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Everything posted by key

  1. For me? I stare at things and contemplate, I also stare at things & practice being mindful, I also stare at things and wonder what the hell I'm doing with my time.
  2. @Orange From a second ago to 2000 years ago, what happened is in the past, finished, done, nonexistent. Yes there is evil happening in the present moment, but unless you are directly experiencing it with your senses right now it is but a shadow of what was, a video, retelling, an image, past. I assume that what you wish for is to prevent evil from happening in the first place, but as you know but may not truly feel you can't be everywhere in the world at once. So to accept is to know you can't change what's presently happening out of your direct experience, what evil you know of had already happened, and what you can prevent is how you impact those around you, to hope they take positivity onwards in their way of life.
  3. @Raquel I understand how our biology is but an act of the universe, but you believe the universe's purpose is expansion?
  4. A reality hit? Imagine all the evil that has ever happened in the world is every grain of sand on every beach in existence, what you know of would be a single grain. That goes for all the good out there too. You're deluding youself because your perspective is so narrowed, in turn creating the life you think is filled with nothing but the crimes of humanity and your inability to stop something that's already happened, and doesn't even exist anymore. Be the change you want to see in the world. Expand your perspective, look within, open your awareness, indulge in the passions you love, find the good, know the bad, accept the moment & start from within. I wish you the best.
  5. Yes, absolutely. @Raquel Where did you learn this from?
  6. What is 'great' ?
  7. This caught my attention. I consider my human identity, me , invested in self actualization, ego development, transcendence, whatever you wish to label it, yet in the 4 short months I've delved into such profound topics, I've formally meditated (set aside time during the day to sit quietly, comfortably, & implement a technique) approximately 4 times. 2x Strong Determination sits coupled with Do Nothing. (My mind is also slightly interested, not consumed, that each time I set a timer and decided to come out when ready, both times it was exactly 1:44h ) 2x 15 minutes mindfulness sits. I must admit countless times throughout the day my attention will always land on the phenomenon within my present awareness, I've done the usual rounds of watching countless videos, reading countless books, doing serious contemplation and heeding the words of other men. But watching & analysing direct experience daily, what I'd call informal meditation, have brought me to be what I would consider a major step forward in my development, yet am I missing out on more? I follow my intuition, and natural growth occurs, I am not displeased or upset, yet there is a very present emotion of craving growth, most of that passion is fuelled by my ego & it's desires, still I humorously watch the back and forth It plays. The nature of my question, can I attain more insight with formal meditation? Yes I'm very aware of the known benefits it seems to offer, can you share first hand experience? Also what is the meditation technique you've gained most from? Why? Is this something I'm seriously missing out on. I'll never know firsthand until I try, but I lack the required motivation, so here I am. Little extra question, I do not consider formal meditation a prerequisite for self actualization, do you? With warm loving regards K
  8. You are a fish in a shoal, seeing nothing but water, to see beyond is to look forward, but can such a fish master its own sight.. You my friend deserve nothing but unconditional love. Sincerely K
  9. From what I gather, you wish to stop drawing because you find it won't have a powerful impact on your life purpose. That is absolutely ridiculous thinking, you think life is so short you need to ignore your desires? You indulge in ridiculous ones everyday without your awareness. We all do. Sure, you can want control and a certain way of life but actually ignoring ones passions because it doesn't seem to 'fit' into your purpose? I seem to remember you once stating that further down you seek to live in seclusion until you're enlightened, if you still follow such path you will find nothing but love and acceptance to how life is, you will find that there is no need to give up anything, and if you do it will be organic, a natural letting go, not forced reasons and ignored passions. Follow your gut, feelings, intuition. Not the little voice in the back of your head that seems to torment more than feel right. much love
  10. I in no way wish to diminish the meaning of your post, I also do not know the situation well. But noticed something, so a little self reflecting can never hurt, and fucking right on for getting passionate and creative, I see nothing but positivity. Yet. Warm Regards
  11. @ChimpBrain So many theories I would have the count them all on my fingers and toes, then some! @Extreme Z7 This video is either leading you on a journey attempting to connect all the dots of the world to one big conclusion that can potentially aid in your journey, or its just leading you down more rabbit holes. I write this because we are neither knowledgable or naive, yet all wading through bullshit at every step and corner. Much love
  12. @charlie2dogs I do not know. I could entertain you with guesses, but they lack conviction on my end. Or One is self-realized, one is not.
