Key Elements

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Everything posted by Key Elements

  1. @Nickyy you're off topic. We are trying to help someone with dating and all that. This is not the topic of whether or not you think I'm enlightened. I never asked anyone whether or not they think I'm enlightened. Does it help in one's journey to ask such a question? Of course not. Being obsessed with enlightenment is not enlightenment. Going around and diagnosing ppl (whether they're enlightened or not or self-actualized or not) is not enlightenment. I don't go around in real life doing this too. If I do this, what's the difference between me and a stage blue or red missionary/cult. Nothing. Just drop the obsession and stay on topic.
  2. @Nickyy I think everyone has the right to their own opinions. Calling out someone as enlightened or not is judging. Btw, you're off topic.
  3. @Nickyy nevermind, I never said anything like that. Enlightenment is more than just living in the present.
  4. What you said here is not enlightenment at all. Enlightenment has nothing to do with what someone else thinks of you, or how you define ridiculous or compassion.
  5. @Nickyy so are you saying that spending hundreds of hours and wasting your own time on approaching the wrong gals is full of compassion? And then, you go and spend money on PUA, and they teach you the same thing--nothing nuanced. Just saying some truths.
  6. I think you totally misunderstood. Now, I'm talking about something nuanced, not shallow. Yes, approaching ppl, like gals, who embody "traditional" rules because they want to set certain healthy boundaries, and then judging them is ridiculous. That could be the reason why guys spend hundreds of hours approaching the wrong gals and wasting their time, and not knowing what's going on when the gals reject. Nothing wrong with these gals. I'm talking about gals who embodied and transcended stage blue. I have doubts that you're going to even get my point cause you made such simple statements. You can't just focus on the present moment when you don't know what's going on.
  7. If you have read my statements in this thread, I actually agree with you here a lot more than what the others are saying. That's why I'm married with children for over 20 yrs. I've talked about this already in my previous posts. However, if a person didn't go through this, they tend to judge me saying that I like to follow society, and I'm in "stage blue." I think that's ridiculous because tier 2 is composed of all the tier 1 colors in healthy ways. The individual has to figure out how to do this.
  8. I meant I wouldn't go and find a date when I'm down like that. Would you?
  9. Yeah, everything is a story and all is relative, but I'm just saying. I want my story to be more fun than just banging gals and me being desperate for them. I agree that the story can fall into place when being in the present moment, but for some it's harder. That's why I'm saying it in a different way. For some, health/mental health comes first, and then money, and then date/sex. Start simple and practice present moment. Otherwise, your story may not turn out as you like it. It could go way off on a tangent.
  10. I can't say because I'm not them. I can't speak for someone else. But, if it is me in the same situation, and I can't live in the now, I would change my priorities, starting from small priorities, like cleaning/rearranging my room in order to make YouTube clips. Start by cleaning one corner of my room, like the table. I would try to live in the now when I do this. If I "fail," I would not make a big issue of this. I wouldn't go out and try to find dates. That could open a whole new can of worms. At least if I'm "down and desperate" like this, that would be the last thing I would be doing. I would feel that I'm not in the right frame of mind to find a proper date. I don't know if this makes any sense to you or anyone else.
  11. Living and being in the moment has been talked about many times--lots of times! I'm sure by now everyone who has been here in the forum for quite some time understand this, but it's not working for them. We all know about not to intellectualize by now. I think it's time for a change of activities and/or environment, or something. The individual has to figure that out. But, again, let me make it clear that I'm not saying not to have sex or go on dates.
  12. @Leo Gura yeah, I know. That's why I said step-by-step. In my first paragraph of what I wrote to you, I said, "Ok, if you date, just don't get attached to it once it ends. Sometimes when something ends, that's when the desire starts, and the suffering begins." I wasn't getting metaphysical when I said this. I was only pointing out to attachments when a date ends. The person may keep wanting to renew that spark. This could get very desperate and needy, and something needs to be done about it. Getting date after date after date after date may not be the healthiest option. One has to look at other things in life. Who knows? If you pursue other things, you may get better dates, and you won't be as attached. It's also a matter of mindset. And, I didn't say for anyone not to have sex, or pretend to be above it.
  13. When I searched for roommates because I needed to be away from my main home for sometime, I had no trouble finding really good roommates, and at affordable prices too. ($500-750/ month / month to month lease).
  14. Leo, I want to add something here. It may or may not be a good idea to just go out and get a date. I'm not talking about being right and wrong here. I'm talking about the answer to each individual's needs are different. For example, suppose it's a bad date. Ok, if you date, just don't get attached to it once it ends. Sometimes when something ends, that's when the desire starts, and the suffering begins. With that said, the individual has to discover a step-by-step process for himself/herself to transcend dating and relationships all together, and in healthy ways too. Looks like you can't do it all at once. You have to break it down into baby steps, and everyone is unique in the process. The profound clip that you made here also applies to dating/relationships. However, even if you end up married with children, you have to realize that this situation has to be transcended one day. Relationships are good but are not the biggest fish to fry in this life. Buddha was married with child. When he returned home, he made a full circle. (And, not in the best way too.)
