Key Elements

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Everything posted by Key Elements

  1. I posted this clip in other threads. I'll share it here too. Ralph, from Infinite Waters, is saying to become a lighthouse. In other words, set an example for others. Use your life purpose to express what you want to express to others. Actions speak louder than words in others' eyes. This is the message I'm getting.
  2. Happy Valentines Day Peace and Eternal Love
  3. "Enlightenment is knowing how much you don't know." -Ralph Smart, Infinite Waters
  4. I'm also happy and thankful that animals are able to become enlightened, not just us. Just look at the clip below. Look at their behaviour. Actions speak louder than words.
  5. All right. You may conclude as you wish, but to me, something is just not quite right here. Sounds like what you said is a very hasty conclusion. What you said only relates to the infinity. This, in the forum, has been the norm. It certainly seems like it. Norms are only idealisms. Why is it so wrong to talk about other experiences? This is still unclear. I wouldn't label another person delusional just for talking about an experience out of DMT or any psychedelics norm. Labels are for canned foods. How do you know that other ppl's dead loved ones are not in heaven? Or, should I call it heaven phenomenon? You don't know that. You just assumed that they are "ghosts." Don't assume other ppl's experiences.
  6. @renegade_bee Sorry to hear this. Listen, you are right about being young; you're only 18, and have a full life ahead of you. However, do you notice that to "man up" and "to get laid" by a certain age is part of society's sterotype? You don't have to be pressured to do those. If you have others who are pressuring you to do those when you're not ready, then you are around inauthentic people. Another thing you don't have to do is finish college / university right away. Try to get yourself healed first. I'm not just talking about physically - in whatever ways you can. Remember, don't be in such a big hurry to get everything solved. It never works this way. Replace habits you don't like with hobbies you love. The secret is in the things you love to do that could eventually evolve into a life purpose. Then, you could gradually go back and take courses at your college related to what you love. @renegade_bee P.S. I sense that your background is very academic because of what you said, and you sound like you're pushing yourself too hard. Don't give in to pressure from anyone. Life never worked this way. We are all meant to do different things and become our greatest version in our own unique ways. If it's done out of pressure based on someone else's norms, then you are always playing the losing game. All the best.
  7. Ok. Here's something I noticed. You're not the only one who said what you said here. I think it's ok for anyone to acknowledge that there are other dimensions and also the infinity too. Why not? Even we are a non-duel dimension. Just as long as we don't get obsessed or attached with it. The same goes for an infinity experience. I'm talking along the lines of loved ones passing away and appearing again to family members.
  8. Japanese Zen master Oda Sesso (1901-66), abbot of Kyoto's Daitokuji monastery, warned, “There is little to choose between a man lying in the ditch heavily drunk on rice liquor, and a man heavily drunk on his own ‘enlightenment’!”
  9. @Martha77 Hello Martha, what helped me is doing stuff that I love and turning those into a life purpose. It took me a few major tries to figure out my path and mission. What do you love to do? Try putting those into the diagram below: This diagram is from the book, Guide to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki. Tip: After you figured this one out, look at Spiral Dynamics starting at stage orange and go to stage turquoise with this diagram. Leo has a Spiral Dynamics clip (aka Graves model). Another tip: In the meantime, try to do something you love as a job if you must work. Try to work within your interest. Best of Journey
  10. Good topic. I'm thankful of my current situation. In my mind, I'm saying to myself, take advantage of it. Live it to the fullest.
  11. It may be that your sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.
  12. I really like what you said here. Well put. Let me add, a relationship is between the two people. Only they know what's best for them. It's not about two people and a third party giving them advice. A third party could end up shedding the wrong light.
  13. @Leo Gura What is your main aim / mission in life? What is important for you to achieve so that it'll be profound?
  14. Three men, a philosopher, a mathematician and an idiot, were out riding in the car when it crashed into a tree. Before anyone knows it, the three men found themselves standing before the pearly gates of Heaven, where St. Peter and the Devil were standing nearby. "Gentlemen," the Devil started, "Due to the fact that Heaven is now overcrowded, St. Peter has agreed to limit the number of people entering Heaven. If anyone of you can ask me a question which I don't know or cannot answer, then you're worthy enough to go to Heaven; if not, then you'll come with me to Hell." The philosopher then stepped up, "OK, give me the most comprehensive report on Socrates' Socrates' teachings." With a snap of his finger, a stack of paper appeared next to the Devil. The philosopher read it and concluded it was correct. "Then, go to Hell!" With another snap of his finger, the philsopher disappeared. The mathematician then asked,"Give me the most complicated formula ever theorized!" With a snap of his finger, another stack of paper appeared next to the Devil. The mathematician read it and reluctantly agreed it was correct. "Then, go to Hell!" With another snap of his finger, the mathematician disappeared too. The idiot then stepped forward and said, "Bring me a chair!" The Devil brought forward a chair. "Drill 7 holes on the seat." The Devil did just that. The idiot then sat on the chair and let out a very loud fart. Standing up, he asked, "Which hole did my fart come out from?" The Devil inspected the seat and said,"The third hole from the right." "Wrong," said the idiot, "it's from my asshole." And the idiot went to heaven.
