El Zapato

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Everything posted by El Zapato

  1. Voting for Trump must have fulfilled many sexual fantasies...ParaphiliaUnited.Org
  2. Plants are the most benign creatures on Earth—one molecule of difference between chlorophyll and blood.
  3. I consider nature's first and foremost mistake was the need for predation. In fact, the scientific process describes microbial lifecycle as literally...predation.
  4. I agree, it isn't dead, it is just suffering the teeter of the Hegelian Dialectic. Hopefully, when the other side goes extinct, it will be a much faster process
  5. @Husseinisdoingfine Don't let Gabbard fool you, she is in it for herself. Looking for fame and fortune like all the blues turned red. The blues minimized her long after I determined she was red material. Even her daddy don't like her. She's as phony ...well, I don't even have an analogy for that level... A 3-dollar bill.
  6. @Hsinav But the cat would not be as manipulative and in league with the dark side.
  7. @Eph75 I think it is much more simple than you state in the first case and incorrect in the second. The U.S. is a diverse nation, and among the diversity are diverse 'approaches' to ostensible rationality. Some are delusional, some selfish and self-serving, some manipulative, some fear-inducing perception, some existential, and yes, some just plain stupid, and some represent the polar opposite. Ultimately, we screwed.
  8. Eric Weinstein made the same conjecture regarding Biden...If they are referring to a natural death...I don't buy it.
  9. @PurpleTree That doesn't surprise me at all.
  10. Can melatonin supplements be overused and if so, what are the side effects? A lot of times people think a higher dosage of melatonin will have a better effect, but that’s not the case, says Drerup. With an increased dosage you might experience excessive sleepiness in the morning, as well as confusion, dizziness, headaches, or GI issues. “Higher doses don’t lead to improvement in sleep, just more potential side effects in the morning,” she says. Even if you’re taking a smaller dose, you may want to watch out for these side effects of melatonin, especially if you’re already prone to things like headaches and nausea. But the higher your dose, the more likely you are to feel the side effects. “It also tends to increase the vividness of dreams for some people, so someone who has nightmares related to PTSD, should be mindful of that,” Drerup says. Grover cautions that melatonin can also interact with other medications, including immunosuppressants, blood thinners, and some diabetes medications, so it’s important to discuss with your doctor before starting melatonin.
  11. Michelle Drerup, Psy.D., a psychologist with the Sleep Disorders Center at the Cleveland Clinic, who treats patients suffering from sleep issues, says melatonin supplements can be helpful for addressing sleep concerns when you need to shift the timing of your sleep cycle. For example, if you’re experiencing jet lag from travel, melatonin may offer an effective strategy for getting you back on a particular time zone, Drerup says. She adds that melatonin may help align the natural circadian rhythm for those who work a night shift. However, while melatonin can help you fall asleep in these cases, it doesn’t mean it’ll help you stay asleep, she says
  12. It think melatonin is supposed to work. However, I tried them and they had a weird effect on me. I kept dreaming that I was being abducted by Aliens...no, not really. They come in cute little blue semi-transparent pills. I have a couple of bottles I will send you for free.
  13. I have a friend who has always a serious case of 'FOMO' and it drove him to do things that were very unhealthy for him. He was always doing a heck of a lot better than me, but my situation was more like 'PLMO' Please leave me out!
  14. What is true is that everyone struggles. One just has to keep going.
  15. My stepbrother had the problem and had surgery for it...that's all I know. He had been unable to have children before.
  16. @zazen jeez louise...Peterson is a complete freakin' buffoon. I'm certain he possesses the 'bad' gene! So let's have some fun:
  17. @thedoorsareopen Excellent point and it demonstrates nicely what a lack of information can do to bring down a society. This has probably been shown but it is worth a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th watch:
  18. "There are enough checks and balances to prevent them from doing anything crazy, which is why I'm not panicking in the first place." I say panic, you don't understand Agent Orange. Intellect or spirit, they should both be screaming at you!
  19. I've seen this guy...I would question the veracity of his claims. He struck me as a fantasy-prone dreamer but then the smartest 'man' in the world would hit me that way.
  20. no, not really. Are you able to ignore 'imaginary' pain for all other creatures because you know it is only imaginary?
  21. Is it within the auspices of the Turquoise to dispense with all considerations lesser folks view as 'real'? Serious question!
  22. I have never considered the metaphysics of pedophilia. I do know that societal mores rule, however. If the 'state' of pedophilia is a continuum, I see it as even more problematic for society to get it correct. I had a friend who nearly committed suicide because he was charged with having an 'affair' with a 13-year-old. The child/girl was not pre-pubescent and very promiscuous (the mother was a behavior model). He got caught up with her. He received no jail time but was put on the watch list, etc. I always thought they had married but I found out a few years ago that they didn't but they did subsequent to the charges have a child together. They continued the relationship for more than a few years.
  23. I thought you were headed in that direction? Have we seen a real picture of you? You are an attractive lady but I'm not sure flaunting it on this media is a productive enterprise.
  24. lol, fair enough methinks...