El Zapato

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Everything posted by El Zapato

  1. One would do better by just taking a stroll.
  2. I disagree...if one lacks faith then one is f*cked. Where does one go with a lantern that isn't lit? You must have faith in something.
  3. Please consider: No one has ever erected a statue of a critic.
  4. hmm, I've been thinking for a good while now that I should start up my own religion... I will call it 'My Religion'... Please make a donation!
  5. Not judging, just curious: Sadhguru = Sadeguru?
  6. I think you are pulling our dingdongs...are you conducting research?
  7. I'm coming off the wall a bit, but the cosmos can 'anticipate' that an observer will observe. I'll use one of my favorite hated creatures to propose a guess. Ants have not been used in experiments thus far.
  8. Some of the polls I have been watching say Harris is kicking butt, but buyer beware, the more conventional media says it is very close with Trump slightly ahead in the battleground states. I guess we will have to wait for awhile to let the smoke clear.
  9. Quite true, I'm sure...But, I don't care... Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk! I keep my youthful energy up, by laughing at social conventions. I hold it dear to my heart.
  10. A lack of lust has ruined mine.
  11. you will quickly discover if CBT is for you and possibly the true depth of the trauma. With good fortune, you will find out you are not that deep into it. And remember, therapy is painful and it likely will not be until later that you are better... Good luck!
  12. Verner Vinge wrote that he believed highly advanced AI would have a sense of humor. So never fear! George Thorogood wrote this when he went to a friend for help and shelter? "Hey man, I need a place to stay, I was kicked out of my apartment" Friend says, "Let me ask my old lady" Friend says, "well, you know, my old lady is kinda funny" George: "Yeah, I know, and now you kinda funny, too"
  13. Given that dilemma, what would I do without AI. Hell, I don't know for certain, but I know what some geneticists would say. Hands down family wins based on mathematics. The closer the familial gene the higher the preferential odds based on a subconscious counting system. For example, parents old = 2, siblings = 1, etc. The lower the score the higher the survivability value. I value the spiritual and my family. I would go with the alternate help route, with temporary sheltering. Play the odds most likely to succeed with the best result for all. Take that, Mr. Chatgpt.
  14. Those opinions are correct in theory. I guess I am just too lazy to do anything. I spent better than 20 years of most if not all days a painful and challenging experience. An M.D. did offer 'the brain heals'. Been waiting for another 20 years and it ain't be happening to my satisfaction. It's a compromise in the end.
  15. That sounds like shrink talk, nonetheless accurate...but, those brain chemicals will still do their own thing if there is a genetic predisposition. There is no shame in that, sometimes one has to go with the flow.
  16. Psychological problems are 'mostly sourced in brain chemicals...I am a proponent of medication and I don't blame my biological mother for saddling me with that poopoo, but today I think I will anyway. In discussions with shrinks, I referred to the residuals of social anxiety as something I couldn't conquer. I fought it tooth and nail for many years until a psychiatrist saved me...Give me drugs!
  17. If we lack consciousness then we don't exist but the universe goes happily about its business. The only thing worse than the individual ego is Anthropomorphism.
  18. @Keryo Koffa lol, you are surely correct about that...
  19. yes, it is intensely weird. I could hardly take it, but then I was tending to my nephew and one of his friends when his parents were on a trip (not a psychedelic one) and I let them watch it. Maybe, not one of my most brilliant moves. Young minds and all that.
  20. Eraserhead: psychedelics are reflected in surrealism.
  21. Ask if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound... I suppose your experience was much more intense than mine...But I found the best therapy for me was to just talk about it. How it happened, and feelings such as guilt were important to me.
  22. I agree with you in principle, but trees falling down are not 3D quantum events. Pretty much big things are excluded.