to read a book or a course on this. This is the method. The only thing I could advice is to pop some MDMA if you care crippling social anxiety. MDMA turns down the survival brain and you can be yourself.
  10. I just watched all the videos in the series. As far as I understand judgement is the root of all evil. One must stop judging ourselves and just be unconditionally ourselves aka shameless. It kind of makes sense. I know the good kind of fuck boy who is liked by girls and other people. They are liked because of the shameless - self love - they have. Compared that to a good guy who is full of shame wondering why he is not liked by girls. Shame is the dimming of your light. If one understands only god can judge, one can be truly himself and re-enter the garden of Eden.
  11. That is the female equivalent of “not all men”. Of course “not all women” but there is truth to generalizations. For me the biggest lessons in this thread would be to let go of either / or. I still believe women are hypergamous but that is not the only thing pulling their strings. Truth is that survival instincts pull harder than love and connection. Love doesn’t pay the bills. So I do get girls in that sense.
  12. Why did you have to create the exact same title as my thread ? Now I’m confused which thread is mine when I get a notification.
  13. Thank you. I agree that I have chronic shame. It is also part of a pride culture of my parents. And pride and shame are connected. But the thing is giving yourself self love is like asking a poor guy to stop being poor. I don’t think people can love themselves in the secular sense. One needs to connect to god or something. And be given he or she can’t himself / herself. Shame is self consciousness. It is when Adam and Eve saw themselves being naked after the forbidden fruit which granted them self consciousness . It is the original sin. The price we paid for being self conscious and being our own gods.
  14. Because he stole my thread title by replacing provider with life style : I guess he just wanted to steal some cloud or something because he could have just posted the OP in my thread. It is confusing for me too right now to have a duplicate.