  15. Why? Well, Ralph, from Infinite Waters, explains it. I posted this in another thread. What he said here makes sense to me. Leo also explains... When you experience Infinity, you might have noticed that you're left with a huge residue of bliss or "divine love" that came along with it. Well, what Ralph and Leo are trying to explain matches the meaning of love via infinity. "There is no you." "We are one." "We are everything / nothingness." "We are infinite awareness / peace. Our ego is fictional." Ok. We get it. So? The question is, what are you going to do now with this wisdom?
  16. Here is a clip on reaching Satori through psychedelics or through meditation or etc., and comparing them in some ways. Now, notice that Leo said that he reached Satori (infinity, whatever name you want to call it) through mushrooms first (for practice). Then, he tried 5meo.
  17. This sounds iffy to me. I wonder what she means by this. How long has she stayed in the east and which country? How did she study this?
  18. Eve's Online Dating Profile Age: About 15 minutes since I was invented, but I don’t look a minute over ten minutes old Location: Over by some ferns Height: A tall vine Weight: A bunch of sticks Body Type: Only female type there is Favorite music: Birds Favorite movies: Birds Favorite food: Birds Hobbies: Being tempted, birds Profession: Woman Personality: VERY easily tempted Turn-ons: Adam, birds Income level: A handful of beautiful sticks Looking for: The only other person in existence
  19. Did anyone invest from the inside?
  20. Everyone has something they love to do. Turing that into "work" and actually get paid for that will not seem like work anymore. You could call this whatever you want. People call this by different names - entrepreneurship, living with mindfulness, living with abundance, "work" is the biggest prayer in life, etc. How do you turn something you love to do into living this with passion and abundance? There are books written about it. If you want my recommendation, here it is: Guide to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki. (I also recommend taking Kiyosaki's B-I triangle and starting at stage orange of Spiral Dynamics, go up in consciousness to stage turquoise. Pair those two diagrams together and see what happens. )
  21. It's true that truth can't be communicated through words. It's better to have experiences. However, if truth was never written down throughout history, we may never get a clue about our experiences of truths if we had them and just pass them off as just nice "dreams."
  22. This 85 year old couple, having been married almost 60 years, had died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years mainly due to her interest in health food, and exercise. When they reached the pearly gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion which was decked out with a beautiful kitchen and master bath suite and Jacuzzi. As they "oohed and aahed" the old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost. "It's free," Peter replied, "this is Heaven." Next they went out back to survey the championship golf course that the home backed up to. They would have golfing privileges everyday and each week the course changed to a new one representing the great golf courses on earth. The old man asked, "what are the green fees?". Peter's reply, "This is heaven, you play for free." Next they went to the club house and saw the lavish buffet lunch with the cuisine's of the world laid out. "How much to eat?" asked the old man. "Don't you understand yet? This is heaven, it is free!" Peter replied with some exasperation. "Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol tables?" the old man asked timidly. Peter lectured, "That's the best can eat as much as you like of whatever you like and you never get fat and you never get sick. This is Heaven." With that the old man went into a fit of anger, throwing down his hat and stomping on it, and shrieking wildly. Peter and his wife both tried to calm him down, asking him what was wrong. The old man looked at his wife and said, "This is all your fault. If it weren't for your blasted bran muffins, I could have been here ten years ago!"
  23. @Phil Thank you. I wonder how popular do you have to be in order to scale a product? 200k-500k viewers? Maybe if the startup wrote a book, with that amount of viewers, a publishing house will take the book seriously? Another way of putting it: how much organic growth does a startup have to show in order to be taken seriously by the investor (Eg. Like, if the product is a book, a publishing house will mass produce it)? Does the startup have to pitch in a networking group among investors to increase the chances? (Here, I would say to pay very close attention to the investors - Angels / VCs - get to know them before signing any due diligence with them. Compatibility and trust are important.) Maybe I could answer my own question. I keep trying and networking, and I'll eventually run into a publishing house or someone, if that investor likes what I'm doing. I'm just thinking along these lines while I'm going along. If you want to say something here, please do.
  24. Lifestyle: How to deal with others by setting an example: