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Everything posted by key

  1. A noticing can happen spontaneously, from identity a thought "I" comes "am aware of these moments" that is to be your recognition, an: To be short ego is awareness, so no matter how deliberate your practice towards a noticed span of observation may be, you have never not once been fully aware, so maybe you seek a recognition of that, because to know it intellectually doesn't bring you closer to it experientially Try to distinguish your concept of awareness, so for example to be observant of your experience is to be observant. Observation is itself the appearance of observing, that is awareness, to be distracted is to be distracted, that is awareness, to be still is to be still, that is awareness, to be confused is to be confused, that is awareness, to recognise is to recognise, that is awareness..
  2. Well first, what do you consider a "uninterrupted stream of awareness" to be?
  3. "Pure" consciousness is always, the ordinary and extraordinary, which you might define as buttering your bread, tying your shoelaces, reading this post, having an experience of sustained bliss or meditation high, reading a book or jumping into a pool, anything that happens to you or anyone else is perfect for the fact it's appeared First what is enlightenment? The realisation of your nature, which some claim as everything, or Consciousness, God, Infinity, whatever symbol you wish to label it, although the moment we attempt to label it we reduce it, for words are bound in the apperance of themselves, so I honestly don't know what my nature or anybody else's is, for I see "nature" as another symbol, Yet how can our claim we present to reality as eternal, whole, perfect & infinite, also be claimed as having levels or a hierarchy to it? High awareness vs low awareness, duality vs non-duality, Higher self vs Lower self, aware vs unaware, blind vs seen, we reference these terms in relation to ourselves, but if the very nature of our identity is an illusion, or a misconception, anything we term in realition to ourselves also falls under the category of illusion or misconception, for again, language and thoughts are bound in the appearance of themselves, while at the same time "bound" is yet another word, Yet the apperance of all, including all thoughts, all experiences, ect.. is nothing but the appearance of itself. I don't really know, confused myself writing this honestly, so it's just a thought
  4. @WaveInTheOcean You, with all due respect, are an idiot. Of course you're perfect as you are and there's no need to change anything, but you're not just an idiot, you're a deluded contradicting idiot (it might sound like I'm "attacking" you right now but honestly I have little distinction between you and me, my words are a projection, my belief in what I say lacking, so take what I write with a grain of salt, but it's more for the benifit of translating my understanding to words then examining what exactly I think I'm saying to garner insight ) Now I don't have the energy to quote all your words or share my perspective on your stupidity, but you ask Motus to question his ideas of how reality works, insisting open minded inquiry and realising ones own delusions, because frankly you don't understand a single word of what he's saying, or maybe you understand so much you're refusing to acknowledge it as a kind of self defence against your own views, who knows, but all you've done is project your own deluded way of looking at things onto him, which of course is fine, it's one way to reflect, but my advice to you is to take your own advice Better yet ask yourself who you are without intellectualising an answer, for you seem to talk a lot about that which you don't understand, we all do it, I'm no exception, but atleast I can recognise (to some extent) what I'm doing while doing it. @Motus Your presence here on this forum is welcomed with open arms from my perspective, as your words share many insight Though I have to disagree with that statement, not because I believe there are many who will grasp what you say but because the belief that most cannot grasp what you say, seems foolishly naive.
  5. Thought I might add but I realise just saying that everything is a belief is not really going to help anybody, you could tell a homeless person on the street the situation of their life is just a belief, a construct of ego, and that they're not really experiencing this but are God, infinity itself while deluding themselves into suffering because they believe the ego is them, but what is that going to change? Do not think because you are ego that you are suffering and for you to be happy at all you need to destroy ego, truth isn't about the destruction of your life or beliefs or a withering away of your sense of self to find bliss in infinity, it's the simple recognition of what is true, and that includes everything in existence, you are complete because you are here, as you are right now, and only you think you need to improve or change or "realise the truth of reality to dissolve into eternal awareness and live a no-self life full of clarity" but regardless we will continue to strive for something else because that is the nature of identity, and that too is okay @Leo Gura Just want to say you must have one hell of a mind to stay in such delusion while mainting your business, props to you my friend.
