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About Moutushi

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  2. Of course, I'm still a strong advocate of minimizing corruption as much humanly possible, while still not denying how serious and deep that issue goes
  3. The funny thing about corrupt people (which we all are to some overt or subtle degree) getting rid of corruption, is like a rabbit trying to dig itself out of the hole that it's actively digging itself into
  4. True, the thing is Leo, I understand to some degree your predicament (from your advanced and unique position) on how to best speak and give advice to the masses of young followers here on this forum, who are struggling to meet basic needs like getting their own place to live in, let alone start their own full-fledged business and be financially independent through it.
  5. @Leo Gura Would love to hear your opinion on this, I notice that many youngsters here on this channel (which form the majority of followers in my opinion) are likely way far off from having the skills/stamina/maturity, etc to start their own businesses, and have the financial and creative independence that you have. In that case, the options left on the table, are for them to work a lame 9-5 job, earning minimum wage, or go to college, and learn some technical skills, or earn a bachelor's degree in something that can earn them an average or above average yearly salary, depending on how ambitious they are in developing their skills in that field. Or, if they really are ambitious, they can go college and study medicine/law and earn an above average 6-figure salary the path that I chose to took when I was 18 y/o.
  6. @Leo Gura A relatively nuanced perspective from an Arab Israeli which I feel adds an important flavor to this debate.
  7. I can certainly see your sharp intellect helping in that regard, as a sharp sword sorting out through the weeds in search of the people that are compatible and vibe well with the authenticity that you are putting out there.
  8. @Buck Edwards A confident woman merely unmasks an insecure man's insecurities. I agree, fuck that, it's not easy being a woman in a world often dominated by many insecure men who have those expectations from women.
  9. This post I made was not so much about Emerald, women don't have to prove themselves to anyone. I was mainly hinting at how many insecure men I've seen get put down by women displaying confidence, intellectual prowess etc *That insecurity is the man's shit to deal with and work on, it's not a women's role to make him feel secure.
  10. @Emerald interestingly enough, and I'm sure you likely already know this, but after reading the quality of a number of your posts, you come off as super duper intellectual, which many women are not from my personal experience with them. Insecure men often get turned off by that high quality of intellect in women, as it makes them feel insecure about themselves. You're enchanting to the select few men who find that quality in women enchanting (I happen to be one of them), as getting a taste of that intellect in the words you use arouses them, rather than make them feel put down.
  11. Correction: Trump has made and continues to make himself look bad by doing much much more than just that
  12. @Leo Gura Lex actually tried to get Trump to speak about Ayahuasca and Psilocybin at minute 26, but the way Trump diverted from it, shows how far he is from that level of self-honesty, and confronting his self-biases and deception etc, the polar opposite of the way he went about it in that clip I shared on 08/25 .
  13. I'm not a New Ager, this discussion's got me feeling like I'm about to join an ecstatic dance party in loose patterned pants, while introducing myself as Bodhi Lightyear, as I sip Kombucha in a cup labeled with a picture of earth lol