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About mrroboto

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  1. things are universally known and labeled due to a circumstance, occurrence/happening. and out of that phenomenon a label is placed upon it that which becomes universally known and understood. the mind as we already know exists in consciousness, we exist in consciousness.... but how do things we create exist within the within.... luck for example.... thats a title placed on something because something happened ..... now people percieve it and come to beleive it ... ultimately the label which we "create" comes to be believed. some people believe in luck/ good luck etc.... so i guess what I'm asking is ... since consciousness is all... does consciousness manipulate these titles and make them seem real... can we believe in luck and it be actually so? thanks much
  2. @Hojo "This adds a whole new infinite layer to reality. As all animals have different headsets and they see reality completely differently they have their own mini games and things to do and experience not like the human experience at all. Not only that but humans individually see the universe completely differently but they all follow a law that God created for the limitations of being human because without the limitations of being human God couldnt be human." We see AND Experience the universe complety differently and follow a law that God creates for this finite self. so everything that we perceive to be rules for example gravity, etc.. are real world rules that humans understand and adhere to as part of living as a human.
  3. essentially my brain is interpreting the shape of an orange and labeling the orange and orange.... yet the brain, body and everything else is just light (consciousness) playing out in real time.... the screen is constant the images not... if that makes sense?
  4. whoa! that's a lot to unpack! so In other words this simulation ..... exists as a simulation with infinite uploaded information. it's unraveling in the present moment knowing itself as the present. now to the orange example "If a computer game character see the colour orange it exists just not in their experience and not as orange. It exists as information saved on a hard drive in no time and no space. If a game character see a orange its not seeing the orange for what it is it is seeing a created icon of an orange that exists somewhere as a code. The orange is just a simplified stamp to signify information that dosent exist anywhere inside the time and space of the game but in a hidden realm being rendered behind the scenes." So the orange is just there in the periphery but not as an actual orange its something thats included within the realm behind the scenes so to speak. WE label it as an orange to simplify it.
  5. Everything is happening in the present moment.... thoughts are popping in and out of my head all of which happening in pure consciousness. as far as things/ideas/etc.... let's take for example; money that's an idea that is occurring within Consciousness and we all know what it is. Consciousness is happening within Consciousness.
  6. Within Consciousness. need further insight into all that occurs within Consciousness. we are God .... Consciousness created ourselves to come to know ourselves. Despite creating ourselves in this finite form that we dwell in.... it's still a creation within ourselves/consciousness/God.... since all things exist and happen within Consciousness.... im trying to understand how things happen within Consciousness. for example... here are things that exist within Consciousness: - us -.brain/mind - Life - trees - planet earth - matter - manifestation - mind - luck - other people - human beings - animals - day - night - cars - colors etc....... Since these things exist within Consciousness and they're happening within Consciousness....let's say for example the color orange, we know that an orange is the color orange and it's universal... I am God observing the color orange. my neighbor is shown the and immediately knows IT is the color orange. since the color orange appears within Consciousness it makes the color orange true. the experience is true. as God experiencing myself typing this message, on my phone, for this post on means that it is occurring within Consciousness making it true for me. so on and so forth.... im not too sure if this makes sense I'm hoping it does and am open to all the info as possible. many thanks
  7. I Re-watched Leo's Phenomenal explanation one the structure of reality. One that really answers a lot of questions I had. Ultimately As God forgetting WE ARE GOD, becoming this fragmented piece of consciousness within the construct of finite form... Trying to figure out and come back to the Godhead unbridled source of consciousness that is TRUE LOVE. as a finite experience with all desires, needs, wants, vices, good, bad, etc..... God forgets itself... only trying to find itself and re awaken itself as God ultimately to go back to its Pure consciousness and infinite love. to get to this stage is to shed everything all attachment of the self. it requires great work indeed and willingness. WOW.!. Leo is truly remarkable.
  8. Joe Dispenza is sort of a modern Neville Goddard if you will. An excellent and effective communicator.
  9. We are all of it.... We are God living the experience of the finite self.
  10. To preface what I'm about to write. I have taken a deep dive over the course of about 1 ½ years reading, watching, interacting with the study of; Lifes greatest questions, who am I? what am I? where am I? what is my purpose *if any at all* what am I in control of? is there more to life? on and on and on....... and I've obviously stumbled upon Leo's video on What is God.... and it made sense ... it fundamentally answered a ton of questions for me. I felt that I had to go deeper and i discovered; Peter Ralston & Robert Adams... Both of which fell into the same category of explanation one was more directly related to Leo's teachings and the other leaned toward more or less spirituality to explain the same questions however with some contradictions to which I'll list shortly. Furthermore, I wanted to learn about my time here on earth, and I wanted to know why I simply: wanted/yearned/desired and if there was MORE to life than just what I have been seeing day in and out.. and this took me on a journey where I was introduced to the Great mystics such as: Neville Goddard, Joe Dispenza etc..... I'm trying to understand if in actuality; our beingness our ISness, the fact that we ARE God/source of it all has any contradiction to the teachings of certain mystics or ideas.... because I did see some contradiction with one aspect Robert Adams teachings on: Peordination... that life is preordained That goes into direct contradiction to who we are as GOD. we are the whole thing in finite form. The teachings from mystics such as Neville Goddard reflect that: we are God. Consciousness above all else creates the circumstances we observe here and now. where im lost is... is it contradictory, or wrong... or just nonsense to look at these teachings as simply being incongruent to the entire framework that is what we already ARE. OR are these teachings supplemental to the knowledge shared by Leo, Ralston etc...... Furthermore We are not here to merge into the Oneness, lose our identity, kill our egos, kill our desires off or experience Non duality as so many of the New age gurus tell us too. This is all misleading and self hating. We are not here to bow to a merciful Man in the sky either and behave like a robotic automaton. We are CREATORS in our own right. We are here to experience Our Individual Divinity. We are born here to know and experience I AM GOD! Our own Imagination and Inner speech being our divine tools of creation. it could be taken as I came to Eath to live as a material being and I'm going to enjoy doing so. If I just wanted to meditate indefinitely I would have never chosen to become flesh and blood. Thank you much
  11. what is meant by "thoughts?" was what are your thoughts on the topic of infinite including finite?"
  12. As the absolute infinite consciousness that we are part of and ARE.... being 'ISNESS" .... as this unlimited consciousness being... we also created and built in the finite experience, to experience a finite self which is part of the infinite experience. therefore THE ESSENCE of being infinite it must include finite things (the finite experience)...otherwise it wouldn’t be infinite. we have an untapped core of infinite possibilities within our finite self (unmanifested) in the 3D realm that come from our very own self. we are every experience, every possibility, every outcome, everything everywhere all at once in the here and now. ...... pushed out into the very 3D WORLD we view as "reality " Hopefully I articulated it well enough. thoughts?