Evan Gill

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About Evan Gill

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  1. Me. I absolutely love it. I couldn’t imagine living with people ever again.
  2. sleeping with a beautiful woman
  3. leaving one more here - “There’s something within you that knows what to do. There is a power greater than you that knows how to take care of you without your help. All you’ve got to do is to surrender to it. Surrender your thoughts, your mind, your ego, to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine.”
  4. “There’s something within you that knows what to do. There is a power greater than you that knows how to take care of you without your help. All you’ve got to do is to surrender to it. Surrender your thoughts, your mind, your ego, to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine.” ~Robert Adams
  5. 6/25/24 I used to be very depressed and nihilistic, but I have dedicated the last 5 years to finding some kind of meaning and purpose in life. I want to list out some of my discoveries during this time. I can probably list about 100 things, but here are some I just thought of that I would like to share. Some of these may be obvious and a bit cliché. Perhaps even consistently repeated, but that’s because they work. They may not necessarily work for everyone, but it's definitely a good start if you're struggling. 1) Adopt a minimal, simple lifestyle ~ Let go of your desire to impress others and own expensive, lavish things. This doesn’t mean you should be poor or avoid building wealth for yourself. You can still live a comfortable, nice lifestyle. In fact, having a home you feel safe and comfortable in is very important. But the excessive desire for more than we need is creating much of our misery. 2) Drop the victim mentality ~ We have all been through terrible situations in life, some much worse than others. I am not undermining the fact that we were victims in those instances. But we must be careful not to carry this with us for the rest of our life, because it will hold us back. Once you heal from the pain caused by your trauma and begin to let go of the past, you will see what I mean. You can’t control the things that happen to you, but you can control how you react to them. Take full responsibility for the trajectory of your life. This will be more difficult for some, depending on what you have been through. 3) Be grateful ~ If the health and safety of yourself or your family isn’t being threatened, you probably have a lot to appreciate. It’s the nature of the mind to constantly want things to be different. Whenever you feel like you’re lacking in some area of life, be grateful for what you do have. Even if it's just the fact that you were given a chance to have this human experience. Even if its just for this moment. 4) Stop running from emotions ~ Stuck emotions are holding you back and you need to allow them to surface. Don’t ignore them or try to escape them. They play a very big role in your growth. Learn to relax and feel, no matter how scary or painful it may be. 5) Suffering is necessary ~ Without dark, we wouldn’t appreciate light. Learn to approach your suffering with love and acceptance, not resistance. Pain and suffering will always pass when you let it. 6) Meditate daily ~ Adopt a regular meditation routine and make it a priority. Your thoughts and emotions are the largest source of your suffering. The stories in your mind are what keep you depressed and miserable. Meditation is about anchoring yourself to reality. You must train your mind to stop thinking so much and to anchor it in the now. 7) Learn to be alone ~ Spend time alone and learn to enjoy it. Use this time to embark on creative, meaningful endeavors. Have a few good people in your life that you can grow with and rely on. Move on from the people who are just distracting you and holding you back. 8) Be patient with yourself ~ Be patient with anything you do. Anything worth it in life, will take time. All the things I mentioned here will take months and years to truly understand and apply to your life. You won’t see a difference right away. At some point, you will look back and realize how much your life has improved.
  6. Yes of course. He keeps things very simple and practical, which I like. "Nothing is wrong. Everything is right just the way it is. Do not try to understand this or figure it out. Leave it alone. It will happen by itself, by keeping yourself quiet and still. You quiet the mind because of realization. Let it be calm. In all situations be calm. Let it be still and quiet. The world doesn’t need any help from you. Aren’t you the world, aren’t you the Creator? You created the world the way it is. It came out of you, of your mind. The world that you are in, is a creation of your own mind. When the mind becomes still, the world begins to disappear. And you’re in divine harmony and joy. Therefore, happiness comes to you when you stop thinking, when you stop judging, when you stop being afraid. When you begin to contemplate what is happiness. All the answers are within you. Everything you’re looking for is within you, everything."
  7. I've had the Capital One HYSA for over a year now. It's really great. I have about 25k in there and get about $100 in Interest every month. It motivates you to want to keep putting your money into it.
  8. 6/25/24 I'm at about 6 days of Semen Retention and I'm trying to go for 60-90 days. I have done this in the past and I always feel phenomenal when I completely cut out sex for this time frame. The energy, ambition and spiritual connection is indescriable. This includes cutting out any kind of adult content along with self-pleasure. You also need to eliminate thinking about it. Sex really controls us so much and it's all ego. I have proven many times to myself in the past that sexual experiences do not fulfill me. In fact, most of the time, they drain me. Yet, the ego still chases them. This does not include sexual experiences with a girlfriend or someone you are genuinely interested in. Those are okay. Which is why I still allow myself to talk to women. I believe the SR practice mixed with a daily practice of Kriya Yoga is a good combination. Yoga and meditation are a great way to transmute the sexual energy. EG
  9. Yes, it only gets worse as you get older. The last time I had a solid group of friends was when I was away at University. There are a number of reasons why friendships dissolve after school. The main one being, you aren't forced to be around each other all of the time anymore. The other, as you mentioned, is just that people get full-time jobs, partners etc and the priorities change. Friendships just sort of naturally dissipate, unfortunately. Another reason is that people usually end up moving away from each other. No one really stays in the same place for too long. I'm 32 now and only have random individual friends all over the world. Fortunately, I'm pretty introverted and it doesn't bother me too much. I'm not sure I would even have much time to spend with friends since I'm pretty occupied with self-actualizing and other interests. I do wish I had more people to travel with though. It sounds like you are still young. My advice would be to invest time and energy into the friendships you still have and make an effort in getting together with those people (only if its a mutual effort, don't try to force something that is no longer there).
  10. 6/23/24 On Solipsism: Have been going back and forth about this whole solipsism thing. I watched Leo's video a handful of times it's very convincing. But then again, if he made a video saying "the world is made of pudding" people would probably believe it. I think he may just want Solipsism to be the truth. Of course if you do 100+ trips on 5-MEO you are going to believe crazy shit like you're the only mind that exists . That's literally what Psychedelics do. They change the way you think and perceive reality. I'm not ready for it personally. Ramana Maharishi saying "there are no others" is a good argument, but perhaps we are misunderstanding what he actually meant. This is my current stance: Why does it matter if other minds exist? My consciousness is the only thing I'll ever experience and that's it. Whether there are other minds or not is irrelevant. Solipsism can't be proven or falsified. So it's not that I don't believe it, I definitely am still open to it, and the thought of it being true definitely doesn't scare me at all. EG
  11. @BlessedLion I like part in the beginning where you said you can have an awakening just from reading a spiritual text. Have had this happen many times.
  12. what if you just end up jerking off every time you look at the pictures
  13. @Ishanga haha yes... it gets so repetitive. I do enjoy some discussion around spiritual topics, but as you said, we just go in circles on here.