  6. Duality is a belief Seperation is a belief There is no subject for subject is a belief There is no object for object is a belief Unconciousness is a belief all of that ^ it's a belief Questioning every part of your experience, mainly your thoughts, is the "quickest" way to realise these things
  7. In your case killing the mosquito would be "closer" to the truth than letting it be, why? Because your first spontaneous instinct was to kill it, regardless of wether it's ego driven or not, the fact you questioned that impulse, mulled it over and decided it goes against what you "should" be doing in that moment is more ego driven than your first thought. Truth includes all ego driven impulses, negative thoughts, death & cruelty that's out there, don't mistake it for all flowers and sunshine
  8. Be more willing to let go of your beliefs and assumptions. Who knows, I could be the dense one here not willing to let go of my beliefs about how this all works, but well, that's where the real fun with all this stuff is! Thank you for your insight, I hope others will benefit something out of our discussion, for I see neither of us will get through to each other at this moment! Take care my friend.
  9. And that is great for the millions of people who meditate to connect the body & mind to see more clearly the stark reality of what they face daily, it is a journey many venture on, including myself, and with such the improvement of many individuals physically and mentally, massive perspective shifts can occur, it is the very foundation upon which this site is built and operates! But there is one huge flaw with such a system, it is that the person you think exists, with thoughts, feelings, desires, wants, needs, connections, memories & experiences isn't anywhere to be found, we are, in a sense, lifeless, empty, acting on a will that was never ours, but don't be mistaken, the identity is true for the very act that it has appeared, but the fact that we believe in it is where the confusion and delusion being "spiritual advancement" is not seeing through delusions or false preconceptions, it is not to gain higher coinciousness or improve the person, it is not advancement for there is nobody there to advance, change, mould or grow, spiritual advancement is in a sense an unraveling of truth, to experiencing the emergence of reality for how it is, how it appears, that's all. We claim that consciousness is Whole, God, all being, eternal, everything and anything, infinite, but if that is so, how can that which is whole ever have levels to it, low consciousness, high consciousness, awareness, witnessing awareness, creator, creation, dual, nondual, self, Self, and on and on, all these terms we relate to ourselves and our potential, when if you look and really see the unseen which has always been seen, you find no person, no body, no mind, no identity, you see that and the most ridiculous thing? nothing changes, you as you think you are still exists as you always has, ego is still there, thoughts are still there, absolutely nothing changes because it's always been the same, there's never been anything that needs to change for consciousness is whole! though identification can stop, it may not as well, it doesn't matter, people call these "glimpses" or "full enlightenment" a dropping away of identity. Open your mind, question everything you experience, you may not like this but don't trust in yourself, especially don't trust the reasons you give for experiences, the excuses you have for anything, or the conclusions you make about everything! Question the experiences and the thoughts you hold dear and clutch like a child, question question question, you need to shock yourself into the realisation of what's always been. Though, paradoxically, trust in your experience at the very same time because you've always been you, consciousness, full there and fully aware. ---- Now this is a contradiction, for I don't believe in many of the things I just said, for I'm making assumptions and holding beliefs about how this all works, and I do not speak from a pedestal or claim superior knowledge, yet I cannot communicate with you unless I delve into delusion somewhat, but I reach out to you because I appreciate somebody reaching out to anybody, and someone needs to tell you while you're perfect as you are my friend, you are completely deluded and dense as a brick. But now we've gone wayyyyy off topic here so if you wish to reach out to me in a different format I'll be happy to have a chat, I'm not very certain of many things and you'll probably brush me off (my own projection) but my perspective may or may not interest you, whatever you wish Warmly, Key
  10. That very statement is a belief, and if you think like that no wonder you still believe in yourself, I mean no offence, but it never hurts to ask the questions rather than answer them, best wishes.
  11. I don't think what you said or are doing is inappropriate, to help another and take time to do so is a wonderful trait anybody could have. But what I see from you (which mind you is just a projection I'm making) is somebody who's carrying around years of picked up beliefs, thinking it will further your spiritual advances and help you see the truth of reality for how you think it should be. Am I saying there's anything wrong with that? No, absolutely not, I'd say your doing what you think is right, but projecting your own beliefs onto somebody in a manner where it seems that's the only course to ever live a better life or be a better person seems misleading, but what do I know.
  12. It's not meant to be pleasent for you, to think otherwise is a delusion, but neither is it meant to be terffifying, again more delusions, to exist as you until the physical passes, another delusion, is it bad to want to forget? Absolutely not, in fact the very act of you wanting to forget it perfect and enlightenment within itself, for what is enlightenment but a concept to see our other concepts for what they are, then you could say even the idea of concepts is a delusion, then we ask what do we mean by delusional? But you ask these things and end up making no more sense than a monkey taking a shit, My advice? Do whatever you find is right, for the very act of anything is perfect, and if you end up unhappy with your choices and search for happiness elsewhere, you may just end up right where you began.
