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About Ben2204

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  1. It's a weird situation because I have a better level than him and in his presence I feel obliged to show him the example. I think it makes me unconsciously feel good to have someone less good in daygame because if I see him fail I won't ruminate on my own rejections and failures.
  2. Hi everyone, i started daygame 3 weeks ago. Not bad results so far : - 70 cold approaches - 15 closes (instagram closes) - 1 instant date - 2 dates but i’m only performant when i game with a wingman. When i go to game alone i’m literally afraid. Last time i gamed i did 3 approaches in 4 hours… However, the blockages are also there when I am with my wing but I manage not to be paralyzed when he games with me. what can i do to game alone and still performant well ?
  3. Hello everybody, Just wondering how you would do this. I have only had negative experiences with women. Rejections, ghosting etc. Afterwards I don't know if it's huge but from rejections and ghosting I must have had maybe 25 in total. I don't know if that's an insignificant number or if you think it's a lot. So, every time I have the impression that things are going well with a woman I am wary, in my head I say to myself “no, don’t let yourself be fooled, she will reject/ghost you again” I am defensive with every woman I meet and sometimes I even want to take revenge on women who have done nothing to me for the behavior of previous women. For example, there seemed to be a woman interested in me, I took revenge on her by ghosting her for no reason, just to take out all my accumulated frustrations because of women. I would like to start everything from the beginning, have healthy foundations and avoid seeing women as enemies who only seek to harm me by ghosting/rejecting me. And I also have the impression that I only interest women who don’t interest me. How would you do it?
  4. women have been saying I'm ugly since I was born No women are just mean to me and they like to say that I'm fat and ugly. Hurting me is like a drug for them, they love it
  5. ok you believe what you want, I'm just saying that living with my body and my head is completely horrible and that women are monstrous with me because they don't find me attractive
  6. no I'm not making this up, why would I do all that? why would I make all this up? what is the point ?
  7. yes but it's not even just prostitutes, it's all women on this Earth, they all hate me. they have completely unrealistic criteria, the proof is that all women find me fat and ugly. they only like chad 9/10 bodybuilder
  8. the other day I was at the gym doing my workout, I passed 2 girls and then I heard them laughing saying "did you see how fat the guy who just passed by was" Last week I wanted to try my luck with a colleague. she told me that I was filthy, that no woman would ever want me, that my face made her want to vomit another day I fucked a prostitute, I asked her how she found me, she replied "not very handsome and a little fat" another day I approached a woman in the street, she yelled at me saying that there was no point in approaching her because I was too fat and ugly
  9. I don't understand what you're saying when I click on the link there is just the photo that I put but if you see something else it's not my fault, I didn't know that the site in question also advertised
  10. But I swear I'm not lying the guy in the photo is me (you can compare it with my other topic) I understand that you take me for a troll but what I say is true, lots of women find me fat and ugly
  11. Yes this guy is me but i don’t understand why women tell me i ´m fat
  12. Why do you say that ? Do you question what women do to me?
  13. no no I assure you the women in my town are not nice, especially to me. I constantly get comments about how ugly I am. I've also received a few comments from women who think I'm fat. it's a cry for help because I absolutely don't understand why they are taking it out on me, I don't want to troll at all
  14. all the women tell me I'm fat and ugly I don't know what to do anymore because most women told me I was a fat and disgusting guy. They said they wanted to vomit as soon as they saw me. this is what i look like : I no longer want to make an effort to attract them, I even want to become even fat so that they hate me and find me even more disgusting