  15. Just a note here... If you get tattoos of Chinese characters on you, make sure you are fully aware of what they mean. Someone told me that they saw someone wearing a tattoo that means Pokemon.
  16. Ok. This is interesting. I want to address this. I have no problems with the Hindu religion or traditions or the culture. I've been in India for about two decades of my life in all. I've lived there for about a decade straight. And yes, I do consider myself as an Indian. However, for me, after I've immersed myself in a cluture/tradition/religion, it's time to transcend that. So, if I do meetup with a teacher who talks about the religion, he/she can't be immersed with dogma. This teacher will have to hear me out. I would have to be able to describe my awakening to him/her and he/she could tell me how it relates to the Hindu teachings. We can't be playing this label game of who's in what "race" or "religion." And also, no games of who has more knowledge of what religion. However, if you make journeys like these in your life, you will automatically run into teachers and non-duality in your life. If you integrate, things will start falling into place in your life. The teacher doesn't have to be a guru, sage, or monk. (Btw, Happy Diwali Everyone ????) So, my answer to the topic question is... You could call it whatever you want, cultural appropriation or not. Whatever culture you're in, if you want to "master" ("nail") this life, you're going to have to transcend culture sooner or later. Yes, it does help to fully understand/embody at least two different cultures to be very clear at what needs to be transcended. Why is it clearer to embody at least two different cultures? If you are a fish, you don't know that you're living in water. Water represents culture. Here's another aspect of culture: Culture is broader than religion. It includes religion. For example, I'm so much more attracted to a guy who understands both arranged marriages, and marriages where you choose your spouse completely on your own (love marriages). To me, this is an indication of well-roundedness. Does he understand why arranged marriages work, and why it doesn't work? Does he understand why love marriages work, and why it doesn't work? Does he understand how both could be combined, and it works? Or, does he just pass off arranged marriages as dogma without giving it a second thought? This last question, to me, isn't well-rounded if the answer is yes with a shallow explanation. One more thing... The Indian culture overseas is different than the Indian culture in the US. What is the culture there anyway? They have at least 72 different languages and many religions. Going from one state to another is like visiting another country. They are very diverse. You can meet ppl from all over the world there. So, you'll be meeting many types of ppl there than if you stayed in the US.
  17. "Finding the needle in the haystack."
  18. @Matt8800 time out here... I just want to make it clear that I don't participate in any cultural stuff if I have to meet dogma at that level. I'm not sure if you're precieving me as being on one side. Yes, there are ppl who drop me in a category of a particular "religion" or "race." For such ppl in real life, our conversations will not even last for ten seconds. I'm into transcending "religion," "race," or any categories that others think I belong to. I'm not sure what you're trying to say to me when you addressed me. Wait, do you think I'm "white?" ? you think I'm "male?" This is interesting. This is the reason why I don't call or label myself anything on social media. Let's see what others assume.
  19. @Serotoninluv here's another way of putting it... Let's say someone you know has seven little children, and you think that she can't control her children very well. And, you tell her this. She might not like it. She might start to feel uncomfortable and start avoiding you, and wonder, "hey, this dude doesn't have children. What does he know about managing children?" If I was the one telling her that she can't manage her children, I will be the one "at fault." Why? I did not embody some aspects of stage blue. I don't have a large family to manage--no experience. I never took care of seven children at once. Why is it my job to tell her? If I said, "I've adopted and raised ten children of my own..." that would be stronger communication. It's the same for SD. The ppl who are actually stuck in orange will have to discover it for themselves. And, there is a difference between embodying orange and moving on verses being stuck in it. If someone is speaking with orange aspects, it doesn't mean they're stuck in it. It could mean they've embodied the positives of it and moved on. They say it to reflect on it. A person who skipped orange is most likely to be stuck in green. They will defend the green position as if it's yellow. For example, just because someone talks about entrepreneurship doesn't mean he/she is stuck in orange. Entrepreneurship starts at orange, but it doesn't have to be stuck in it. The startup could show different levels--orange and above, like a rainbow (or touch on the aspects below, like red). I knew ppl who are in green, and they skipped over the entrepreneurship aspect of orange, which is a huge part. You can't even tell them anything on it without them thinking of you as a scammer or a Trump wannabe.
  20. @tenta I think many classics tell stories by dance. Profound meanings are hidden in them. They're not dancing just for fun and shallow entertainment. And, it has nothing to do with the government of where it's from. It's just like Mozart or Beethoven music--communication without speaking. Were you thinking of the government of where it's from, maybe? I wasn't. The same applies to Mozart music. Do you think of the government when you think of Mozart? It's separate from something like the government or something corrupt that is in stage blue or red. For instance, I don't associate "tradition" with something "backwards."
  21. Well, it may not be exactly what you mean, but at least I tried to solve the problem of the husband's and wife's fighting situation. These ppl are hypothetical. However, if they were real, they would have to transcend their relationship and culture in some way or another. How they do it is up to them. Sticking to any identity, esp adamantly, will never bring peace in one's life. It doesn't solve anything. The ego is fake. It doesn't have an identity.