  13. Anything that happens can be used to further ripen your awareness, so yes, this is a blessing, in disguise, not really, I'd say more an opportunity right in your face, less distractions to pursue the path? You're always distracted by things, that's why you exist. Also @Prabhaker doesn't know anything he's talking about, it's just a whole lot of words you may or may not like, that's not to say it's wrong or bad, good or useful, he just doesn't know anything he preaches, same goes for me, but you might like it in a different way, or you might not, doesn't matter, my preach? take everything in life as a blessing, see the difference in all things, learn and grow, if you want, but don't expect anything to push you further as well, nothing is guaranteed, yet everything is possible.
  14. Ego is a name we call the thought that claims sentience, control and identity. Ego = I am Jeffery, that is my name, I have a body with which I control, I walk, talk, touch and see everything around me, I live in this objective world that is seperate from me, better yet there's a whole universe around us! all experiences that happen to me really happened, I have memories, thoughts, facts, pictures, videos and people to prove it all, I am real, how could you say otherwise, this is the most obvious thing, are you an idiot? look at me, I'm right here, looking at you with these eyes, using sound to speak with my mouth, were sitting across from each other on the ground for gods sake! Look at the sky above us and the grass below, I think of moving my hand through the grass and my hand obeys, I'm in control, I'm right here, I am real. Now what is the Truth of that, is there really a person sitting in the grass? maybe, or is it thoughts appearing within experience claiming to be sitting there, controlling the body with which "it" inhabits, better yet what do we define illusion as? It's a misinterpretation of an event, so the thoughts that appear are real as they appear, but they misrepresent the experience because it claims to be more than a thought, thought claims the body, the experience, control & indivduality, but they're nothing but empty claims. ^ sorry if that's a mess to read had to make it quick, hope it clears anything up
  15. Why seek pleaser why seek love why seek happiness why seek beauty why seek connection why seek anything? Life will continue with or without ego, the very idea that ego is wrong, incomplete or lacking is just that, an idea. So why not live?
  16. Dropping the idea that enlightenment is achievable. Enlightenment is a concept You are a concept What do they have in common? They're thoughts. The only important thing is this moment, "enlightenment" is when "you're" aware of that.
  17. Is there any point in meditating for 30 mins a day? Nope, not really. Maybe because there is no life. Gets spoken about a lot, but really, you're constantly comparing thoughts which have no relation to each other and hoping for something radically different, sound familiar? Maybe something an ego would do? Why not live life? Because you're so unhappy? Because you want to self actualize? Self realise? Be Content? Am I listing real obtainable goals or just more thoughts? Meditation is a concept, that concept helps us* notice what's going on in the moment, don't trap yourself in thinking you must sit still, quitely, while implementing a technique, because "meditation" can be done anywhere at any time. It's okay to believe in thoughts, but maybe those very beliefs are the actual problem you think you have, not what you think it's pointing to... * you are ego, I am ego, life is ego, death is ego, culture is ego, society is ego, ego is thought. Nothing need be done, it's only you who says so.
  18. Honestly? Got into personal development & once I found out about enlightenment it practically shone with the light of a golden egg , waiting for me to claim it and become the perfect apex version of myself. Boy was I in for surprise after surprise.
  19. As McKenna states Truman was just someone who detected a loose thread within his reality, and began tugging on it. For me personally the desire is one of disillusion, I've always been confronted with questioning what I know, all throughout my life things never seem real. So I seek Truth, to find what's real, and that within itself is a journey worth taking, for that is what brings me (ego) happiness.
  20. Here's another topic that explores the subject of love
  21. Hi Sam, I dont have anything substantial to offer your lost soul on this path, but nevertheless I felt the urge to respond. Treat and be treated with acceptance, express freely, for what I have to offer you is this, to be accepted for who you are now, without quarrel, judgment or pain, but to know all is okay however it may be, to know people can read your post and have nothing to give but the knowing of people out there who care, people who wish a good outcome for you on your path, the knowing that you are surrounded by love you might never see, for it is there, hidden in plain sight, even though it might just be pixels on a screen Take care my friend
  22. With all due respect, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard you say yet. @Jhonny a: conditioning
  23. Enlightenment, the realisation of yourself. No self, non duality, One, God, Being, Awareness, Consciousness All words to describe the indescribable, now everything that we deem describable is within experience, not the One we seek. What if there's no such thing as a brain? How can you increase something which is never limited, always whole?