El Zapato

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Everything posted by El Zapato

  1. She's beauteous, nice, and a fan of my favorite football team. She has got my vote.
  2. It is a tough issue for the American government. But Israel is eroding its reason for being. It's that right-wing sh*t again. Those people are likely 50%+ a psychopathic subspecies. The rest are just stoopid...the rank-and-file that is, The corporatists know quite well which side of the bread is buttered.
  3. It could be argued that you are correct. It is mostly instinctive though AND we are not animals. Or so say those that know?!
  4. Interesting point and one directly related to the study of sociology...that's why I have always loved it.
  5. lol. I think he is wrong (If I'm understanding correctly). The challenge of sociology is that it has a very fluid nature. It is a science of patterns and what constitutes good or bad is open to interpretation. I think for an inflexible personality sociology is a lost cause for study. We can witness Jordan Peterson to get a glimpse of how such a personality will pervert what should be a study/discussion, not a declaration. It is why I was so gratified when I read Fallon's (neuroscientist) book, firmly rooted in science. Funny enough, my sister is a psychologist, but I only met her about 5 years ago via a DNA test.
  6. very much so...epigenetics is potentially a way out from the hopelessness of genetics.
  7. I've long believed that the most vociferously anti-woke voices are emanating and indicative of a co-existing subspecies of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. I finally found a voice that agreed with me. This guy is a must read: James H. Fallon (October 18, 1947 – November 20, 2023) was an American neuroscientist. He was professor of psychiatry and human behavior and emeritus professor of anatomy and neurobiology in the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. His research interests included adult stem cells, chemical neuroanatomy and circuitry, higher brain functions, and brain imaging. Fallon, who stated that he had the neurological and genetic correlates of psychopathy, categorized himself as a "pro-social psychopath". In October 2013 his book, The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain, was released by Current (acquired by Penguin).
  8. I've come to not hold Chomsky in high esteem. He has gotten past his mental prime, as in, he is no longer on top of things. Ben Shapiro has been a peepee head since he was born (Unless I am confusing him with someone else)
  9. well, self = thought = speech...Not everyone 'lives' life through the lens of their own needs = selfishness
  10. you've answered your own question...don't feel bad...sex is ok, but many times not worth the hassle (especially with a wife that you don't like but have a child with)...
  11. Here's the thing: psychopaths have a natural deficit in most areas that make humans normal, including the fear response, it does make sense.
  12. I saw this presentation on youtube yesterday and I don't want to fill up space with youtube postings, but sometimes things are so clearly lined out that they become must watches:
  13. Not kindly...courtesy of those who wish this was 1824.
  14. In my opinion, the postmodernism debate is a method that some 'thinkers' use to bash progressiveness. I see it as stupid, shortsighted, and merely a reason to complain about the state of humanity while deflecting self-responsibility, not the converse that is ostensibly the raison d'etre. If society frets about 'oh, my god' how evil that relativism is, then a little relative study is in order. At least we don't throw Christians to the lions in these postmodern days.
  15. Well we have all been stoned. At least I presume, I guess some have always been straight arrows. No pot, no booze, no women, ... no nuttin'
  16. God is so white, he be transparent...
  17. Well parsed, but I hope you're wrong. I prefer PM emerge as something else...like 'PE'
  18. yeah, I agree wholeheartedly...
  19. My daughter started college with a scholarship offer from Savannah College of Art & Design, she wanted to wait for her first two years were over before she took advantage of the scholarship. She became somewhat disheartened about the way things were moving for her so she switched to a junior college that offered certifications in emergency health services. In about two years now she is full-blown Paramedic Captain and still has time to devote earning an undergraduate degree in health sciences at the University of Texas. And the money she makes is very good. Equivalent to an IT degree. As I encouraged her a few years ago. Don't be afraid to make a change!
  20. Managing is a higher-level position though. Are you going through the normal channels? Such as common and not so common online jobsites