  13. @Extreme Z7 Hi there I reached 20 minutes into the video and stopped. Why? Personally way too much chit chat about nothing relevant, speckles of truth here and there. But honestly going off 20 minutes, most if not all of it is completely unrelated to enlightenment. Respectfully K
  14. Ah some really great replies! It's a hard one to flip though, people's words can hurt. I highly recommend taking action on ones self internally as that's where your self-esteem issues originate, but... If you wish to take external action, indifference is a mood killer for any bully, no matter how covert they are being, if you show how unfazed you are you've taken their one source of fuel. People who degrade others show nothing but how pitiful their own lives are, and to garner reactions of their victims give them a sense of fulfilment. The power is all in your hands. Regards K
  15. @Abhijeeth You most likely won't receive what you're looking for. This forum is his own creation, share your doubts to the community, you may be surprised by the answers you can receive.
  16. @charlie2dogs Can the teaching of spirituality and higher consciousness be an art form? We are always labelling yes, so @Huz88 you & every human are free to assign any meaning to any label.
  17. @Guivs Hi there I would absolutely love if you could direct link or share access to the video! Thank you! p.s comments reflect the commenter, not the worth of your contribution. Much love
  18. Warm water with fresh lemon is a beautiful way to start the day
  19. As it's been pointed out, quality over quantity. Intuitively if you start implementing the practice (of minimalism) you'll find you're expending energy on things, small & large, that aren't necessary to your health, happiness and overall wellbeing. For what it's worth I could pack a single backpack, jump in my car and have everything I own, plus room & just go. The quality of my life is more fulfilling now with less, than it ever was with more. Leo's basically asking you to be more aware of the activities you participate in, taking deliberate action in each to sort the junk from the gold, saves a lot of time wasting if you're serious about self development! Also, you can wake up in a better mental & physical space tomorrow than the day before, everyday. I'd say Leo's trying to manipulate you & everyone else with a time barrier on your development, helping people commit for the long rung. It's not very important, so don't heed yourself to the words of others! Good luck
  20. @bernieboy20 Hi there, @Saarah made some great points about starting to earn an income early, it'll help you become more independent quicker absolutely. With your relationship at home making you feel inhibited, oh boy it's a tough one to flip on its head. Try and look at it from another perspective, you've got a warm bed, hot food & a roof over your head. Then another, you don't spend multitudes of energy on maintaining your own lifestyle & income out of home, which can distract you from other endeavours you might be interested in. Then another & another and if you keep looking you'll find that it's entirely your own problem, created by you, fed and maintained by you, running your emotions, feelings, thinking, behaviour & actions. I'd say to start with your relationship to your parents, then your environment and work towards having a healthier perspective. Also radically accepting your current situation, where you are in the present moment, seeing where you are now while working towards what you wish for in the future. Also, if you need help seeing from other perspectives, try a third person point of view, then objective. Try relate other lifestyles to your own & if you're anywhere 1st world you'll see we're pretty bloody comfortable, considerably.
  21. @Andre Eye masks, anywhere from your local department store, multiple online stores (Just google eye masks) all the way up to Peter Alexander outlets!
  22. I recommend doing what makes you comfortable, if that's buying cushions, a blanket, sitting on a rock or building the most perfect meditation seat from scratch, then go for it! Where you plonk your body to meditate isn't inherently important, so why not go for the more comfortable route if that's what you want? As @Saarah & @Corte pointed out, wether your eyes are open or closed, focused or glazed, does not matter. Again. It's about what makes you comfortable. If you want them closed and continue having trouble try a eye mask, blocks out the light, helps with the pressure to keep them shut & if fluffy or soft material it's so comfy! (Yes, I speak from experience ) Best of wishes
  23. Personally at a different point, but your vibe is awesome good luck x
  24. Sharing your success if you wish can be a positive endeavour, absolutely. You said: I know I can take full control of my life. Great! Now think about why you're sharing that success? Because you wish to make somebody benifit from your success in a healthy way? Because it makes you feel good to get appreciation of your success you've worked for? Because you do so out of love of life and sharing happiness of your own? I see no resistance in sharing if done so with awareness, with the best of intentions involved! Best wishes
  25. @Heart of Space @ChimpBrain @Zephyr Hey there If you're interested in hearing a perspective.. For what it's worth, a bitter pill you'll have to swallow eventually (Leos favourite phrase?) Self development, self actualisation, enlightenment, there's never going to be an end, a final step, a great 'blissful perfectness of all encompassing finality to my growth and potential' quite literally you will be improving upon yourself from the present moment till the day your body dies, consciously or unconsciously, aware or not. If you think for a moment about the scope of potential for all individuals, it's quite monumental, there's an endless array of pickings to improve yourself upon if you wish to do so. Enlightenment is a perspective on life, a way of relating to your experience differently, accepting it, not changing it. Self-development is endless in its scope, so tread wisely. all the best