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Everything posted by BootsAndBear

  1. Back Story I have been chelating heavy metals with the andy cutler protocol for over a year. I got really sick in early 2020 with covid and the next year was in a wheelchair. Bam. My mitochondrial tests from 2020 were the worst the doctors had ever seen. Various mito-targeted supplements did nothing. I cleared my body of extensive mycotoxins (genetic problems kept them stuck but binders eventually led to a clean report from Great Plains), then still didn’t feel better, then got tested for heavy metals and had lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, etc, all very high. I started with DMSA, then worked up to DMPS because we realized I was also extremely copper toxic, my eye color had even changed and went back to blue after a few months on DMPS. Now I am chelating with ALA as well but still very ill. I share this because I was always sicker than I should have been, but viruses (like covid and cmv, ebv) really knocked me down hard. Enter methylene blue, a strange and fascinating substance. It can clear viruses. It got me out of bed again in June after three years of being bedridden. I had an unbearable herx for the first month or two, but now take 24mg a day and am doing great on it. I stopped chelating for about three months to try to give my body less to work on at once, the herx was extreme but I think now that is a good thing! Something needed clearing out, maybe those gunky old viruses. Here is my question: Does methylene blue chelate heavy metals out of the body? I shop carefully to get methylene blue that has been well tested for heavy metals. I see all kinds of studies on methylene blue getting heavy metals out of unclean water. But have I stayed sick even though I have improved some, because maybe I never actually stopped chelating if I took methylene blue the whole time? If methylene blue binds to metals, which it seems to in studies about fish tanks and water treatment, how do I know if it is a good or bad chelator for the body? Redistribution is my main concern. I have spent all summer trying to find this answer on my own, but do not have the chemistry or biology chops to grasp what I managed to find. Can anyone weigh in? Have I been chelating all summer on methylene blue even though I stopped taking DMPS and ALA for awhile? Do I need to be extra careful chelating with the andy cutler protocol while taking methylene blue? I do not want to quit the blue because it helps my mitochondria so much, but I need to chelate or I will never get better. Thanks to any who can contribute!