El Zapato

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Everything posted by El Zapato

  1. A stylized version of how the spread of the 'bad' gene occurred:
  2. This scientist has an enlightened view of how to speak about such theories. He places them in such a perfect perspective that it is hard not to admire his expertise.: The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Svante Pääbo. Dr. Pääbo is an excellent speaker, who thoughtfully discusses uncomfortable truths, while not bowing to the European subconscious bias to feel superior. In simple words, the man is a great thinker. So, to the point, recent advances suggest that Africans may have been introgressed by a 3rd archaic human subspecies that split off from the Homo Sapiens Sapiens branch before the split of the Neanderthals and Denisovans. This is where one needs to be careful about assumptions and presentation. On Youtube there is a group (more than one is active) that is spreading propaganda regarding human origins by 'suggesting' that the 'Ghost' population was Homo Erectus, while not an invalid possibility, they also imply that Homo Erectus was less 'refined' than the other two archaic groups. Ok, if one wishes, however, they neglect to include the facts that Homo Erectus was vastly physically more capable and had a larger brain pan than either the Neanderthals or Denisovans. But there is no defining data that requires that 3rd archaic group to be truly Homo Erectus. As a further point, most modern anthropologists when discussing the ongoing shrinking of modern man's brain capacity they quip that in that light our next stop might be Homo Erectus. For starters, the initial claim is inaccurate, Africans DO possess Neanderthal genetics, I suppose the origin of it could be debated but they are twisting the realities in general.
  3. Anybody recall a conversation that took place several months ago. One person asked for documentation. Here is a recent study that bolsters the original argument... Not surprising to me, I nailed it. Forgive my obsequiousness:
  4. Can you talk about your childhood?
  5. I'm happy to say, I've never had such faults, they beat it out of me in parochial elementary school. Nah, not really, ok...ok, really!
  6. You ain't seen nuthin' yet until you have seen this documentary:
  7. Anyone that wants to be a cop should not be allowed to do so. Draft them for a limited time. Perhaps with the exception of emergency responders such as SWAT
  8. Nah, being a person is easy...all it takes is the most free entity in creation...spirit. I believe that 'persons' that do not generously share their good spirit are not people...they are a subspecies of what might be called humans but have strong tendencies to animalistic instinct.
  9. To paraphrase: Jesus! Most of the Old Testament thumpers have never heard of Jesus and love fascism at their core. They have to be reincarnated souls from a B.C. millennium (probably why the aforementioned study was classified). By definition, disposition, and declaration, they are not Christian. There are philosophical considerations that could ameliorate such statements but I seriously doubt that guy ever had an intellectual thought.
  10. lol, it just hit me that 'Red' pertained to Spiral Dynamics. I'll still add my two pennies. I would have to disagree because the primary characteristics of Latin America is family focused, not 'self', very spiritually-oriented...not wordly value oriented, generous as a collective culture and very concerned about one another as community. And they obviously love the U.S. so that qualifies them for 'global perspective'. Some even want to go to Mars with Elon Musk, i.e. Cosmic consciousness. I rest my case, thank you, thank you, thank you very much! El Zapato is leaving the building.
  11. Save me, brother...some of us are hardier than others. Some of us slipped through the cracks...ain't that just the way it is.
  12. Men who stare at goats... Why in the world would it be classified?
  13. Peterson is a word salad moron... 🤣
  14. One big downside...losing. There are correlations between intelligence and the ability to improve. And that really worries me. Kidding, I've been playing online on a team for the last 10 years and have gotten much better than when I played in high school. I learned from a stepbrother that beat me 2 or 3 times when teaching me and didn't again for 20 years. I learned at 13 and a year later won a city championship for ages 16 and under. I lost it after high school though, too much partying.
  15. Just for fun, my DNA results say I'm 20% Mexican-Native American and 10% Peruvian-Native American. That makes me both Aztec and Incan, yeah, I'm bad! I am in the line of Eva Longoria and directly descended from this unfortunate individual: The Incan mummy https://www.tiktok.com/@livin.lavina.loca/video/7439012207624490286
  16. ahem... ChatGPT is tripping on this one: Jungles and deserts tend to have a deleterious effect on development but that notwithstanding the greatest issue with lands south of the American border is a very long history of exploitation. Mistreat a child and the legacy remains for generations, mistreat an entire continent and the legacy remains for centuries. The interesting thing that many Americans misunderstand, even fear is that sociologists have termed the U.S. Southern border as a 'Darwinian Filter'. While largely unrecognized by the conscious mind that nagging 'sense' continues to niggle at the American consciousness. One of the very large and ongoing 'psychological' issues that plague 'Southern Americans' is a fear of the exploitative nature of its legacy starting with Europeans and ending with their people mimicking the behavior. The big boogie man? Authoritarianism in the form of 'Communism'. They just cannot let that go and will favor a 'fascist state over Communism' despite the fact they are essentially the same thing. It is very frustrating for me, but you know at our core we are all hopelessly foolish. As one study demonstrated Pigeons have better judgement when determining outcomes.
  17. That is the problem...to equate Russia with Putin is to misplace the responsibility. Putin is a throwback with visions of glory. Internally, he might be a sad creature thus he belongs in a cage not on the world stage. The same is true of Agent Orange. The left in the U.S. has benign intent, The right in most of the world acts as if they are a different species...which they are. Nature is their enemy, and it has been planning their demise since their inception.
  18. Totally agree, it is very good!
  19. Here's an oldie but a goodie: Compliments of Chat...whatever: Show Me God: What the Message from Space is Telling Us about God is a book written by science journalist Fred Heeren that was first published in 1995. The book explores the implications of recent scientific discoveries for the existence of God. Heeren interviews cosmologists and physicists to discuss how their work has led them to consider God. The book also explains the anthropic finely tuned universe argument.
  20. That is why I agree with the actions that Biden has undertaken thus far. Putin does not deserve any sort of victory.
  21. True enough, practical reality can be harsh, and the usual result is that the spoils go to the winner. But as the argument argues, some conflicts are founded in higher moral goals. Putin's aim is still at its basis a form of self-aggrandizement that is even more morally depraved. The same for Agent Orange.