El Zapato

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Everything posted by El Zapato

  1. @Salvijus: Josephus, Kahlil Gibran, The Shroud of Turin.
  2. Au Contraire, Jesus is a social consequence, many of us have an ongoing relationship with him. He is open to communication with anyone who has the perception to experience him. Many are not but as He said, no one is beyond his revelation.
  3. I've decided that being a wise-ass is much more natural for me!
  4. I don't think there would be a difference.
  5. Here is the difference between you and me. I was subjected to a lot of mistreatment during my 'religious' upbringing. It didn't deter me a bit. I studied various religious philosophies and concluded that one's 'spiritual connection' choice was as good as the next. But for me, Jesus was the One. I've never wavered. And opinions like yours remind me that some people don't get it. But I don't hold it against you because you have not given 'concrete' proof of your truth/denial. Cool with me, but I detest morons like the great Richard Dawkins. He is a clueless ass. He pontificates on a subject he has no concept of. He's a pretender to the throne of the Great Asshole!
  6. yes, that was a good one...
  7. I agree and that may be the root problem. I never liked it, in fact, I didn't even like the font it was printed in.
  8. The way I see it is that the right refuses to invest in people that are in need. Example given, elementary school children. When their system begins to fail and after blaming the left for their failures, they concoct schemes to channel resources into their chosen ones. That is why they are called 'Christians'.
  9. The 'religious' that fit the paradigm that you describe don't even understand what spirituality is? They are pretending and they don't even know it. It is sad and all too prevalent. They are no more religious than most atheists. And they can be found anywhere and everywhere. They completely lack a connection to the ineffable.
  10. Is it Christians that so trips your trigger or is it what you cannot feel that you question? If you expect everything in the cosmos to bow to your wishes, you are in for a desperately rough time. Research 'object constancy' for starters would be my mild-mannered suggestion.
  11. yeah, you got me, I have to agree. There are numerous examples of what you speak. I would even say that is the nature of it. I don't feel so bad now...
  12. yup, my feeling exactly, no mental interference that way.
  13. Every Dune movie ever made.
  14. I care to spend even less time on grammar...Truth, after 3 consecutive years of the same yapping, I completely disregarded it and proceeded to not only ignore it, but forget it. I might add I did an admirable job.
  15. well, you've just burst my bubble...I was hoping to be the first one! It is very possible they were awarded statues, despite their critiques rather than for them...
  16. I use it until I run out and then try to extrapolate to make the little lines go away.
  17. Most assuredly! I've been thinking this morning and I came up with 1 and 2 commandments: 1. Do not ask any questions that 'I' am not prepared to answer. 2. One must constrain cynicism at all costs, to not do so is a guaranteed banishment to eternal hellfires or from the Nirvana state! 3. One must understand that Nirvana is not just a band. That is today's lesson my enlightened donors...live long and prosper!
  18. I could go with the tunic...I think blue would be the preferred color. I don't normally wear head toppers but it is certainly a good suggestion.
  19. That's a good thing, correct? Incidentally, two people that I admire... Gabor Maté and Jon Stewart.
  20. Speaking of AI, Grammarly has done wonders for me. Well, maybe not wonders exactly.
  21. Oh my God, I'm in trouble...